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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. Agree with @Muzz it’s not a one cab fits all, each Will needs its own EQ and then match to the players/bands preference. At this level - it’s minor differences
  2. As said before you clearly have an axe to grind and are vocal about it here and Facebook etc. Your comments are often geared towards saying this happens in the majority of cases etc. with no reported actual figures to back up. For clarity, for it to be a majority it would have to be a significant percentage of their sales, and if you have the figures on Gen 1 vs 2 vs 3 and the frequency of issues covering the trend, whether it’s static, improving, getting worse. You could argue that if it’s improving, then they are a better company for it, even if not perfect. For example electrical manufacturers build in up to a 5% failure rate for components inside the recognised timespan of use. The fact is they have had or do have problems (no one denies this) the opinion is this is the most problematic brand out there - conjecture. Yes its an open forum, but all these issues were mentioned in the OP’s post, and he is giving a well written personal experience with a brand. If someone asks for brand X vs brand Y which shall I get, then that is the true place to get your knives out, and then others will disagree accordingly. The fact is, it’s a thread about someone expressing their joy at a product, it’s churlish to rain on a parade.
  3. Think we are getting into ‘agenda against manufacturer’ and ‘axe to grind’ territory here. The OP clearly stated in his write up about this having been a problem documented, and if people wish to search this up, there will be plenty written. Shall we not go down this line and instead contribute to this post in the manner it was written and celebrate someone clearly finding a product they have found suits them, which is a really cool thing.
  4. End of relic methinks Techniques to remain a trade secret....
  5. What one possibly could think of as a weakness in the Preamp can actually be a strength IMHO , it allows the natural bass to shine, then sculpt as you wish
  6. Those are sandberg in house pick ups which veer towards the more vintage sound, unless you ordered black labels which are punchy as hell
  7. Relic has begun...... Heat gun, freezer, wire wool, rocks, keys etc. Having fun and the stained wood comes through as planned trying to leave the bit under the pickguard untouched
  8. Nice work Great Looker. For menthe Glock Pre (aside from strings) is dependant on other preamps you may or may not use in your chain - it does give a good template to work on Congrats
  9. The tech21 VTBass is a beaut of a head - nice little rig
  10. 3 coats in Its very gold........ And yes, there is a poo by the rocking horse - I finally found it
  11. Aye, could just be me, but have found less success it getting it right Cooper tape vs Paint, plus the black looks badass
  12. Not a bad plan - Charles guitars has it in stock and comes pretty sharply, 30mls is about a fiver and 60mls about a tenner. I think it’s a better way, I have had mixed results with copper tape in that if any of the wiring or pots are in contact the signal shorts out. if you need a ring terminal they are cheap as chips and I am sure I have a spare I can Send you
  13. Or graphite paint the cavity and use a ring terminal is an option
  14. Bought a bass from this chap, gentleman seller from start to finish and we’ll packaged - deal with confidence and GLWTS for a nice bass 👊🏾🤘🏾💪🏾👌🏾
  15. If it’s not on the Seymour Duncan website I will pop you the dimensions
  16. My turn to be dense....... i am less cunning than a fox who got a degree in cunning at Oxford.....
  17. Gratuitous pics as Mrs Mia Wallace said ‘Gaddamn, I said Goddamn!’ It is a fine looking bridge......That bridge cover may get canned. E and G strings pulled in at the narrowest (not properly strung) For those interested - Middle hole aligns with a Fender 5 hole bridge - the other 2 are new drills
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