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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. Get an E13 Peep and see how glitchy it goes Boss will of course recommend there own exp pedals with the newer metal one are very nice but huge. Bespeco is super cheap and should work but the range is a bit small. I like the look of the Alesis ones.
  2. Ebay it with that as a BIN price it will be gone before tomorrow morning.
  3. OOOO an orange one those are pretty rare now, I'm very tempting indeed The PE is a Brassmaster clone, the Brassmaster was used by people like Larry Graham and John Paul Jones. Classic fuzz goodness Are you after any trades?
  4. If he gets back to me I'll defo have it but not heard anything yet.
  5. Does that RV-2 have a gated reverb? Edit: Wait ignore that checked and I'll take it, PM me you paypal details I'll give you £45 for it shipped and you pick how to send it
  6. No what I said was I can get a mint one when ever I want for about 60-70 due to pedal collector friends I have that are willing to do me deals and ship me things anywhere in the world for free, that doesn't make this one any less valuable on ebay. I would gladly pay £100 for this, wouldn't pay much more than that at the moment as its not something I would have other than collection purposes but I'd also say it's worth more than that on the open market so I wouldn't have expected him to sell it to me at that price. The main point of this Kev is this place is supposed to be a community, I've met many a great people one here who I regularly speak to and have jam sessions with, I've had people collect bass cabs for me from the other end of the country as favours. I've sent people little bits and bobs for free etc etc clearly Dodge did not know what the thing is worth and by what the thing is worth I mean how much they are selling for used and not the figure you've decided its worth because that's all you've got. Now a general thing that most sellers on here do is say "I've seen this going for £120 on ebay I'll do it to a BC'er for £110 or £100" thats the spirit of a community. People are welcome to lowball away and when you know something is worth something then that's fine. But that's not what's happened here, you know damn well how much these pedals are worth second hand and you also know that the condition of the paint makes next to no difference on the vintage EHX stuff hell most people are dubious if it doesn't looked fecked over. True you aren't buying it to make a profit but that's this week, say you get it and don't like it and then go to sell it will you have a BIN price on ebay of £75? I highly doubt that. Something similar happened to Paul_C or Arrowhead here he had a Bass Whammy for sale and he wanted £80 for it and we told him to go stick it on ebay as he'd get more for it I think he ended up with £400 or something and again this is the point we are a COMMUNITY not a bunch of arseholes trying to do each other over every chance we get.
  7. [quote name='BassManKev' post='67568' date='Sep 30 2007, 08:32 AM']for the record, my offer was £75, and that is very reasonable.[/quote] Clearly that's why it's winging its way to you right now isn't.
  8. [quote name='PaulMartin' post='66712' date='Sep 28 2007, 05:58 AM']I bought this used and have had it for a couple of years. It's in good nick but obviously has some signs of wear and tear. The battery compartment cover is missing but I will include a mains adaptor. I will also include a little 4 into 1 mixer to enable the drum machine + bass to be mixed together into an amp input. £35 posted[/quote] What power supply does this take? 9v Boss Standard? Also I'll take it PM me your paypal address please, I defo want that little mixer as well. Cheers
  9. That is in amazing condition for a CE-1 and thats a pretty decent price as well. For the guitarists out there this is the Andy Summers chorus/vibe sound. Good luck with the sale
  10. Sorry for the delay but heres the clip [url="http://www.myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20OD-10.mp3"]http://www.myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20OD-10.mp3[/url] Whats left for sale now?
  11. [quote name='DrGonzo' post='67482' date='Sep 29 2007, 08:07 PM']Hmmm... I don't normally get involved in stuff like this, but is there any difference between what you did and what Kev did? Both spotted a bargain and exploited it for profit. Are you maybe just jealous that he got there first? How much was the Muff for sale for? Incidently I don't think they're all that rare. I've seen plenty of Sovtek muffs come up on ebay in the past, they're a fetish of mine... If it was tatty I'd say probably £35 / £40 would be fair, I've seen immaculate ones go for around the £65 mark in the past, it all depends on what's popular this month. No way would I say that this pedal should have a value in excess of a new model. The parts in the Russian Muff are for a large part not as good as the new models, and prone to corrosion. The pedals definitely sound good, but that sound can be acheived with some NOS parts and fitted to a new model. What you pay for is the cool factor, so excellent condition pedals may well attract a higher price than really they are worth. If this pedal is as tatty as it sounds, then I doubt its really worth as much as £100. There are a great many of these pedals still circulating about so I've no idea why anyone is wetting their knickers about![/quote] As an FYI the old green ones have completely different components than the new ones (well a lot of components are different) either way they sound different and in most peoples opinions better, they are also better built and long since discontinued. No new EHX muff you can buy will sound like an old green one so you have to get boutique clones of them like Way Huge, Skreddy and Euthymia and as those pedals are expensive they've driven the original ones up in price. So there is a big difference between the Green ones and the Black ones. Also I'm not jealous I can get a green muff whenever for like 60-70 if that in mint condition maybe even less But hope the info on the pedal has proved useful and I found that soundclip of the OD-10 for you and will upload asap.
  12. Can you hear the worlds smallest violin playing the saddest saddest song. This is not a forum where we take advantage of people for lack of knowledge, clearly from him withdrawing it you've offered him bugger all for the pedal I'd say about £40 knowing how you've dealt with me in the past. People are free to make low offers but its immoral when they know how damn much the pedal is worth and the person selling has no clue through no fault of there own, just like I don't buy '62 Jazz basses off little old women for £100 because their husband died and they found it in the attic and don't know what to do with it. Also don't try attacking me on TB you won't get very far I promise you that.
  13. Yeah I'm pretty sure either me or Toasted will go way over what Kev's offered you
  14. I just thought I'd ask what order would you put the following pedals in I'm having a bit of trouble deciding Tone Factor Cream Pie Tone Factor Cream Pie Tone Factor Huckleberry Tone Factor Huckleberry Tone Factor Fuzz Saw Tone Factor Bass Fuzz Saw Tone Factor Pulp Mill Tone Factor Bass 442 Tone Factor Mule Tone Factor Eeyore Boomstick Bottom Feeder Subdecay Noise Box Subdecay Quasar Monacor Effectmatic Danelectro PB&J Delay Aria FL-10 Flanger Aria FL-10 Flanger Aria AD-10 Analog Delay Digitech PDS 2000 Digital Delay Digitech Bass Synth Wah Digitech Whammy 4 Catalinbread V8 Fuzz Catalinbread Pheaton Phaser Catalinbread Serrano Boost Catalinbread Hyperpak Custom A/B (Input), ABY (Output), w/effects loop switcher Barge Custom Impedance buffer and signal blender Zoom Ultra Fuzz Peterson Strobe O Stomp Tuner Boss FZ-2 Boss BF-2B Boss OC-2 80's Proco Rat So yeah any ideas or input would be great.
  15. Where in Manchester are you?
  16. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='62744' date='Sep 19 2007, 04:33 PM']hello! I've been thinkg about getting a NM410 for sometime now.....how is it? how is compared to the CXL's? I've got an iAmp800 and two CXL's and it's sounds awsome but I kinda miss the sound of a 410 and the NM410 would probably be a good match for the iAmp. What's your thoughts?[/quote] Well I have 2 CXL's in that big flightcase on the left so I know exactly where you are coming from. Live I use to run the Iamp800 at about 11-12 o clock with the 2 cxl's with the NM410 as it has a bit of a stupid impedance (8ohms) I had to run it closer to 3 o clock. The tube makes the NM410 more usable as it puts it full wattage into the cab regardless of impedance. The Iamp is now there as a backup but on large gigs where there is space I intend to run the mesa and 8x10 and the Iamp with the 2 cxl's but most of those gigs will have to be outdoors or people will die. Hope this helps
  17. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='62136' date='Sep 18 2007, 01:29 PM']Whats your verdict on the Boogie then? Does it live up to the hype? [/quote] Meh it's alright I might replace it eventually with a Behringer
  18. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='61761' date='Sep 17 2007, 04:42 PM']what happened to your ampegs? to be fair i guess ur pumping out just as much volume with those things![/quote] I never had any ampegs
  19. Awww you're no fun , give me your paypal addy and I'll send it over. Cheers
  20. If you can do the BSW for £30 I'll take it can paypal right now. Cheers
  21. Did you get my PM about the BSW?
  22. 'Fraid I'm going to pass, thanks for the info though
  23. Have you got a pic?
  24. Is this a current reissue? I.E When did you buy it. Cheers
  25. For a start [url="http://filters.muziq.be/model/yamaha/01/oc01"]http://filters.muziq.be/model/yamaha/01/oc01[/url]
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