You actual can’t win here cant win here can you?!
These are familiar shapes that people en masse do like and are ergonomic, and have stood the test of time.
If they look and sound great, have a high QC control and feel better than a ‘Fender’ at a great price, have great customer service especially with a hub in the U.K. - then is that not a victory for us as consumers?
Why not trade an official Mexican Fender knock off for a UK/USA fender knock off?
If they designed something different which look like a child drew a melted candle with a chubby crayon, then you may all silently applause, but the likelihood is y’all wouldn’t rush to buy one and support the venture no matter how good it sounds.
As an example So much gets discussed how a P sits in the mix, so a company reproduces that bass that a metric tonne of people use, and they get panned for it.
The proof is indeed the fit and finish, rolled neck, neck profile, neck and body feel, pick ups, pre-amp etc.
Who knows good be a bloody good set of basses or an absolute turkey, but you know what - they look alright, not offensive in the least