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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I was under the impression the neck is sitting too high in the pocket, as this is what Brig said in an earlier post. If it is merely the strings are too high, then yes, i agree a neck pocket shim is the answer, but he never mentioned that
  2. I would aslo go the simplest route of shimming the bridge. I dont see how putting a shim on the neck pocket would lower the neck.
  3. I'll never buy so much as a single string from BD after the shocking attitude i got from them regarding my expensive commission sale Overwater Guess i'll have to stump up top price or wait for some used ones
  4. Where do you guys get your Copper White Labellas and what price ? I've seen some at 40 quid and some at over 50
  5. That message " Is this still available " on Gumtree ads, are mostly not from people interested in the item. I've had many of those, and ignore them if there's no other text. This is because that one sentence is generated by Gumtree / Ebay. The people are real, i think, but they didnt send the message. If the message says " Is this still available " plus a bit more like " can you tell me about the condition " then this is a genuine message, rather than a Gumtree generated sentence (always the same one line sentence )
  6. I think i paid 114 quid for my MK1 Xvives. They lasted 2 years. Not exactly good value
  7. That looks like the dog's danglies
  8. Especially useful for drummists. Rehearsal room with asbo lootly mahoosive windows
  9. But i never want to see you ' strap on ' in public . Keep it in the bedroom AP, cheers 🤣
  10. Just for the record East is North. Yup, to travel to Johns gaff i drive north and as he's not far from me, if i want East bits and bobs, i go to his house, where his workshop is. I like to time it just as he's boiled the kettle and made some toast. Makes a fine cuppa, and the toast aint bad either. I've known JE for 30 years. His work with Sony Pro Audio and Solid State Logic was awesome. He's as nice a guy as comes across in his customer service. 100%. He's a damn good bass player too. Ya just cant go wrong with East pre's.
  11. Also bear in mind that he added on PP fees. At least they were added on for me. This is why i offered to pay via TransferWise. I cant say if he still does that though
  12. Funnily enough, i used the Armstrong SB replicas - though its Aaron who's in the UK, not daddy Kent who's U.S. based. Being an SB user, i can tell you they sound awesome. I had a pair because i have the 900 twin pup. I did try Rautia but he wouldnt deal with TransferWise for payment, so would have had to use Paypal at around 10 times the fees. Also, he quoted me about 3 months wait time. I got mine from Aaron in a little over a week
  13. Also, maybe La Bella Super Steps and D'addario Pro Steels
  14. I have one of the Line 6 Relay G75 doobrits. Awesome piece of kit. No trouble with active or passive. No latency that i can hear either https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/line-6-relay-g75 50 quid cheaper on Amazon, but they only have one left https://www.amazon.co.uk/Relay-Wireless-System-f-Gitarre-Bass/dp/B00SMKN2Q4
  15. Get The Funk Out was a treat. Fab bass line , so well done sah
  16. Maybe just get yourself a powered monitor that's good for the low end, assuming you have a band PA
  17. They will be. Its just the body firing out some protection to the wounded area. Pus is associated with an infection / acne / boils etc
  18. I didnt realise ped had floppy ears and a wet nose. PS who's the hairy git with the joke bass ?
  19. Flightcase now sold separately so have reduced the combo.
  20. No answer. Probably sipping Pina Colados in the Seychelles
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