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External midi control allows patch change but the ZPI also can control effect parameters (including expression pedal control of any parameter), control other midi pedals, control of DAW, control Zoom pedals by DAW, master tempo control/tap tempo and probably some other stuff I've overlooked. It becomes very useful when you have more than one pedal under midi control - a single footswitch can make multiple changes on multiple pedals. It looks like the n-series looper also is controllable by midi (unlike older Zoom pedals.) Very interesting ... a day ago I was ignoring the n series pedals. Now, maybe not. (and yes, midi control makes the B3n much more powerful, with the right controller.)
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I've had a very quick look at the Zoom update (on a G3n) and for me the really big news is that they've implemented full MIDI control of the pedal. (This explains why the editor took longer than many wanted...) It means that real-time midi control of these pedals should now be possible. I might yet incorporate control of these into the ZPI if there's much interest.
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Hmm. This might be a good time to poke my head up again, to make known my alternative. This has been available for the last 6 months or so, but I've kept it low key while gearing up. I posted in this thread that it's possible to implement tap tempo, expression pedal control etc via midi for the B3, but not with a bog standard midi controller. Now I'm manufacturing a controller that will do it for the B3, G3/5, MS series (except the BT100) and G/B1on series pedals. It can control just about anything on those pedals (and controls multiple pedals.) It also has a general purpose midi capability (including an interface to allow DAW control of Zoom pedals) which will continue to expand. Footswitches can be programmed very flexibly too. A midi host converter is not needed for Zoom pedal control (but if you want it to control 5 pin midi devices, a USB to midi converter is needed.) Here's an overview which is a year old, so a bit outdated. Follow the links on youtube for other demos, if you're interested. Cost is US$187 for the base unit (a bit less than GBP140) plus postage from the farthest part of the world. (A youtube update is on the to do list...) This video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrC3nqqZYAI More detail starting at: https://youtu.be/x-HkFS_LB7I Dave
[quote name='dood' timestamp='1462046856' post='3039956'] We are Dood, the collective! [/quote] My next band name.
Ha! I thought you might be everywhere! How many of you are there anyway? Let's see... 8000000 posts / age of the internet = 500000 posts per year ... Where's my calculator? Where's my tin foil?
I've mentioned this in a few threads hereabouts in the last few months, and it's time for general release. [b]ZoomLib v1.0.1 is now available for Windows and MacOS.[/b] If you have a Zoom effects pedal with a USB port, you can back up your patches, share them online and keep a HUGE repository of them on your computer, swapping them into and out of your pedal at will. (Yes - even those pedals with USB that Zoom says is for firmware upgrade only – but, see note below.) At present, the program works with: MS-70CDR, MS-60B, MS-50G, G1on, G1Xon, B1on, B1Xon, G5, G3, G3X & B3 pedals. It can: - back up and restore the entire pedal or individual patches - rearrange the order of patches on the pedal - upload/download patchfiles to/from a dedicated forum – zoompatches.com/forum – for sharing - download patches from similar pedals: * G3 and G3X patches can be loaded into either pedal; * G1on, G1Xon, B1on and B1Xon patches can be loaded into any of those pedals The program includes a built-in basic browser so that online patch files can be up or downloaded directly via a drag and drop interface. You can download it from the downloads section (or via the General Discussion board) of [url="http://www.zoompatches.com/forum"]www.zoompatches.com/forum[/url] The program is free. That's because ... the world needs this program. (Also, to be frank, because I'm developing bigger, better things for Zoom pedals: footswitch, expression pedal, tap tempo, midi control and “scene” control co-ordinated in real-time for multiple pedals. The USB interface can be used to control almost any aspect of any of these pedals. ZoomLib gives a tiny taste of what can be done, so I hope it will whet some appetites.) While ZoomLib is free, if you wish to contribute, the program will tell you how. (Thanks to those who have or will!) The other way you can help is by clicking on the advertisements (which will be kept to a minimum.) At some point, I'll see if I can make these ads a bit more relevant. Please enjoy ZoomLib. Please also upload your patches! It's easy: just dragging/dropping within the program. (You do have to register and login to upload, but not to download patches.) (Here is the “note below” referred to above. This program works with the above-mentioned pedals with current Zoom firmware. Note though that any firmware upgrade by Zoom could break this program. (However, at least then we'd have a firmware upgrade!) I expect it could work with other usb equipped pedals such as the G2.1Nu, B9.1ut, G5n etc, and I am happy to add these – I just need the co-operation of a brave pedal owner.) Cheers Dave (drdashdot)
[quote name='dood' timestamp='1461961057' post='3039237'] Oh wait - turns out it will work with the MS60B too! Cool, I'll crack that bad boy out first!! [/quote] It will, dood, for what you want - if what you want is jumping to a specific patch. It'll also work in that way for just about any Zoom pedal with a USB port. The real question is: when will you have time to program a midi controller, given your basschat posting habit? Have you hacked the database?
[quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1461962070' post='3039249'] A drunken lefrash can't work out if that can control tap tempo and expression pedal? Or is it a simple way to get to patch selection? That's awesome on its own. [/quote] It won't be able to control tap tempo or use the expression pedal. It also won't be able to do patch up or down - only jump to a specific patch number. To be able to do those extra things, the midi controller needs to know about the individual effects of the Zoom pedal and be able to interrogate/listen to it. It's possible to do that, but not with the gear in the youtube video.
Sorry for the delay, folks. The full-on stand alone USB/midi controller has been on the back burner for a few weeks, while the effect of the new G5n became apparent. It looks like the world still needs a full-on stand alone USB/midi controller for Zoom pedals, so back to that soon... Meanwhile, I have a patch backup program which is ready enough. Windows only at this stage, until the Mac and I are back on speaking terms. Some documentation soon, but it might make sense on its own. Use at your own risk! I plan to have a you tube video up to run through the basics within a day or two. As well as local storage, the program has drag and drop capability from an internet repository via a built in (basic) browser. My compatriot Dr Xum (which might or might not be his real name) has created a forum for the primary purposes of downloading the software and of sharing patches. To download the patch librarian program, go to [url="http://www.zoompatches.com/forum"]http://www.zoompatches.com/forum[/url] and look for Dr Xum's post in General Discussion. (Not hard to find, at this stage!) That has a link to the download. The program is free (but I'm happy to accept donations if it's useful to you - click the about button.) I'll post again soon when there's some of documentation. (I'll also make a more general announcement then.) Meanwhile, if you want to download and play with the software, [b]PLEASE BACK UP YOUR PATCHES[/b] at the very start! If it's not obvious how to do that, please wait for the documentation. Thanks for your patience. I hope it's worth the wait. Dave
[quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1455296402' post='2977987'] Currently i am using a Tech21 Midimouse for program change messages, then through my boss RC50 which sets master clock, after that i send to a midi splitter, and to my eventide timefactor, chase bliss pedals via modded empress midibox, and korg electribe. What im mainly looking for is patch change, and tempo sync of time based effects. I would also love to have a zoom unit at the start of my chain as dedicated looper if i could sync its tempo to midi. I would like to loop a short bassline, play about with effects and then record a longer loop on my RC50. Edit: im currently only have a ms60b (zoom pedals that is), but use 3 effects as always on tone shaping. With added midi support/extended utility, i would probably get a b1on as a dedicated looper, and either another ms60b or b1on for more effects. [/quote] Thanks for the info. The Zoom pedals might not do what you want. I'm not familiar with the RC-50, but from a quick read it has finer tempo resolution (0.1 BPM) than the Zoom pedals (1 BPM). There are other problems with the Zoom pedals too - the MS pedals' tempo can only be changed by overwriting the patch; the B1/G1 tempo can't be set by USB at all (as far as I can see.) That's the biggest shortcoming of the G1on I think. A midi clock won't be interpreted by any Zoom pedal - it has to be converted to an integer tempo by the external box and fed to the pedal. If you confine the Boss to integer values of tempo and are careful about when you change tempo, it might work in a limited way. Very likely not well enough for any practical purposes though. Sorry if that disappoints. A few fairly minor firmware changes by Zoom would go a long way! It would be possible to work the other way and generate a midi clock from the Zoom tempo setting. (No firm plan to do that at this stage, but I'll put it on the maybe list.)
[quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1454694257' post='2972212'] Just a bump to ask how this is coming along. And to say that Im still interested in this, especially if MIDI is added. [/quote] Sorry for the delay. Still coming along - a few unexpected minor issues with MS pedals in the last little while. MIDI is definitely on the cards now. Can you give me an idea of your setup? The current midi mapping scheme can convert any incoming midi control message to any Zoom control sequence.
[quote name='stoo' timestamp='1453397090' post='2959173'] The B1Xon can use 5 effects simultaneously and also has a looper and drum machine... I think it had an upgraded processor over the B3. you'd think they could do a B3.1 or even a B3.1X with the processor from the B1Xon . I never understood why they didn't enable Edit'n'Share on the MS60B or the B1Xon.... it would have been really useful on the smaller format units. [/quote] [quote name='dood' timestamp='1453410298' post='2959358'] In reality, it's not an upgraded processor - it's actually downgraded software on the same processor. [/quote] dood is right - it is the same processor, with more careful attention to processor resource allocation. I suspect that's part of why Edit & Share support was dropped - to eliminate another overhead. In spite of that, some - in fact, most - of the E & S stuff is still buried in the firmware for the MS-60B and B1on. I've used this to develop the controller described in another thread - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275453-zoom-b3-ms-60b-b1on-usb-control/"]http://basschat.co.u...on-usb-control/[/url] . I'll also be releasing a patch sharing/backup program - Really Soon Now - which will talk to the newer pedals.
Thanks to all poll respondents – looks like a pretty even spread across the 3 groups of pedals. I've also asked the question on 2 other sites. If you're interested in those discussions, have a look at: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/zoom-b3-ms-60b-b1on-usb-control.1195426/"]http://www.talkbass....ontrol.1195426/[/url] [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/zoom-multi-stomp-multi-effects-usb-control-ms-70cdr-g1on-etc.1652836/"]http://www.thegearpa...on-etc.1652836/[/url] There's been some interest in what can (and can't) be done via USB control for each of the pedal series, so I thought I'd list what I've found so far. For the MS and 1 series pedals, some changes can be made only by reloading the entire patch, with the desired parameter changes. This has the same effect as changing patches: eg, killing tails. Can't do anything about that without a change of Zoom firmware. In the following, “control pedal/switch assignment” refers to the built in pedal or the control inputs (not to extra expression pedals or footswitches working via USB.) G series pedals (G5, G3, G3X, B3): - global settings: tempo and signal path direction can be changed, master level can be read but not changed - patch settings: patch level, effect types (and order), patch name, control pedal/switch assignments (and max/min settings) all can be changed - effect settings: on/off, effect type, parameter settings all can be changed - looper, rhythm: no USB control - tuner can be controlled for B3 and G3 (v1 only) MS series pedals: - patch settings: tempo, patch name, effect types (and order) can be changed by reloading patch - effect settings: on/off, parameter settings all can be changed (individually for effects 1,2 and 3; only by reloading patch for effects 4, 5 and 6) - tuner can be controlled 1 series pedals (G1on, B1on): - global settings: no USB control, except tempo (which is read-only) - patch settings: patch level, effect types (and order), patch name: can be changed by reloading patch - control pedal/switch assignments (and max/min settings) for G1Xon, B1Xon: don't know yet - effect settings: on/off, parameter settings all can be changed - looper, rhythm: no USB control - tuner can be controlled If I've overlooked anything you're interested in, let me know and I'll edit. (Note that I haven't tested the MS-50G, the G1Xon or the B1Xon yet. Or the MS-100BT for that matter. Hmm... might work, with bluetooth added. Might look at that later.) Cheers Dave
Haven't thought much about other pedals/brands. (Let's see whether this flies first.) Do you have any in mind?
[quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1451727030' post='2942727'] I have program change on MS-60B and MS-70CDR using a Disaster Area dHOST MIDI to USB adapter and a small USB hub. Sending the MIDI PC command to the gHOST can then done using a hardware controller, or from software like Midi Designer on an iPad. The iPad would then need a MIDI adapter too. It adds up. [url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c4RKpwDBtuo"]https://m.youtube.co...h?v=c4RKpwDBtuo[/url] (In the video the program change sometimes misses, this has now been fixed with newer firmware). [/quote] Thanks FretNoMore - that's a good example of what I meant. Add to that the chance of an iThing/android OS upgrade breaking things... The PC misses in the video are interesting. I wonder what was happening there? (I don't remember having the same problem at any stage.) Note also that using just PC messages like this doesn't allow simple patch/bank up/down as the device doesn't track the pedal state. (Doesn't read patch info on startup, for example.) [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1450947176' post='2937195'] Very cool! What can you control in the MS-xx pedals? I have the impression they don't respond to much other than Program Change commands? [/quote] Sorry - forgot your earlier question. Short answer is - almost everything, but sometimes not elegantly. It looks like tempo change and any parameter change (including effect on/off) in effects 4,5 and 6 can be made only by reloading the whole patch with the new parameter setting. So, any such change kills tails (and produces any other artifacts or transients that a patch change does.) That means it will be impractical (probably) to use an expression pedal on effects 4 to 6 and maybe undesirable to change tempo during a song. (All still possible though.) Changes to parameters of effects 1 to 3 work beautifully - seamless. This means that I'd probably reconsider using the LineSel effect in the first 3 positions of patches with more than 3 effects - extra footswitch function makes it redundant (except for level balancing) and it wastes the well behaved effect position. This is a pain and a pity. It looks like an accidental outcome from when Zoom altered the original G series code for the MS pedals but abandoned the edit&share support. Oddly, the 1 series pedals behave differently again - all 5 effects can be adjusted without misbehaving. I'll summarise these quirks for all pedals soon. Cheers Dave
[quote name='Greg Edwards69' timestamp='1451674237' post='2942362'] I wonder if this could be made into an iOS or android app that would interface directly to an zoom unit? I'm not fussed about extra hardware based control - but the touchscreen interface looks awesome! [/quote] That's a bit like asking whether you could replace the Zoom pedal with an ios or android application. The answer to either question is yes you could, but it's pretty certain that there would be reduced capability/flexibility. For this sort of thing I prefer dedicated hardware - makes things more predictable and stable. (Extra hardware is likely to be needed anyway - the only question is how much.) (Another thing I'll note about dedicated hardware is that I think the capacitive touch screen found on almost all devices these days doesn't fit the purpose as well as a resistive screen, which accepts touch from a pick.) I do like the touchscreen but really like to have the knob as well. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1451676660' post='2942399'] I believe it is possible to use IOS apps that already exist to change patches on a B3. I'll have to search out the YouTube videos that describe how to though using a MIDI interface. [/quote] Yes, that's straightforward - all of the Zoom pedals accept midi patch change commands .
Thanks for the encouragement. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1451387703' post='2940008'] just watched the videos. Im impressed, seams to open up the controllability of the zoom units alot. Some things id like to say about it though: could you change the signal chain from 'right to left' to 'left to right' please (or option for)? Multiple LFOs would be sweet. i wouldnt need the rhythm machine really, but tempo control over a looper would make this a really nice little unit. There arnt many midi-sync'able pedals out there, and alot of them are both expensive and large. Id love a small one (with a controller if needed) to go at the start of my board with my boss looper at the end. Still, even if thats not possible, ill still be following with interest. Edit: also, i should have said, the ability to control multiple of these pedals at once is awesome. [/quote] It does open them up and some of the compromises forced by the Zoom firmware are a bit of a pity. I think I'll summarise those and post again. Haven't mentioned anywhere yet - the signal flow can be changed on screen - L to R or R to L. Changing on the screen also changes on the pedal (and vice versa) for the G series pedals. The MS pedals are fixed R to L; the 1 series pedals L to R. (Both can be displayed either way on the screen though.)
Thanks all. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1450861093' post='2936421'] Havnt had chance to watch the videos yet, so sorry if this is covered there, but is there any chance of midi in/out for program change and temposync? [/quote] Yes, sorry about the big meandering videos. Like a bad 70's drum solo. It's not shown, but the controller does accept (usb) midi note on/off (and treats those just like footswitch press/release - assignable in the same way.) Needs polishing, but works ok. Continuous control midi input also could be included quite easily - I'll see if I can do it without overcomplicating the user interface. (I'm also mulling over how to include z-pedal and other built in pedal assignments nicely. Plus LFO(s).) On that topic, anyone have thoughts on whether the LFO is desirable? Want more than one? Regarding temposync, if you want to sync up the Zoom rhythm machine, I don't think any of the pedals will. If you just want to convert a midi clock to a tempo setting and send that to the G and MS series pedals, that should be possible. The 1 series pedals won't accept tempo changes from usb at all from what I can see. That's a real pity - otherwise they'd easily be my pick with this controller. Put the B1on in a metal box, give it some control options and it kills the B3 - as long as you don't want DI. Cheers, Dave
Hi all. I've been lurking for about a year after picking up a bass again after many years. I then found the Zoom B3, then the related threads here. With the B3, I wanted more effects, and expression pedal input. So, I've been developing a controller that interfaces to Zoom multistomp/multieffects pedals. It's grown like Topsy and does things Zoom says can't be done. I'm thinking about a production run after a bit more development, but would like some indication of what people want. Maybe not the best time for this sort of thing, but I need guidance. Here are some demos. The first is with a G5 but is a general overview. Please tell me what you think! (and answer the poll question) [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85AkRSm4JFQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=85AkRSm4JFQ[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TDQdsqH9DY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=8TDQdsqH9DY[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMEmc1P0kEM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lMEmc1P0kEM[/url] In case the videos are too much, here's the executive summary. Uses the USB interface to provide all functions. No Zoom mods needed Works with G5, G3, G3X, B3, MS-70CDR, MS-50G, MS-60B, G1on, G1Xon, B1on, B1Xon Controls multiple Zoom pedals – any combination of the above. Screen scrolls (by touch or dial) to show a detailed view of all controls of all effects in chain. Optionally show/hide each effect in chain. (eg show G5 effects 2, 3, 6 and 8 only.) Screen shows an overview of entire effects chain showing on/off status of each effect Touchscreen interface plus assignable knob. All patch and effect settings can be adjusted using either. Continue to access all effect/patch controls on screen while looper, rhythm or tuner operating (eg change effect settings on screen during or between loops using screen, knob, footswitches or expression pedals.) Maintain tails on delays while switching effects eg on MS-70CDR, G1on. (Enable one and disable other effect in chain with single switch press rather than multiple presses on Zoom pedal.) Floor unit: - provides assignable footswitches and multiple expression pedal inputs - Footswitches (both press and release) can be programmed with arbitrary combinations of: turning effects on/off, changing effects, changing effect settings, patch and bank changes (up, down or random access), volume/balance/tempo changes (including tap tempo and global/master tempo), tuner control (some pedals) - Each expression pedal can control multiple parameters (any dial or slider control – including patch volume and tempo) of multiple effects on multiple Zoom pedals simultaneously In development: - patch/footswitch config storage: arbitrary number of settings - footswitch scroll operation Note: this works with current Zoom firmware. No guarantees with any future firmware changes by Zoom. Cheers, Dave