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Everything posted by RhythmSection

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. Odd thing is that I'm not getting any buzzing! I will take the scratch plate off again and have a look at the wiring.
  2. Hi All, I have had my 1989 MIJ Fender P Bass (passive) since new, and have never needed to look at the wiring until recently when I needed to install a new jack socket. In the cavity there is a dark blue/black wire that comes out of the body and lies across the bottom of the cavity, though it is not connected to either the pots or the socket. It is easy to see in the photo running through the centre of the cavity. Can someone tell me the purpose of that wire please. Thanks Steve
  3. I agree that Edge probably laid down or at least helped shape some of those early lines, I guess that's standard in such a band that starts with different levels of ability across the members. On my drive to work today I put in a memory stick which has a compilation of some of my favorite songs from many bands, which often equates to bass lines I enjoy playing. One of the tracks was Tomorrow from October, it made me laugh as I remembered my earlier comment on this thread and my struggle as a novice years ago to try and work out how he played the second half of this song - two bass tracks, simple's once you know.
  4. I saw U2 several times in London during 1980/1981, while on their tours for Boy and October. Both excellent albums which I still go back to. The last time I saw them was an open air concert in Germany in the summer of 85. The bass lines that Adam Clayton laid down on those albums, simplistic as they are, were part of the inspiration for me picking up and learning to play bass. I did struggle with some of his lines as I seemed to run out of frets/strings and couldn't get the key. The concept of drop D tuning or tuning the E to an Eb was alien to me at the time!! (It still is , singers pah, who needs them!!!)
  5. An Old brown Boss CE-2B , lovely sounds out of it. I have had it for 25 or more years.
  6. Spooky thing is that 'Closer' very nearly made it onto my list!!!! maybe my dad has a few questions to answer.......
  7. It's impossible to pick just one, there are too many to choose from. Some have already been mentioned above, a few more; [size=3]The Photos - The Photos (1980)[/size] [size=3]The Cure - Faith / Carnage Visors (1981)[/size] [size=3][size=3]The Au Pairs - Playing With a Different Sex (1981)[/size][/size] [size=3]The Passions - Thirty Thousand feet over China (1981)[/size] [size=3]Siouxsie and the Banshees - JuJu (1981)[/size] [size=3]Gang Of 4 - Songs of the Free (1982)[/size] All heavily influenced me picking up the bass and I still listen to them today. Steve
  8. Hi all, I'm looking for some guidance please. [size=4]My Fender 62 RI Fretless Jazz CIJ, built circa 1993-1994, may need at least a new neck pickup. [/size] [size=4]The spec says it has Vintage American Jazz Bass Pickups, same as the American Vintage series. [/size] I like the tone the bass has, and don't want to loose that. I have found the following available and if needed will replace both neck and bridge pups: Fender Vintage noiseless JB (the current pups are noisy!) Fender Custom shop 60's JB Aguilar AG 4J-60 The easy option would be one of the Fender sets, though I'm prepared to try the Aguilar set. Can anyone comment on either set in question, or recommend others to consider please? Thanks, Steve
  9. Patti Smith at the Moore Theatre in Seattle, for her Gung Ho tour quite a few years ago, maybe 12-15. Brilliant gig in a small old style theatre, We got in really early and I remember having a discussion with an American about who was the better drummer, Budgie Banshee or Clem Burke. My missus nudged me and pointed to Peter Buck in a box, he later joined Patti on stage fo Gloria........ What a gig. After seeing loads of gigs in London early to mid 80's I can never be tempted to a stadium gig so it's been pub bands since then. The last one of those was the Bangkok Beatles a couple of months ago, they were really good. Steve
  10. Yes
  11. I saw The Clash in Brixton, waaaaay back probably '82, after Joe Strummer went awol for a while. He came back and they honoured the tickets from the previously cancelled gig's. It was the the tour with their extra 'work experience' guitarist. The opening song was London Calling, lots of dry ice & red lights, and the first bass note and subsequent slide nearly knocked me off my feet, it was like being punched in the chest, in a good way!!! It took about two days before my hearing came back (Mrs say's that I'm still a bit deaf!) It was a Brilliant gig, Steve
  12. I went for this deal just before the new year, and it's still on. I only really wanted the Ampeg BA-210, so my Plan A was to get the deal, sell the Sub and V-Amp, and recover probably 50% of the money = cheap Ampeg combo! (Also a good sales pitch to the missus!) I believe G4M had the same combo for sale on Black Friday for £239 but I missed that. Superb delivery, I ordered it just before 1600 on Wednesday, it all arrived by about 0930 the next day, delivery costs £10 via DPD. Ampeg fine (minor ding in one rear metal corner so no big deal and that's going to happen soon anyway), V-Amp, well I played with that and I just might want to keep it. However: Sub Bass? trashed! A big chunk taken out of the lacquer, about an inch and half long, and down to the wood Grrrrrr! So it's now with DPD and on its way back to York. Given that there were no shards in the packaging I'm guessing it was a factory error and not checked by G4M before dispatch. Anyway, I didn't play the bass, but from the reviews on here and elsewhere it sounds like a potential keeper, so plan A may be out of the window! I have owned two EB MM Stingray's in 35 years, my dream guitar (a Banshee's and Cure fan), but I could never get on with them. Playability and tone were perfect, but they were really heavy and never fitted my frame for some reason. I am a Fender fan, but let's see what happens when the replacement Sub arrives. Steve
  13. Hi Lozz196, Thanks very much for your quick and helpful response. That keeps it nice and easy! I obviously need to read the impedance thread again, but your explanation is nice and clear. Thank you, Steve
  14. Hi All, In the past I have used combos on their own, twiddled with the sound until I got somewhere near what I or the band wanted, listened from the audience perspective and then just got on with it. I now have an Ampeg BA-210 which is rated 283W @ 8 ohms and 450W @ 4 ohms and has a single jack plug for an 8 ohm extension. I may (emphasis on may) want to add an extension cab to reap the full benefit from the combo. I have read on this forum a lot about amps, cabs, impedance etc, but am still confused and could use some guidance please. I may want to add a single 210, 212 or 115 cab. So to work well with the BA-210, I think I'm looking for a cab rated at more than 450W @ 4 Ohms (say 500W). On many dealers sites I can only see the 8 ohm rating for Cab's, so that leaves me more confused. So - What specification should I be looking for in an extension cab to work with the BA-210? and - has anyone paired a BA-210 with a Cab, if so which model/brand, and how is it working out? Thanks for your help, Steve
  15. Hi All and good morning, I am a new joiner to the forum though I have lurked about here for a couple of years and recognize the wealth of knowledge available to and from members. I've played bass since 1980, self taught, and played in a covers band in the late 80's & early 90's which was great fun. Since then work has taken over though the bass has remained one of my ways of relaxing. With a new job and more free time comes the opportunity to join or form a band, and there is the potential for a group of work colleagues to get together, this is all 'in progress'. Gear wise, I started with a Westone Thunder 1A , and then an Ashley Pangborn Chieftain II, I wish I still had the Ashley! Moved on to the Fender Precision and have stayed with Fender since. I now have a Japan made P Bass which is my workhorse, a crafted in Japan Jazz 62 re-issue fretless/lined, and a 2012 American Standard Jazz. These give me all that I need from my basses! Amps - I recently bought an Ampeg BA-210, which should be enough for small gigs, though I may need an extension cab (which I have a question about later). I have some combo's to move on, an old Carslbro Pro Series 200 combo, and an Ashdown Perfect 10 30W combo. These suited my needs to practice in the the house with the Ashdown, and annoying the neighbors from the garage with the Carlsbro. The Ampeg brings everything together in one portable box. Effects? well as a Joy Division, Banshees, Cure & Japan fan, then the Chorus pedal is my favorite, I also have a Flanger (both Boss brown boxes from the late eighties.) These may become redundant because a Behringer Bass V-amp Pro came with my new Ampeg. I have read the bad press, but will give it some time. A really good buy a few years ago was the M-Audio Fastrack computer interface which allows me to practice through my computer along with the music, using headphones and without annoying the family! A great piece of kit. I've mentioned my early influences but over the years have learnt to appreciate many styles of bass playing (in no particular order) Duck Dunn, Alan Spenner, Mick Karn, James Jameson, Mike Mills, Paul Mcartney, Jack Bruce, Flea and loads more. I think that's enough so I'll stop before you all fall asleep! I hope that I can contribute to the forum as well as learn from it. Steve
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