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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. I was super excited but initial reviews seem terrible on bass
  2. Are you willing to ship?
  3. I had a small stone the same as yours (also had a green muff that looked like it had been set on fire) the Small stone was by far the funkiest phaser I’ve ever played. One of the few pedals of that type I miss. Enjoy
  4. As did I, but i lost out to you. Enjoy and don’t forget me when you get bored 😘
  5. If you open them in a new tab they do, they’re all in dropbox
  6. And if anyone knows where I can get one there the pins fold in like this https://www.apple.com/sg/shop/product/MHJF3ZP/A/20w-usb-c-power-adapter please also chip in.
  7. This, I have 3, one in each gigbag.
  8. https://ampguitars.com/product/3leaf-audio-bass-envelope-filter/ 💁🏼‍♀️
  9. That aux in with volume control. I have an sfx mixer to do that for wired iem mixes. It has a di but no eq. So this pretty cool for that purpose
  10. Did the dusk replace the IE Xerograph? Do you know how well it works as a pure lpf? Like the fx25
  11. I really want to try the Jive, looks a fantastically fun pedal. My ocd firmly approves of your board 😅
  12. So much better when nearly all the pedals are the right way round 😅
  13. Well I’d say it cuts bass anyway so I don’t think you’ll have the problem. It’ll fill the gap but I don’t think you’ll find it’s a keeper, mine lasted 15 minutes 😅
  14. Pulp n peel is a great all in one I think I just prefer bass -> di. I have 3 stagebugs, a countryman, the sfx and I’ll be picking up 2 tube dis in the near future and this just seems to be my preference 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Well currently there is no board 😂 in the pic it’s the Fulltone Bass Drive and an SFX Headphone/IEM Mixer and DI I have a pile of pedals now for sale and I’m keeping and will explain the following. MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - If you’re not doing warbly synthy oc2 sounds this is the best and really versatile. Dod FX25 - Using the LPF trick it does. I’m getting a huge phat sound out of it after hearing Si Francis do the same with a far more expensive filter in an Americana band SFX IEM Mixer - It’s a di but it also accepts a stereo or mono feed from a desk. This gives you a volume for your IEMs of bass and the desk feed separately, so you can balance it yourself. It also has a link out so you can pass on the desk feed. It’s incredibly useful and the DI sounds great. EBS Microbass 3 - Picked this up by chance last week, sounds way better than I imagined and has all the IO I’d ever need on any gig. Sonicake Octaver - Sounds identical to the OC2 and the Valeton OC10 and when I say identical I don’t mean close I mean identical. I preferred the format and size of this one and it’s the cheapest. Zoom MS-60b - I hate that I love this pedal so much. I started looking for a small multi to scratch an itch and have something interesting to play with on the road. This was the smallest multi I could find that you could also take to a jam night because it still has a foot switch (I also have 2 NUX Mighty Plugs, which sound good (enough) but aren’t gigable). This can be powered by USB, AAs and standard 9v. I wanted it for misc effects that don’t warrant a stand alone. Frankly this thing just slays, I’ve loaded on particle and pitch shifting delays from the MS70cdr along with anything else weird I can find and I can do a passable impression of basically anything. All of which means I can continue to travel super light. My plan for the board is a grab and go solution for when gigs pop up. It’ll stay in the U.K. and I’ll just grab it when I fly in and should be able to cover everything (knowing I’ll have the zoom and a stagebug di with me in whatever gigbag I have with me) /long rambly post Ok…. so I made a board It’s the newer nano bag so the Microbass 3 is in the front pocket and the Zoom is in the bass gigbag. I want the Cioks 4 for power and that’s about it
  16. Took me 10 years to track one down. It’s in good condition with dual lock on the bottom. One chip on the top but everything is working with no noise or scratchy pots etc. No box Can be powered with 9v or 18v. Great classic bass overdrive and potentially a collectible as Fulltone have now gone under. The comp cut mode nearly had me keep it but I’m mainly playing flats and gain just does very little to improve that tone.
  17. I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t like pedals anymore 😅
  18. …. Not for sale on this forum 😅 So in all seriousness the Valeton and Sonicake sound identical to the OC2. My personal preference is the MXR which I’ve previously pitted against the MXR Vintage Bass Octaver (another oc2 clone). But it’s a wholly different sound, very far from the warbly oc2, but it is my preference when mixing in clean. The oc2 has become a requested sound so it starts to become irrelevant what you prefer you need an oc2. My test was basically playing the same riff and then turning them all on and off in random orders, probably would have been nice for me to record it …. But I didn’t 🤷🏻‍♂️ The zoom I’ve got passable versions of the MXR and Boss. It’s become my go to travel pedal as I can power it from basically anything and it will do anything. So in a pinch I can cop and OC2 but given what it costs and the fact it’s tiny and identical to the Boss and Valeton I’ve opted to keep the Sonicake. Also I just plain think the Valeton is ugly 🤷🏻‍♂️ So there you have it, my unhelpful review, with no videos, no recordings, just my ramblings. But if you want to try for yourself the OC2 and Valeton are both for sale right now so please please buy both and try and prove me wrong.
  19. Great condition with 2 scratches on the right hand side. Box, no velcro. Made in Taiwan, silver sticker.
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  20. Good condition, no box, no Velcro. Some scratches on the bottom. OC2 clone and trust me it is, it’s not just close it’s identical.
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  21. Open to offers on this one as the V2 costs a small fortune but then this doesn’t have all those features (but has all the ones I cared about) so maybe I’ve priced it wrong 🤷‍♂️ Good condition, no box, velcro on the bottom
  22. Good condition, no box, velcro on the bottom. Art work is a little faded. Been wanting to try one of these for about 15 years ever since I saw in on Tony Levin’s board. Use the settings you see in the picture 🥹 it sounds incredible. You’ve got the Orange Squeeze on one side and the Ross on the other, you can cascade them into each other, really push them. I was at a studio recently and the producer liked the Ross side to sounding like the LA2 just really thickened it up. Whereas I could sit for hours playing boogaloo bass lines with a pick and the OS side engaged. Basically there is some tube gear I think better suits my needs. There are a lot of pedals I’m selling, this isn’t personal 🤣
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