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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. There is the Dunlop Q-Zone (Might be MXR) that is a stomp box that is setup to be like a wah pedal that you set half open or whatever. I've tried every bass wah out there and none have impressed me like the MSD
  2. Behringer make something for you then
  3. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='39394' date='Jul 31 2007, 10:15 AM']I've seen a couple of these switchless wahs and i understand that if you take your foot off them, it goes back into bypass mode. What if you want to leave your wah on and half open for that halfway in betweeny open wah sound?[/quote] You have to hold it in that position, most of these switchless if not all of them are spring loaded so when you take your foot off it it returns to the heel down position where is it bypassed, there is no pressure switch or anything cleaver like that for when you foot is on it.
  4. If by Ego you mean knowledge then yes
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='39352' date='Jul 31 2007, 08:22 AM']i aint gunna continue argueing on this one[/quote] I wouldn't want to argue with me either
  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='39340' date='Jul 31 2007, 06:15 AM']i dont have a bass synth wah so your honestly telling me when you hear the odb-3 goin through flea's setup, you dont like that sound? each to our own i guess[/quote] For the 10 seconds he uses it each set I hate it yes, it sounds terrible overly harsh and he next to next uses it mid song with John also playing TBH I've only really heard him use it at the beginning of Around the World and it's not really a fair comparison because Flea playing an ODB-3 in a Stadium with all the outboard gear that is available him is ever so slightly different than playing some muse covers in a pub or club.
  7. [quote name='BassManKev' post='39319' date='Jul 31 2007, 12:20 AM']i know, what i meant was i dont think just sayin it is 'rubbish' is gunna help the thread starter, giving reasons as to why it is so 'rubbish' would be much more helpful, dont you think?[/quote] I would also agree with saying it is rubbish, and if you say I don't know what I'm talking about or how to use it ............ well need I say more. Frankly I feel your usage of effects is limited mainly due to the amp you own and it won't reproduce many of the sounds effects make, I've used 150w 1x15 trace combo's and hardly been able to hear when a Digitech Bass Synth Wah is on with a massive synth sweep so i dread to think what you can or can't hear on yours. End of the day the ODB-3 is widely regarded by many if not most as a POS if you love it great for you but I wouldn't start defending it as its a battle you are never going to win I've heard it used by many a different bassist live and everytime it has left me very very unimpressed and the noise that thing puts out is ridiculous and I find that people that recommend it are doing a disservice to bass players everywhere. Personally for Muse stuff I would have picked the Danelectro French Toast and a TB Loop, its about as synthy as you can get and is new for £25 another good one would be the Ibanez SB-7 synth as really when have muse ever used a straight a head distortion sound a synth or octave up fuzz has always suited better IMO.
  8. You can't rack mount the one you have as far as I know
  9. I've played this its awesome, now winning in the best fender I've played gorgeous neck that is much smoother than a normal fender, dead light but huge tone and just a monster all around. I got a bongo if your interested Tony
  10. [quote name='jay249' post='38630' date='Jul 29 2007, 09:15 PM']This weekend I decided to try to mod my double muff, i wanted the boss style power on it, I've ordered the parts in from Maplin's, as the ones I bought there yesterday were slightly the wrong size, but I tried the present mod with the right size adapter piece and success! it works! I will need to drill out the cutout on the back slightly to get the boss style socket to fit, I don't care about devaluing it, bought it to use it! I can finally put my pedal daisy chain to good use. Also gonna do the same to my Bassballs pedal and I also have a CS3 mod kit on order! I'll post pics of the finished article when it's all done![/quote] The Bassballs has 2 internal trim pots that you can mod to have pots on the out side of the case incase you are interested in really messing with it.
  11. [quote name='Roady' post='38885' date='Jul 30 2007, 11:57 AM']TaySte - Nice board! I was thinking of picking one of those subdecay Noise Boxes up, but based on the soundclips i've heard it sounds waaay to crazy for me. How've you found it?[/quote] That's what I like about it I use it for crazy analog synth sounds its defo not for tha faint hearted and it wouldn never be my main distortion/fuzz sound but I love what it does and it does it very very well. I use it live for some intros and it gets all the girlies screaming.
  12. Tempting I have a mint nm410 only bought it 2-3 months ago
  13. [quote name='Bass_Junkie' post='37821' date='Jul 27 2007, 02:12 PM']i have already heard this bass clip on talkbass.com its a metallic vibrator. sorry tayste [/quote] Another person that needs to read the thread
  14. Also open to offers on this
  15. As I own 3 of pretty much the same pedal I'm selling this one It is in the top [b]RIGHT[/b] with a sticker on the footswitch and the huge letters saying FLANGER Now the differnce between this and the FL-10 that I rave about is it doesn't have the 2 stage footswitch so it is a single stomper which for live use makes it easier to deal with as it's a pain in the arse to get an FL-10 to bypass in dual stage mode. Here are some soundclips I've done with the FL-10's so everything in these clips you can do with an FL-5 you'll just have to turn the knobs to get the the different sounds. [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-10.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-10.mp3[/url] [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3[/url] I will record an FL-5 clip tonight. Bit more info here [url="http://filters.muziq.be/model/aria/xx5/fl5"]http://filters.muziq.be/model/aria/xx5/fl5[/url] I'm want £40 for this please bare in midn there is a 2 week random postal strike on as of today so I need a bit of extra cash to send it special delivery so that you get it in a reasonable time period. As always open to trades. Cheers
  16. [quote name='ChocolateTelevision' post='37055' date='Jul 25 2007, 10:44 PM']TaySte - what's that tiny pedal between the Cream Pie and the Huckleberry? And is the 3-footswitch box in the top-left some sort of loop switcher?[/quote] It's a Catalinbread Hyperpak, it's a distortion sounds like this [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Catalinbread%20Hyperpak.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Catalinb...%20Hyperpak.mp3[/url] I'm pretty happy with it as it sounds similar to my Tone Factor Mule which is what it has replaced so that I could fit my filter back on. The 3 footswitch box is a custom pedaljunction with an A/B input section so I can switch wirelesses/basses in a matter of seconds, it then has a hard wired fx loop so that my tuner and boost are in the signal chain for the next part, which is an A/B/Y out one goes direct to my amp and the other goes through the pedalboard and then to another amp so that I can run clean and dirty amps and the effects loop that is before this means I can mute and boost both amps. Enjoy
  17. Here's mine with some of my new toys, still waiting on one pedal that I should be able to fit somewhere. Still waiting on my new case as well, which will tidy the board up and really sweeten my setup. Enjoy
  18. Agreed, but every pedal you have will effect your tone when bypassed
  19. Yeah I've bought and sold 2 of them. Barge Concepts, E13 also make some
  20. Tone Factor Mobius
  21. [quote name='BassBalls' post='36551' date='Jul 24 2007, 08:09 PM']Cool so in theory you have 5 different flanger sounds at your feet useing the two stages...... nice![/quote] I used my knees for some of the 2 stage bits in my jam
  22. [quote name='BassBalls' post='36516' date='Jul 24 2007, 07:15 PM']Is that 3 Aria FL-10s you have?[/quote] 2 and an AD-10 but I do have an FL-5 which is half an FL-10
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='35746' date='Jul 22 2007, 10:56 PM']During Come on Eileen last night my bloody AKG cut out again. Cant figure out whats going on. I did three gigs without any problems after the first time it cut out. The reciever is still getting a signal, the cable ot the amp is fine as i plugged that in to the bass so i guess it could be the lead going from the bass to the transmitter. Trouble is i cant get it to happen when i want it to. Tried wiggling it etc but nothing sounds wrong. I even used it all last week, every night at home in to my PC just to make sure it was ok for the gig. Ill give it one more chance i think. Im getting very nervous about using it now.[/quote] Check that you aren't clipping it as I've done this a few times and if you consistently clip the receiver for a while it cuts out as some sort of protection for the units. Else if you are really unhappy with it I'm still after a second unit
  24. For a recent Jam Sess
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