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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Go to your forum name, top right and click to get drop down box. You'll see options, one being " ignored users " Click that, and you get a blank bar at the top to stick a members name in. Type the name, and they should appear by magic. As soon as you do, other options appear. You can then choose from ignore posts, messages, siganture, mentions. Just click signatures and you're done.
  2. I agree hkh. They make reading threads a proper pain in the donkey butt. That example is one of the extremes but i have another 20 + members sigs turned off for the same reason
  3. I only have the rediculous signatures turned off. Some are bordering on taking the pizz
  4. Having said that, i love that Wal exactly because of its oddball body facings. The price is stupid. And they have baseball bat necks so i'd never buy one
  5. Same could be said of vintage Fender JB's and Wals are built properly and by craftsmen
  6. Why didnt he insist on odd socks and must have a sister in the WRAF ?
  7. I've never understood the " do you want insurance " from any couriers, as what the cliff are you paying them for in the first place. ? So reading between the sneakyness, all their saying is we'll deliver your parcel for £xxxx , but we might lose it or damage it. Add insurance, then when it gets lost or damaged, you have to go 10 rounds with these companies who are a law unto themselves. It surprises me that some of them are still in business
  8. Yup, Jones plays fretless exclusively, i believe As for his Affirma, it only had the piezo , not the magnetic pickup. Not sure if this was a special for him, or whether they originally came from the factory like that. Eventually he did play an Affirma with a mag pickup I dont think he's played an Affirma for a few years now Old footage in his Affirma days ..
  9. That body is amazing. Reminds me of my school desk Fabulous looking machine
  10. Kerchiiiing !! https://cpc.farnell.com/c/electrical-lighting/light-bulbs-tubes/compact-fluorescent-light-bulbs-cfl/circular-cfl-tubes/bass-reflex-tubes
  11. I think we all missed it. Have an ice cream, smoke some weed, but mellow the hell out. Its a short life
  12. Indeed, happy wotsits to you and ella. I walked through the BC doors back in 2008, and was here in the previous 2 incarnations before it was called BC. Those years just keep sailing by dont they. Scary
  13. I've asked this on the other forum, but i think answers are quicker here It has presets, but (usually) pedals with presets have a display, some you can name, and you instantly know which preset you've chosen. So how does this work on this pedal ? I dont see a display.
  14. I had a look at their sales on Ebay, and its very cheap ( £3.75 ? ) but no cfm value given or db value
  15. Recycling at its best. Keep going Dom
  16. What a beautiful looking bridge. Excellent work, and very unique looking.
  17. Generally, no. If the venue needed a plumber or an electrician, and said to them we cant pay you, but would you still do the work ....? Then again, back when i was with my last band, we did a free gig at one venue on the promise that if we were good enough, we'd get the new years gig. And we did.
  18. Get a fan here https://www.quietpc.com/casefans I bought a pair for my ABM EVO 3 combo and they're bluddy amazing. Not a whisper
  19. When my van got broken into and radio + a few insignificant tools stolen, i called the police and needn't have bothered. They weren't the least bit interested. I said what about fingerprints. They pointed out that it had been raining so there wouldnt be any. I said it was only raining on the outside, not inside my van. And that was that. Nothing. That was 30 years ago , and it doesnt seem like much has changed , for some. I rarely bother calling them anymore.
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