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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. I am by no means an expert and the posts above encapsulate things nicely. I would favour staying Mac and using Logic Pro X. Windows OS and how it works are now becoming so close to Mac’s you may as well stay. So far as navigating a Mac - it would be worth visiting a Genius Bar in a store (if they are doing it) and or spending some time on you tube tutorials of which there are loads to help. collaborating with others and different programs is not normally a problem either as importing and exporting tracks is easy and compatible. Once you get around navigation, and create your own workflow I think you will be flying
  2. Open question not to demonise - for the ones who fervently against taking a spare, if you did (unfortunately) have a failure which would have necessitated having a spare to solve the issue would it change your perception or would you write it off as one of those things? Would it also depend on what gig, size, function etc. Genuine interest, because some people here have developed their practice based on personal misfortune or misfortune to those they know.
  3. Respectfully disagree about the guitar -humbuckers and P90’s are great - but you can make a strat or a tele sound huge as well Ty Tabor uses a Strat live and has used various strat like ones over the years as an example - it depends on how it all fits together
  4. Oh and sometimes I use a 12 string bass - is that cheating?
  5. Forgot to mention The Cult as well esp the tambourine. Alternative to the tambourine would be those eggs which are like mini maracas - they really cut through and add a dimension.
  6. I can promise you Kings X does and Living Colour, old Alice in Chains before Duval comes in and out
  7. I pretty much only play in a 3 piece a bass sound - bit of compression and a bit of drive (whatever your flavour) and it will all stay knitted together. My fave way to achieve this the tech21 dUg Ultrabass amp or the Tech21 DP3X pedal - it was made for this
  8. That one may still need the neuro hub as well. I think the only ones that work via the USB port are the disaster area ones, but I am sure someone will confirm or deny
  9. Congrats to those who have actual gigs - it is worth pointing out everybody wanted music back live when it’s safe to do so, some people will still have genuine concerns for whatever reason and it’s shouldn’t be glibly washed over. Happy again for live music and a move to normality - break a leg!
  10. Talking about what we do and don’t know about the universe obfuscates and deflects the issue, we are not talking about universe misconceptions, it’s Compressor misconceptions and I am pretty sure more than 4% is known about it (not including myself in that btw) The article is interesting, but the key points were: Control your sound Dont let the FOH be the one to ride faders and control too much for you. In certain situations he can see its use despite being not for him. Focus on your own playing (universally agreed by everyone) Learn to use your compressor properly Despite being not for him - he has pretty much agreed with what the ‘fanboys’ have said
  11. FEA Labs Opti-FET compressor - it’s very good
  12. It’s not about 1 person, it’s about sharing knowledge, dispelling untruths, false myths and baseless assumptions for anyone out there who cares to know, wants to know more and newcomers to this - fortunately there are people on here with good knowledge who put a lot of effort in to demonstrate this.
  13. Don’t tell me you can’t taste as well....
  14. Classic example of adding ingredients to a musical soup for a better result.
  15. Does everyone have to agree for it to be true? Does it have to be a majority for it to be true? People can have good reasons for not wanting to use them/it - but to dismiss something as useless/not required etc. (In the fave of good evidence to the contrary, which was asked for and shown)Without proper knowledge of how to use it isn’t the correct basis to make that statement. I repeat tho, this is about misconceptions this thread - talking about how it is useful is trying to help those that want to hear about it deal with misconceptions, plus, it has been bumped because someone is demonstrating how they are trying to use it and listen to what can happen, trying to submerge it under false pretences is not correct.
  16. The thread actually got bumped because a person went out to see what compression could do and started hearing the effects of its benefit and posted about it. I’ll say this from a neutral position (even though some may say I’m not). To dismiss something’s lack of importance properly, it can only be done from a point of genuine and decent working knowledge on it, not apparent by just quotating buzz phrases and words - I see this all the time in my work.....
  17. And would the band be too loud because they fail to adopt the use of compression as a way to help make sure the sound is balanced and this could play at a lower volume instead of the continual turn up war that can happen? Surely it’s no lesser question/request than the one asking for compressors to be turned on and off during the song and proof of sound change/audience reaction? The Cadillac Three are a reasonably successful country/rock band who have no bassist, I don’t think anyone tells them they need a bassist to be successful (as an example)
  18. It’s simple then - one of the bass bashes (when they happen again) needs a cab shoot out. Weight range categories decided and best sounding to be judged no matter what cone size, specs, tolerance etc. it’s the only true scientific way
  19. Firstly - nice playing Secondly - it’s an obvious difference between compression and not Thirdly - not right or wrong on level of compression, maybe release it a little and see how it sounds and feels. It’s what is right for you
  20. Haha - I play pick - there is enough nail to give a clack if you flick your 3 fingers - just gives another type of sound if you want to change it up
  21. Why not - if you like it you will shine - good work you played it well. You could maybe add hammer offs into it and you could play the chords not with the pick but with the nails of the fingers as you would if you had no pick, could show variety? But you don’t need to Good job
  22. Playing Bombtrack gets you in if I was watching - great track. The first bit can be quite technical actually and expressive moving from quieter to louder or palm mute with a pick and open up and drop into a pace change, then making the tiff groove without being robotic and metronomic I think it’s a great choice and good luck
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