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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. Bass - OC-2 - Digitech BSW - Big Muff - Bass Wah - CE-2 - Small Stone - TR-2 - Delay - CS-3 - DT-10(Though this could also go first but I like them last so I can mute any hum or setup some effects in silent mode before a song a starts) Reason for this is CS-3 last will give you all the limiting you need make sure you don't get any nasty peaks. Fuzz into Wah sounds best Chorus into Phaser will give you huge swooshy noises and isn't that great the other way around Octaver needs to be first to track as well as possibly BSW needs to be as close to beginning as possible as well also synth and octave in Fuzz, Phaser, Wah and Trem will give you the synthy sound where as other orders aren't that great. Delay last is the most useful but you can get some great sounds earlier but it is limiting.
  2. Now this is an odd and rare little beasty, now I have serial 73 which is cool because I didn't realise so many had been made since Catalinbread only sell them via Ebay when he can make them. To get an idea of the size I took a picture of a box that Tone Factor generally use to send 1-4 pedals next to the Hyperpak box Info from Catalinbread This pedal is an incredibly small "tube like" overdrive/boost named Hyper Pak. The first 30 Hyper Paks were single knob units. This is the updated TWO knob version. Q: Is the Hyper Pak True Bypass? A: Of course it is with a LED too. Q: What is it? A: The Hyper Pak was inspired by an early 60's MOPAR aluminum block Slant Six engine that weighed a whopping 80 lbs combined with a very-long-ram intake manifold for a 4 bbl carb. Giant power to weight ratio... Q: What is it REALLY? A: The Hyper Pak is a boost/drive pedal that utilizes cascaded MOS gain stages instead of the clipping diodes common of most other overdrives. This is the main contributing factor to the Hyper Pak's tone and feel. It's feel is open and uncompressed. It's tone is balanced and organic. The gain ranges from clean and boosted to overdriven and TOO LOUD. Q: That thing can't be big enough to fit a battery inside!? A: Right-o the Hyper Pak's footprint is tiny therefore no batteries will fit inside. It is powered by standard DC jack. Q: What if the pedal breaks? A: All Catalinbread pedals big or small have a lifetime warrantee on workmanship and parts. Q: What if I bust the pedal cause I am a reckless individual? A: YOU ARE TOO!? If the story is good enough I may waive the cost of parts & labor for the repair. I had him stick a blue led in mine so it sounds better. But the whole point of getting it was I had to make a choice between my Tone Factor Mule and my Tone Factor 442 so I went on the lookout for something similar to the Mule but smaller if that was possible I knew about the Hyperpak and was told that they might be similar, but WOW oh WOW I did not realise how similar. You can see the size of it here Here are the sound clips Hyperpak [url="http://www.grygrx.net/Pedal%20Reviews/Catalinbread/Hyperpak/Catalinbread%20Hyperpak.mp3"]http://www.grygrx.net/Pedal%20Reviews/Cata...%20Hyperpak.mp3[/url] Hyperpak and Mule being switched between, it starts clean then Hyperpak then Mule see if you can hear the difference. The pops you can hear is the switching between the 2 pedals. [url="http://www.grygrx.net/Pedal%20Reviews/Tone%20Factor/Combined/Hyperpak%20vs%20Mule.mp3"]http://www.grygrx.net/Pedal%20Reviews/Tone...20vs%20Mule.mp3[/url] OK so I've had this a few weeks now and have used it quite a bit and had a great gig with it as well. Firstly let me explain my preference for gain I like my fuzz's old school and smooth sounding and my distortions quite hi-fi and modern and I have both on the board for the following uses. The fuzz tends to stay on for most of my set but I will change to using the distortion if I have a song where I'm using my fingers and have the distortion volume slightly higher to make up for the volume loss between me going from a pick to fingers and the added clarity also evens out the sound so I tend to use this on our power ballad type songs and things where I need some reall punch and clarity yet still a dirty sound if that makes sense. This was also my first gig where I bi-amped running a clean and dirty rig and my god the sound was amazing I used this pedal for intro stabs and as it gets that extra punch a vintage fuzz doesn't and it was like being hit in the chest. There is no bass lost at all on this pedal so the previous clip the mule must be slightly louder but man oh man using this I didn't miss the mule at all, true they are very very similar in sound but it's so small even the most crowded of pedalboards can take it. Does it show I like this pedal Other things I've noticed with my time with it is the Hyperpak can get cleaner than the mule almost verging on a nice tubey overdrive sound but it doesn't have quite as much gain as the Mule but my perferred sound is available on both so no big deal. In terms of volume both have way more than you'll ever have to use with the Hyperpak being slightly louder I think. Enjoy
  3. £100.01
  4. Cool enough to make me an offer
  5. FL-5 Sound clip [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-5.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-5.mp3[/url] Done with a Bongo as well, hopefully that tempts you
  6. As a filter neither are great. What sorta sounds are you after.
  7. [quote name='steve' post='41591' date='Aug 5 2007, 01:44 PM']ste, did you record any FL-5 clips?[/quote] Nope sorry been really busy I can do some Tuesday at the earliest now but it does do everything in the clip above does. Just not all at once
  8. Well it came this morning and I've spent all day playing with it I've not been this excited about getting a pedal in ages. The condition of it is fantastic its pretty much mint condition. For those that don't know this is a licenced clone of the original Mutron III, and not another filter pedal built by the same guy that designed it like the Q-tron which is not and never will be anything like a Mutron. More info can be found here [url="http://filters.muziq.be/model/monacor/effectmatic"]http://filters.muziq.be/model/monacor/effectmatic[/url] Now I never bought this to gig and doubt I will ever take it out live ever but it's such a powerful filter. It can go from pretty squeltchy and wet to thin and twangy, it has a bit of noise in it but less than I'd expect from something so old running on random batteries that I found in my room. You can see the size of it here, it is a big pedal but slightly smaller than an original Mutron So it has taken me quite a while to dial in a sound I was happy with and it has some serious peaks available in the sounds but I think I managed to get some decent clips. This clip is going through the various modes and shows the real range of this pedal. [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Monacor%20Effectomatic.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Monacor%20Effectomatic.mp3[/url] This one shows me favourite settings basically the up and down setting. [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Monacor%20Effectmatic%202.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Monacor%...ctmatic%202.mp3[/url] Enjoy
  9. [quote name='Roady' post='40894' date='Aug 3 2007, 01:44 PM']Jesus !!! Next time, please warn us before step on your VFBs feedback loop ((im assuming thats what happened at 2:27)) - I must've jumped about a foot when that happened !!! [/quote] My VFB is custom and doesn't have the feedback loop I used a Tone Factor Mobius for that.
  10. [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-10.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-10.mp3[/url] [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3[/url]
  11. Well I'm selling my Aria FL5 at the moment I'm sure I posted clips of what these pedals can do
  12. [quote name='joegarcia' post='40668' date='Aug 2 2007, 10:21 PM']Balls. Was borrowing one off a mate for ages and he's just taken it back. Now I have a massive FZ-2 shaped hole in my board and that was a good price. Let me know if (when ) you decide to sell Tayste.[/quote] I did the same thing, had one got rid and missed it. I know a guy in the US who has one but it will be a bit pricey still under 50 I'd guess though.
  13. [quote name='joegarcia' post='40653' date='Aug 2 2007, 10:02 PM']Has the Hyper Fuzz sold then? Can you let me know if it becomes available again please?[/quote] Yeah it's sold
  14. You've either wired the tip and sleeve up wrong or somehow you are reversing the polarity inside it.
  15. [quote name='Rayman' post='40383' date='Aug 2 2007, 11:06 AM']Anyway, like I said on page one, I've bought a PD-7, thanks for the input.[/quote] This has evolved way past answering a question for you
  16. tayste_2000


    [quote name='Dragonlord' post='40211' date='Aug 1 2007, 09:07 PM']FWIW, I like my Tech21 XXLbass distortion plenty. If you have the chance, try it out.[/quote] That is an excellent distortion pedal, highly recommended
  17. [quote name='oddjob' post='40052' date='Aug 1 2007, 03:52 PM']would that not be top right?? [/quote] Dammit that means my shoes are on the wrong feet as well since they are labeled L and R
  18. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40055' date='Aug 1 2007, 03:59 PM']Fookin'ell! You still in Manchester?[/quote] Yep. Might make it more tempting for you if I was to buy some items off you But this week I've bought a Bass Modded TF Fuzzsaw, Zoom Ultra Fuzz and Boss DD-20 so am ever so slightly low on funds
  19. tayste_2000


    [quote name='BassManKev' post='33022' date='Jul 17 2007, 01:29 PM']chris does not use to big muffs he almost never uses his big muff, its all about the animato[/quote] I've seen plenty of pics that show he clearly does/did use Big Muffs as well as the Animato. It's also widely regarded as fact that, that track is 2 big muffs playing along with a synth line. If you stack any 2 decent distortion/fuzz pedals together you can nail the muse sorta sound as you lose a lot of your attack and it becomes much more synth sounding just gotta know how to deal with the feedback you'll get.
  20. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40040' date='Aug 1 2007, 03:29 PM']Ste - you're like the ultimate obscure boutique pedal fashion victim - like the kid who stops liking a band as soon as someone else has heard of them Nice man; I reckon that lot could keep me occupied for longer than every music shop in Birmingham combined, would love to test drive it.[/quote] I've currently got near 30 pedals so you should see the misc stuff dotted about my room. If you fancy trying some stuff I can get a drummer and room for a light hearted effects jam but I'm not responsible for the resulting GAS. It's not that far for you to travel
  21. Can never have to much I actually thought you'd think I'd be the first person to check in especially with the buffer you also have for sale. So if we call them A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2 with out giving the game away and higgie sneaking in, this would mean that I could run some battery snaps on say A1 and B1 and these would be totally isolated for say the 2 battery snaps needed to run a Mutron. Very interesting Pretty damn big though will have to think. Cheers for the info
  22. Do you know if the outputs of the power supply are individually isolated
  23. I'm shocked this hasn't gone I sold mine for this exact price but I'd gigged it for nearly a year it was in great condition but this is unused. Crazy fools
  24. [quote name='Toasted' post='39588' date='Jul 31 2007, 04:26 PM']Isn't it an 18v pedal? Isn't the Gbus a 9v PSU? Joe.[/quote] It's also got 3 18v's as its a straight rip off of the Dunlop brick
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