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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. You’ll get no arguments from me on Barefaced cabs of some flavour that suits you across the range. A more than decent all in one head that will do clean through to overdrive and fuzz is the Tech21 VTBass500. One amongst some very good suggestions
  2. The browness, they have literally polished that poo!
  3. Of course we are assuming that it wasn’t a typo of £299 instead of £399 Its a big mark up from their usual fly rigs
  4. Some jobs do have to have some form of non internal advertising, even if it’s flashed up for 1 day
  5. Hence my post saying to a degree. I never said it was completely untrue, as what I said happens holds water, it would be unfair to completely demonise the whole institution. It is dependent on the make of the panel
  6. Not entirely true, but can be the case to a degree. There is often a ‘preferred’ candidate however for a good number of positions there have to be external and impartial people present, so an external can still out gun the internal
  7. Not sure it’s Anti Musicman, but apparently pre EB means pre Eviscerated Bowelburst If they choose the majority of the colours to be in the palette of Brown.............well.........
  8. Out of the question Unforgivable, I hope you washed thoroughly after each time you played it
  9. @Osiris is the time to bring out Goldringer/Lannister to see if it’s more offensive than Bowel contents......and we can prove he does plop Gold....
  10. Nice work!!! Is it hard to manipulate? I have 2 status neck bitsa’s, May look cool on mine
  11. Keep going buddy - I loved finishing my jag rebuild/refinish was a great project
  12. Badass where did you get the carbon fibre neck plate?
  13. Looks grand that I vote the cab frame should mimic the head tho
  14. @ped and other Mids - this clearly violates taste rules - I suggest a suspension for this offender - horrific piece of pavement pizza salami
  15. Yep - I pretty much know that with you, it’s more a generalised view I gave on sounds. Demo’s are great to give an idea, but for some pedals you have to see through the demonstrated sounds and look into what it is, to get a true idea of versatility before its badged as a one trick pony. i also get you with enough of one based sound
  16. Ok I get what you mean now. For me it’s the fact that what used to be created by massive rigs is miniaturised into a very useable and portable box to get that tone, but also a palette to extend. Reference to the tones sounding the same, that’s the ‘fault’ of demo’s out there, you can’t go into the number of variables, it would be a day long video. If we all used the same settings with the same bass, every one of us would sound different sure to our attack and playing style, and possible vastly different, they are that intuitive, plus people will to an extent sound like themselves - Patrick Hunters goonish demo’s is a bibliography in making every Pedal sound exactly the same
  17. Not sure what you mean about the artist not using one - generally with Tech21 the artist does use one and road tests it personally in gigs before release
  18. The best cowbell song hands down or if you see how quick they go live, probably cocaine fuelled https://youtu.be/5R-voFL4ZL8
  19. In short, it really can be (for me anyway) others have found it to be so, but of course others are ok with it. Take the L1500 as an example, it was made to be very treble harsh which was like fingernails on a blackboard and the provided pre amp did not really address or roll it off enough. In order to make it manageable you had to change a resistor (R7 if I remember right) and then add another capacitor to the tone pot to make it useable - and it did work. What I found was that the bass hit any pre amp so hard up front, it decreased any ability for tone shaping which I consequently found easier with ‘gentler’ pick ups. I have always thought they would be great basses for just bass and amp - no fuss, alas in my youth I messed with pedals etc. Now I am older and grumpy and play a lot more straightforwardly I would prob like them more! For me they need to keep the #7 and #8 necks and it’s a winner
  20. Pumpkin and Tizer turd brown and toilet duck blue That original bass in thread looks like it has a roll of Andrex where the pick up should be
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