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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Bet he now wishes he'd sold it to Mick Knobhead I mean the seller, not Mick
  2. He hasnt listed it as a Steinberger. Just listed as " unknown " despite it having a decal on it, which looks fake, so ...
  3. No need to worry about it now. They've refunded me Result
  4. Indeedy, i like both too. Wouldn't want one without the other
  5. Makes sense. I guess exotica is a specialist buy over the tried and tested lookalikes. The man is in business after all, so fair play
  6. Just had a look on their webby, and was underwhelmed at the models. Yet the discontinued models, Origin and Elevation look stunning. Why discontinue such fabulous looking basses, with a different look to the standard fare they now have.
  7. Also owned two 80's Overwaters in the past , both in the classic series. First was a single pup passive bass and then a deluxe twin pup active. The active bass had a dual filter preamp. Both mine had the Kent Armstrong pups with covers that were designed to look like Ebony, but aren't. The very early classics ( IIRC ) had Bill Lawrence pups. I cant speak for ther BL pups but the Kent pups in both mine were pretty awesome. The active twin pup bass had a lot more bark, perhaps due to the active pre. and filters though the tone on the passive single pup was equally nice. Doubt very much that you'd even find the 80's pups second hand though
  8. I know this, but the Basschat swear filter would all but eliminate my words, but Crock and Manure are involved What a fabulous first post
  9. The track Southern Man caused a real stir back in the day. If you dont know NY, youtube the lyrics. Harvest and After The Goldrush were, for me, the very best. Didnt get on with much else re. his other solo albums, though his time with Crosby Stills and Nash was magic on the the Deja Vu album
  10. Yeah i'm not sure where i stand in that respect. Surely there's a limit on how many times they get to sort it out before i get my money back The first instance was the electronics went faulty, they collected it and then sent it back in the flimsiest of packing, and lo and behold, it got bazookered by Parcel Farce. Back it went again and thats when it went quiet. There's no way i was going to accept the same combo back again after all that case damage. So how long does it take to send out another new one, if there's no repair to take into account ? Certainly not as long as it has been right now.
  11. I may have to do the same Lefty. MD is Richard Harfield and he's a director of more than just HW Audio PLC
  12. Thanks again all ...superb info Not that bothered about covering anything else other than getting my money back. Good to know that the SC fees can be included, though if they didnt, it wouldn't have bothered me. They might refund me before the 7 day dead line, or may try to post another combo out. I'm only accepting a refund. They've had their chance.
  13. Yup, the email was not nasty at all, i just laid out what happened, which of course they knew anyway. Thing is, i'm betting they'll send another combo ( a good one this time ) but i no longer want a replacement. I'm done with them. If they do send another, i bet my thin wallet contents they wont tell me its on its way. I'll know when it turns up, so i'll just refuse to accept it. I dont know where i stand legally with that
  14. Just waiting for a reply now, but as said above, i've given them 7 days for a refund, then its TS or SC
  15. Yep, basically Nicko, thats what i said in the email, which i guess is why a got a quick response. Pity they kept quiet for long, withou any updates since it was collected by them because of the damage done in transit. Seems to me they have money and are now dragging their feet. Not unheard of in this day and age . I did look at Small Cliams and if you do it online, its 25 quid for anything upto 300 quid. Strangely, i cant include the 25 quid fee when asking for my money back
  16. Bit of an update Dave, i found the MD and sent an email. He has responded quote ... "Sorry about that, I thought it had been done. Was it bought through the website or eBay? Regards Richard" I sent him the invoice number so he should know where i bought it. Thats all the commuinication i've had so far. I'll try TS before small claims
  17. Ok - found an email for Richard Harfield MD and have fired off a message. Guess i sit and wait Thanks lads
  18. I got this, but i was looking for an email address for the MD https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/01642188/officers
  19. Thanks peeps. The shop is HW Audio PLC https://www.hwaudio.co.uk/ It was bought new on Ebay, via bank debit card / Paypal. The problem as in the link thread above started at 5 months of ownership. The 180 days has already passed for Ebay so they wont get involved. I checked. I have no idea about my bank. I'd guess that they'd say you paid via PP so contact them. Perhaps maybe the deadline of 7 days or seek to refund might be a start. I'll do it by email so i have a recordable proof of conversation I have no idea who the MD is
  20. I guess that maybe the answer. !!
  21. About 5 or 6 months ago, i bought a new combo .. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/440501-humming-for-england/ It was sent back for repair, then they posted it back to me in flimsy packing. A couple of wraps of bubble and lobbed into a box that had about 6" of space all round. Soon as i opened the box , there was damage in several place. Ironic that, if you read the thread in the link, that when i was preparing to pack it up for the repair, they told me to pack it properly or they wont be responsible for damage en route. Then they send it back with the silliest of packing and it gets facked by the courier. I didnt even try the combo. I just contacted them and showed them photos, and to take the thing back. I've heard nothing since. They collected it this 2nd time on the 19th Oct. I feel like i'm being taken for a mug ... so whats the next step ? Any legal eagles here ? Check the damage. This is after it went back for the loud humming, and was returned to me in this condition
  22. Ah man what a shame. As a youngster, i loved The Magicians Birthday and had it in my collection.
  23. They will probably sink if they dont and there goes their business. Its sad state of affairs, and for small business owners, a real dilemma.
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