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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Having trouble finding a pair of these in white without pole piece cutouts. At least not in the UK Black closed covers no problem, but no whites ??
  2. I'd steer clear of that bass whatever it is. He's either got a shill account or getting friends to bid it up, hence the dubious actions on his behalf
  3. I've had good service from many companies, but the worst was Bass Direct by a long long way, over a bass i left with them on a commision sale. The bass went missing, ( told it was being repaired ??? It wasnt faulty when i dropped it off ) and still to this day has not reappeared for sale. I got told a tissue of lies, and finally got some money , not the full amount we agreed on either, after serveral months and a legal threat. Where the bass is today is still a mystery
  4. That's reminded me that i must get on with some ironing
  5. Havent been to Bas since 2012, and that was a funeral, but yup, over half my extended family still live there. Ugh
  6. Yes, i did the same. But since the cancellation was done in March for the April gig, according to See Tickets, they will contact us. 7 months on i've heard nothing from them, but as you say, i've done the silly automated BS on their website. I did it months ago though
  7. My family are still in Basildon and i have it on good authority that Harmony no longer exists. I thinks it's a car park now
  8. I tried that, and this is what i got on their messaging system .. the event was cancelled months ago, and i heard nothing.
  9. I didnt have any luck with See Tickets, even the April 29th 2020 was cancelled. I couldnt get in touch with them, and had to contact the band's FB page and found out it was rescheduled for May 2021. If anyone bought their tickets form the same agent, and got their money back, let me know. I'd heard that if the gig was rescheduled, there would be no refunds. ? There's no phone number for them. Cunning. They have a silly web messaging system thats a right pain to use. I guess that helps to avoid refunds. I'll try Paypal i guess
  10. I would say the same if Jagger Richards and Watts left the Stones. There has to be some semblance of the the band left to still be calling it by the original name. I wonder if it comes down to the fact that if no one owns the name, then its ok ?
  11. What chestnut are you banging on about ? The originals have all gone. Its as simple as that. Whether the line up changed over the years is irrelevant. None of the founding members are in the band. Get real
  12. He certainly did, and played a big part in mine
  13. I find it difficult to shed a tear over anyone dying who i never knew. Bowie was shocking, but still, i didnt know the guy, no tears shed. I saved that for my mum, dad, sister and dog. All gone.
  14. Actually, its now become a bit cheeky to be called Brand X if none of the originals are in the line up
  15. Interesting that wish planks auto-mate all the wrong notes in all the wrong places.
  16. You can polish a turd, no probs. It'll just look like a polished turd.
  17. I didnt know that paint was restricted, but it hasnt stopped me getting paint in the post, as recently as a couple of days ago.
  18. Even the tragic excuse for a courier, My Hermes, dont get as low as 40%. 95% sounds attractive. But if you send 100,000 parcels a year , then 5,000 people are going to get disappointed
  19. Until you look at the photo on a slightly larger scale, and then you realise Nancy Johnson is 100% correct
  20. Thats the point though - all couriers can be and have been unreliable at one point or another. You'll find rants about every courier known to man on this forum, so what do you do ...never ever send another parcel ? The trouble is, humans are involved. They/we make mistakes and will do for the rest of time. Sometimes as uk lefty says, its the sytem that breaks down rather than human cok ups.. Doesnt help anyone in that situation, but its not going to stop
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