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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Actually, when you see what gullible numpties pay for for vintage 60's Jazz basses, then his seems about right
  2. Amp head in the post for me .. no delays for me, that i've seen
  3. Different bass produced same noise. Again, its not so much a fart as a buzzing, both speakers. Hows the graph - any good ?
  4. I'll do bigger zoom , and at the mo, i have only swapped cables, but i have 2nd bass and will try that too
  5. This is zoomed in quite a few clicks, but is it any help or does it need more zoom?
  6. Dont go walking round New Hampshire in one of these
  7. Cheers Stub - though i may feck it up by pressing the wrong buttons. I dont know what i'm doing with something like that
  8. Had a look but couldnt find any " stretch " button. There is something called Analyze , which i tried, and this is what the result was. As above , dont know how useful this is
  9. Ok, last try - did a phone recording, since at least i can save those to Laptop. Open E plucked at mid point , 12th fret. Then open file in Audacity, and screen shot it, but how this might help, i dont know bass recording.mp3
  10. Here's a screen grab. I've tried a couple of times, but since there is no SAVE button, i'm stumped as to why this recording prog even exists
  11. Aha Found internal recording thingy, and its recording the bass, but bizarrely, there is no SAVE button. I dont get it. Such a palava. Back in the cupboard
  12. Just tested the mic and its working fine. Problem is, googling how to record sound hasnt revealed any answers. I spoke into the mic, and can hear that on headphones, but whether it was recording or not, i have no idea. Do i need external software recording proggy ?
  13. Googled my lenovo lappie and it has built in mic, but never used it so i can only assume it works. Which website are you thinking - i didnt see any mention of that
  14. How to attach a mic to a laptop - i suppose it would have to be a USB mic ? I dont have a mic and not sure how you record a waveform
  15. One last test before storage - as the amp was detached from the combo, i hooked it up to my 1x15 and got the same buzzing / light farting, so i'm pretty sure its the amp. At least i know that much
  16. Wise words The cupboard is the only place for the combo
  17. Unfortunately i've reached the end of my lectronic talents, which is poor to start with, so that went over my head
  18. Decided to pull the whole PCB out and check all the solder joints but nothing seems amiss. Looking like a tech problem, and since i cant take it to my local tech, its back in the cupboard for this combo.
  19. Yup, that white gunk looks messy - i'll give it a wiggle
  20. There doesnt seem to be any problem with TR5 that i can see Its quite a large photo, but it seems you have to click on it a few times to get a big picture
  21. I've done an equal pressure test of cones and they're fine. I dont have a spare amp, to try that tone test
  22. Thanks stub - i'll pull the amp out tomorrow and check that pesky TR5 If it needs a bolb , i'll sort it
  23. Just as a guess, i reseated the drivers, equal torquing down , in case the basket was slightly warped due to uneven mounting, but that changed nothing. I'm beginning to wonder if its the amp
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