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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Speaker size is no barometer for old school low end or any low end for that matter. Neither is it any guide for 10's being tight in the mids
  2. As some one mentioned in this thread a few decades ago, i think James is a qualified cheese farmer and has been for some time. I've seen his guitars in the flesh at my pal Bob Pimm's house, ( RP GUITARS ) as Bob has worked on James' axes
  3. I've owned 2 classic shapes ( part T-Bird ish some call them ) First one i bought in the early 2000's , single Armstrong pickup, about 1984 ish and passive ( first classics used Bill Lawrence pups ) and paid approx £350-£400 , exact price eludes me cos it was nigh on 20 years ago. Dear cliff the prices have changed !! Also, up to early this year, i owned classic deluxe ii , so it had a fancy Silky Oak top, pair of Armstrong pickups active. £1800. !!! Now sold The circuit on these have a dual filter for each pickup.
  4. I should have said, i'm happy to drive 40-45 miles radius in any direction , possibly to a services, or whatever, for free.
  5. No gigging that i can see in the near future, as i quit my band just before we all got imprisoned
  6. NOW ONLY £160. LAST REDUCTION BEFORE I SET FIRE TO IT Ashdown ABM EVO 3 500 watt 2x10 combo with castors, Low noise dual fans fitted , horn disconnected and Speakon jack fitted instead of the original standard 6.3mm jack Original Blueline speakers. Ports extended Some visual tattyness can be seen due to age, but is only cosmetic. If pristine is your thing, this isnt for you
  7. I must admit Doc that i preferred the original body finish, but thats subjective, and you've done a great job to bring a fabulous bass back to its glory
  8. One thing i noticed when first playing a fretless , was that if you put your finger on the fret line, it produced a sharp note. This is because your fretting finger is much fatter than the fret line, and therefore, some of your finger is in front and some behind the line. You need to place the edge of your finger upto the line rather than on it. ( see pic ) In addition to that, the further up the neck you fret, you will find that you need to make tiny adjustments to finger position, especially at the dusty end
  9. Thats Marco Minnemann of the Aristocrats ( English chap Guthrie Govan , and American Brian Beller ) and Dream Theatre among many others Amazing drummist Beggs is a trooper, fab bass and all round nice blokey
  10. Fretlines may have been useful or not, but sometimes his fretting hand is way off the lines enough to be a tad sharp or flat, but its hard to hear at that speed. None the less, it was fab playing. I couldnt do that even if i rehearsed my nuts off.
  11. I loved Duran when they first emerged, and even listening to this stuff now brings back some good memories of sharing a giant 4 floored Oxford house with a bunch of musicians back in ye olde 80's I think he's a likeable chap and a decent fatty string pleasant plucker. But FFS - dont film on a poxy mobile...please. You got a few sheckles John. Get a decent camera. Guy managed it
  12. I can't stand band politics, as always, its seems to be the school playground again, just like all other areas of politics, but musically speaking, Wodger was a writing genius and shall always remain as such to me. I quite like his outlook on life and such, too Yes, he's probably got some character issues, but so does everyone.
  13. Mounting them in that picture on the right is a bit of a gamble. If the magnets are the full width of the pickup cases, i guess it would work, but if they're not, then a couple of the strings or more will miss the magnets
  14. Likewise I give to 3 creature charities but not because of ads. Choosing which ones is a puzzle.
  15. Me too, and if @Happy Jack thinks we care about what he thinks that we think he cares about what we cared about re. influences, then he can think again.. er..... where was i ? Oh yeah, i was influenced by Quo and Hawkwind when i was a teenager, as if anyone cares
  16. Top geezer bloke. Been very fond of his DB playing since i first bought Solid Air back in the 70's which i still own, but also his work with Nick Drake, which i also own and nor forgetting his pre Martyn and Drake stuff with Pentangle, and yes i own some Pentangle as well. Coolest DB player around.
  17. https://www.mcgregoramplification.co.uk/amplifiers_bass-amplifiers_bassmate-series.php I have the more modern Bassmate 650 head - its quite a trouser flapper. Great sound too
  18. Unbelievable. The price is not far off a good condition unmolested original SB1000. As @TheGreek said, by the time the parts are sourced, for instance, Aaron Armstrong will charge about £110 delivered for an SB pickup built to spec, so just the pickup will take the price to over £900, and then its still got that monstrosity sticking out of the body. Other bits and work will take the price to over a grand, and then what you have is a repaired ogre of a bass thats near on the same price as a normal SB1000 Where do these dreamers come from
  19. When i spoke to Clive Button on the phone a year or 2 ago, he told me his TE designs were from the series 6 onwards. I was asking him about my Series 5 4x10 combo and he didnt design the 5 series or before. Presumbaly that was Stuart Watson CB designed this lot though Series 6 range, SMX range, SMC range, 7 Band range, 12 Band range, GP7 Pre-Amp, GP12 Pre-Amp, AH150, AH200, AH300, AH350, AH500, AH1000-12, Valve Series, VA350, VA400, VR400, Twin, Quatra, Hexa, Commando range, Boxer range, PPA power amplifiers, Powered Sub 15, Bass effects pedal range, MP11 etc: Acoustic - TA100R, TA50R, TA200R, TA Concert range, TA60, TA35, TA30, Acoustic Cube, TAB100 (Acoustic Bass), Acoustic PA 16 channel powered mixer system, Acoustic PA 12 channel powered mixer system, TAP1 acoustic pre-amp pedal, in fact everything that came out of Trace Elliot all the way through to 1997.
  20. Me too - VH were awesome, but their heyday was with Roth IMO. Yup, a bell ender, but i find him real funny too
  21. Only kidding J Your choice looks awesome
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