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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. An absolute 1st class pr!ck. He likes to shoot anything with a face. Hunters are so brave, aren't they
  2. I wanted Wenge, you bar steward.
  3. Ditto Love funk, but old school, and even been in a funk band. There's almost no slap tunes i enjoy, apart from Bowie's Ashes to Ashes ( Bowie live at the BBC in 2000 with Mark Plati taking over slap duties on a Stingray is awesome ) Mark King is also pretty good at it, but the rest i can live without
  4. That Dominic sound is amazing from a fretted bass http://www.mike-sabre.com/DDPFretlessBridge/ddpfretlessbridge.html
  5. Been around for a couple of decades now. You cant do fretless slides on that system. It doesnt sound too much like a real fretless. This other one is far better .. a fretted and fretless in one bass. Dont think they're available anymore though - or maybe they are.
  6. Blimey. I nearly understood all that
  7. I thought James Ferguson was very scincere. And as for the shop, i've bought items from them and had no issues with any of it. Accessories rather than guitars. I'd not let this deter me from buying in the future.
  8. For sure, cant possibly say that they're not a good sounding bass. The mismatching body tops is just cosmetic, and might not bother most people
  9. Thats looking better, but i found more than one bass with mismatching tops
  10. Mottle - what is it ? If its a headphone amp, why all the jack sockets and op amp switches ? I'm a bit green on these sort of things
  11. I checked their website and had a look at some in detail. If this is the level of their tops, then they need to rethink . I've seen better 2 piece matching on basses half the price
  12. Just give them a quick shave. Shouldnt be a problem in any case
  13. Lisa Tarbuck is a hoot. She can have the top off my egg any day
  14. Now I'm a union man Amazed at what I am I say what I think That the company stinks Yes I'm a union man.
  15. Brand X at Milton Keynes. Would have been yesterday, had this current manure not hit the fan.
  16. Wait for 110 years and you'll find out. No spoilers please
  17. Sorry - haven't got time to post, cos supper's ready
  18. Joan is sheer class. The first album was a killer, and i still own a copy, though now on CD. A treasure in my music armoury for over 35 years. Great band too Love the tone of that BC Rich through his Acoustic 370 rig, especially on the Show Some Emotion track
  19. You're posting in the wrong section. Try here ... https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/13-general-discussion/
  20. Yup, the shock with TE is that they understate the wattage, then everyone gets a surprise when that lowly 150 watts sounds like 500. ( or whatever ) I love myths
  21. You wont be a virgin forever so we'll be expecting some gratuitous sax at some point. Dont give up
  22. I thought the strings on such extreme short scales were normal tension, but tuned an octave higher I think some have used either an octave down pedal, but turning off the original signal leaving the tuning as standard E to A. Possibly a pitch pedal as an alternative
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