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Everything posted by ProfJames

  1. Looks great. Love that older tech! Can you turn up my heating as well please?
  2. OK.................I had to quickly get on the phone to acquire a Stingray..................pictures Saturday.........see what all the fuss is about with them............
  3. Welcome, good luck and keep away from the For Sale section........................
  4. A very clse friend of mine who passed away a year or so ago was th elongest serving pirate DJ, he named his daughter Caroline. Real name John Hatt but was called John Aston on air. Wonderful man. I did a radio show at Reading Uni with hin called Johnny Aston and the Missing Link!!! Great days and memories........
  5. Love this vid.........missed seeing this band.......big regret..................
  6. Mine also got here.............excellent thank you
  7. They are the only dealer I have no complaints with, always attentive, responsive and great listeners. Will be using them again and can only recommend like all of the others who have posted. Well done BD..........
  8. Anyone got anything planned before 12th April????
  9. Giving away my age a bit here but saw them in the early '70s in Kilburn and they did Whiskey in the JAr....I was 13! Saw them many years later and paid quite a bit for the ticket, great live. He used to live in West Hampstead - Phil Lynott - and was always in a pub called the Birds Nest, always approachable. His biography ..the Thin Man I think ... was a sad read if I remember rightly. Drugs got the better. Have quite a bit of Thin Lizzy in my collection, still listen avidly.........
  10. Great question, I worked on Mark Owen's house some years back as he was installing a recording studio at the end of his garden, Security, water proofing, sound proofing, electrical supply, etc were expensive. Even he was shocked but understood the implications. Would get some trusted professional build advice including insurance coverage as well.
  11. Always liked these guys, great intensity..............wonder what happened to them, great track.............
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