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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. i’ll Try to get a proper recording and will do it after shielding and doing another grounding as it’s still a bit noisy Thank you for your kind words
  2. @BigRedX you may be more sensitive, for me, with or without a D tuner. Bass with a Zero Fret, DR DDT strings or if you like flats LaBella 1954 originals which are like ropes. Never an issue
  3. @BigRedX not sure what basses or strings you use, but drop D on a normal 4 string need not be a floppy mess and can be easily properly tensioned with or without a D tuner
  4. And now finished!! So..... USA Fender Alder Body Olympic White and High Mass Vintage Bridge made String through. Olive White Fender pickguard Status Jazz Neck Hipshot Ultralite tuners 1 Drop D Sandberg String retainer Seymour Duncan APB-1 active pick ups. Inside routed under pickguard for battery, but I have a battery box and will likely rout the back for this. DR DDT strings All that is left is to do another ground wire and shield the cavity (it’s noisy as hell). Thanks to everyone and in particular @HazBeen for lots of advice. Its loud and punchy as hell!! Think I may have to do another....
  5. It will be later this year, maybe next if I am right?!
  6. @SpondonBassedI have a B2ADB it’s absolutely brilliant. I also have a passive Hohner as well. In the summers heat just gone it was my bass that held tune the best out of them all. Personally, I would sell the Steiny if you don’t like it and pick up a B2ADB Hohner, no mods required, should be about even monies, or not to far off. Just IMHO if you don’t mind me sharing
  7. Not in my experience and no more drift than would be expected depending on room conditions if you get my drift
  8. Hipshot bass extended drop D tuner cures everything
  9. There is no groan dad joke emoji or that would get it
  10. Everything becomes a bygone era at some point
  11. @Al Krow Cedar as we know has various different types but is used from all kinds of things varying from furniture through to garage, garden fence decking and even ship building. You would figure that it’s got to be pretty good to be used for that. Softwood/hardwood yep it’s all about grain etc. Balsar is a hardwood, but brittle as fcuk. Cedar seems to fall into category 2 for the main, so I reckon it’s not too bad. and as one fo your threads says, Warwick quality has not always been top drawer so wouldnt trust their choices!
  12. I have 2 Hohners and know what you mean, but have you seen the new strap from Gruv Gear designed by Dave Ellefson? you can alter the length at both the front end and back end of the strap so that may be good enough to get your placement right. Maybe the Hohner D2ADB with it’s drop D lever May getbyou through when you are needing a little below an E? Also I cannot sing loudly enough about that Sandberg, that bass is pretty much 6lbs.
  13. For all you guys wanting a lightweight bass you really need to keep a look out for Sandberg. They have a prototype bass made from Cedar wood and the whole bass comes in at under 3kg which is hovering around 6Lbs. You get Sandberg quality, their new black label pick ups which are more punchy and have more output, the neck is European Maple instead of Canadian which is lighter and a bit softer. Aluminium hardware. We all know Sandberg is massive quality and this bass absolutely slays, punch and sustain for days, really snappy sound. Aside from inside knowledge the only thing out there is in this video where it comes in at 20mins. https://ru-clip.net/video/9DZ4UNwWlS4/bass-talk-05-holger-stonjek-from-sandberg-at-tgu18.html it is a massive revelation.
  14. Drop D always Quite enjoyed it, pop a few windmills in there, doing some backing vocals is easy as the bass line is not stressful
  15. I have a sneaky feeling he synth was created by the bass
  16. It’s great seeing something other than a Fender - Sandberg esp as I do love them and also a DG head being used for not metal
  17. No deal I don’t think Full sponsorships are rare these days
  18. Not really, but apparently that’s all i can say, but yes I get your point too. cant get you out of my head is a mixture of bass synth and keyboards, but may not translate through telly as it might do live, and of course a different arrangement The mix was also a bit sub heavy from the engineers
  19. *sigh* an innocent post about an enjoyable show and a nice sounding bass is all getting rather irksome and tedious, so I will modify and only apply what one can definitively see. The player was playing rather nice sounding and looking basses made by Sandberg. A fretted TM4 and a Fretless TM5 The player seems to play them rather well sounding good on his own and in time with his band mates. Someone else mentioned he was highly talented. i can guarantee put me on that bass, it would no where near sound as good. Those are the constants in the chain and have to be before any DI or deskage wizardry. All the rest is willy waving
  20. @BigRedX no doubt you have some valid points, however you can’t possibly tell me that the Tone he has was complete and utter codswallop and then the engineers sprinkled a whole bucket load of fairy dust to make it sound good. Chances are they had a very good starting point, mid point, end point wherever he or she took the signal from
  21. O think the sound guys for BBC had maybe just come back from ibiza and were in the sub bass type mixing mode from the club sets etc. Hence the more bass type mix, and of course there are more synth type songs in her set up. Be interesting to hear how it changes in her tour
  22. Agreed the B3K and VMT have not superceeded, they have been expanded in their various iterations, and then a completely different engine was released with a different sound to them. The SS has not been superceded, it had to be reinvented as he could not get the parts anymore, hence this. Remember anytime you are kicking in any form of distortion, you are already adding compression, and any amps with limiters on them (most do in some form whether it’s has a dedicated dial or not) are also hailing compression. Compression is all around you. The new pedal certainly is good, form soundbites I have heard which is not the same as playing with it, the SS sounds like it should, the BUS is really good, the 1176 put the box needs tweaking, but you may be able to get it sounding as good as a Cali. If it did that, definite winner having 3 different sounds to affect your signal.
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