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Everything posted by Tjhooker

  1. Tjhooker


    Since starting this topic I've lost all my braveness and won't be buying any though...
  2. Tjhooker


    It's mad I know! My wife and daughter have been buying all sorts of nonsense... I thought I'd have a look to see what the fuss was about and lo and behold... 😮
  3. Tjhooker


    Has anyone been feeling brave and tried any of the effects pedals from temu.com? I'm half considering it 🤔
  4. I used to have one of these... wicked sounding, could cut through the heaviest mix.. I remember it having a wenge fingerboard 🤔
  5. Ah right, bummer... what's the pre amp like in the ph model anyone?
  6. Offer
  7. Do Yamaha off reverse p at the moment?
  8. Stelthy 🥷
  9. Over 2 grand to change all your strings at once... 😮 You could probably get a euro Spector in the sales for that 🤣
  10. I think he might have a bit on.. give it time. His stuff is excellent and worth the wait 👍
  11. Brian held a bass for me while I tried to gather the funds.. He's a top and understanding chap.
  12. As little as possible... I've discovered lowering tension via detuning and having a good rubbing up and down the length with a wonder wipe... So far so good 😀
  13. Wow.. what can I say.. The sort of member that makes you trust in the bass chat community 👍
  14. Was this a long process.. do you have to sit down with one of these plugged into your computer and tweak stuff?
  15. I've got the power, snap
  16. Is this just to have a physical mixer then and not use the phone / tablet method or is there another benefit?
  17. But everyone is going on about the helix stuff so I'm very curious 😅
  18. Another question for you chaps with experience.. Do you have a pa set up that allows each band member to have an individual mix for their respective iem? We are possibly about to pull the trigger on doing this... I'm wondering if this alone would allow me to feel happier with setting up my tone and keeping my board as is. With a bit of retrospective thought, I'm wondering if I prefer the bass with active on board EQ because I can bump up the mids and actually hear myself in a busy overall band mix 🤔
  19. Can the hx stomp do the things people are describing here? Is it a slimmed down version of the helix?
  20. Ah... I was sort of wondering if anyone would mention the helix.. So do you have presets for each bass?
  21. Hi all . Anyone here that uses iem and goes out through the pa alone do you use a passive or active bass to do this? I have used my trusty limelight p bass and also my Yamaha BB 615 also. Both go out through a small pedalboard with a tc electronic spectradrive handling the EQ and di duties. I have started to prefer using the active bass as it gives me much better tone shaping quickly for this ampless set up (Cover band through the ages)
  22. That's a lot of knobs ☝️
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