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Everything posted by BeeBop

  1. Bump for a nice fretless ..mmwaaaal
  2. Thanks for clearing that up pinball I should have snapped up the last one you had up for sale it was a steal .. I agree with your views on p bass s from this period ... the quality is very good ..I play a 94 japanese 57 reissue p bass and it's just the best ..I know it's a different beast but worth a mention Cheers ...GLWTS. ..my budget is not quite stretching to cover the cost and I have another iron in the fire ..
  3. Was I dreaming when pinball had a red 95 precision fretless up for grabs January of this year ..Maybe this is a different bass ..some what confused now ...glwts
  4. I should have bought this from Pinball when I had the chance seem to remember it being a steal
  5. this thread is doing ma box in not really sure whats going down nice bass ..so where is the original neck ??
  6. That's a shed load a bass for the money ..you don't do it in fretless do you ..if so I d have bitten the fingers off you .. GLWTS can't believe it's still here people must be skint ..don't go on a summer holiday it's over rated buy this instead and go for a spray tan ..job done !!
  7. Aaah nice to see this being taken away from temptation. .. I have a Japanese 57 re issue and it is so good ... I am sure the Fullertons are a wee step up in quality ...Maybe next time ..but you ll need to he quick ...seen yer man Baxzterzz Selling these at 2k ...
  8. if anybody else mentions Maccaroni would you order Maccaroni in a Michelin star restaurant
  9. Lots of Pee Pee floating about here Jeff Mills or Kevin Saunderson
  10. Hmmm this discussion is easily rectified Stop consuming and price doesnt matter every one knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing
  11. Hey Marty Swartz here glad you could join us ..What's up .. This guys patter is a bit mince but if you can see past that he has some good lessons and there is Justins Guitar lessons also ..all on you tube and they do beginner stuff ... Agree with open chords and strumming\timing. . And yes progress to bar chords .. Think it takes a year before your first bar chord ... Oh and practice ..
  12. Bump For Pink Slippers ..😂
  13. Ha ha If this sells you ll be able to buy a more conservative pair a shoes ... The red ones are sticking oot a mile .. Ha ha ..Nice bass
  14. Hi From Glasgow ... this is the place to be seen
  15. Greetings my friend I am just up the road in the big smoke All the cool cats hang here ...
  16. Bump for Antigua I have an Antigua Mexican telecaster 2012 It is just the most beautiful thing.. And it plays no bad also ..
  17. Bag a pills ....
  18. Karma Karma karma karma karma Chameleon
  19. Roland VS recorders are ace I ve still got an 1880...still in use and wouldn't part with it have had some cracking results with this baby its very clever and a powerful tool
  20. Melt Away ayhay Smoke a spliff today to drive them away Step fwd Jah Shaka .. The Mighty Shaka Track is called ...Melt away (funny enough) Big fan of the P Bass all the tone rolled off crank up the volume and get the windaes vibrating
  21. Why would one be annoyed or bothered by anothers Degree It should matter not
  22. eye an am sure they pay the staff a pound a day Oh and if you want a lunch break you need to apply in writing 4 weeks in advance
  23. I have Antigua underpants they are by far my favourite underpants
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