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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. By Jove HK - i think i've cracked it Thanks budski !
  2. Tried a different method. Instead of going to the sale item and copying and pasting the URL , which instantly puts in the annoying underline which appears to be causing the problem, i've simply typed in my sales, and now i just have to get them to link.
  3. Thats exactly what i did BRX. I cleared all the links, then went to my Bass Auto Q thread, copied the URL, then pasted it in my Sig. Then the trouble starts when entering the next URL. The curser will only go next to the last URL. I cannot put a space in. The line just extends H- thats what i tried. See above answer to BRX
  4. Still didnt work. I put the first link in, then placed the cursor for the next link and the space bar just keeps extending the previous line, as you can see. I cannot get a gap between the line at all. Frustrating
  5. I had a feeling i would have to start again, as yes, mine already hyperlinking. Makes sense now - cheers H
  6. I get that H but any links on the same line just become one big one, instead of seperate ones, which kinda defeats things
  7. This is what happens even with colours. The underline on links before just extend to the next one
  8. I tried that but not using different colours. Its that underline thing. Whenever i try, that underline just extends. Does using different colours make the difference ?
  9. On a side note, i'd like my sales links to use the waste of white space to the right, but i cannot get them to line up. I reckon i could get 2 or 3 links on one line , but the formatting wont have it. Just tries to make 3 links into one big one So they're one beneath the other.
  10. Spoke to John about a V V T T + 3 way switch on a Sunday afternoon. By Monday it was built AND posted . Received Tuesday, next day. !!!! Opened the box and discovered one of the neatest circuits of any bass i've ever owned. Components were all top names in the pot, jack and switch business. It was also completely solderless. Instructions in the box, but had some questions for John because i'm thicker than a whale omelette. He was patient and i got answers imediately. Got it all wired up and it took off into orbit first attempt, which is a first for me and my wiring John is a gent and a scholar. There wasnt much more than the price of a couple of beers in it, after parts paid for , so this was a labour of love. Take a bow sir
  11. You spotted it !! Yep, it does. Going to put the Mac back in the combo. I just got too much stuff and need to clear out the surplus. The Ash combo and cab are going, amongst other bits
  12. ASHDOWN ABM 1X15 COMPACT. Original blue line 500 watt compact model. Tatty but perfect working order A silly 45 squid to you guv
  13. Last reduction before it goes in the skip - £200
  14. Did anyone notice JT playing a Kubicki in the live on stage vid of VTAK ? I never knew he played one
  15. That's a joke , shirley ? Ebay listening ? About 100 years ago, they stopped sellers being able to leave scumbag buyers a negative feedback. Since then, there's been a multitude of scams that no seller can warn other sellers about. People have moaned to Ebay for donkeys years about this and what have they done - sweet FA
  16. You dont have to pay to relist it. But you do have to list it again using a new ad, if you want to. Fees are only if you want to bump the original ad after 30 days of no sale
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