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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. Particle reverb is the only effect I need on the 60b+ to be happy with it. But since it doesn’t have it I’m debating do I want the amp sims or do I want the particle reverb and a bunch of other stuff I don’t care about. You also lose a synth going with the CDR+ over the B+ Kinda thrown my hands up and decided to get a Quad Cortex
  2. Yeah start with turning off all the flangers and go from there
  3. Not really a hack just an application you run on your computer. Doesn’t work with the new + models and certainly can’t take + fx and put them on the older pedals. Install this https://zoomeffectmanager.com/en/ Plug pedal into computer Swap them out I have a 60b with a bunch of reverbs and synths from the cdr on it. To add an effect you have to sacrifice another as you only have so much space, over time it becomes really difficult to keep track of what you have and what you lost.
  4. Think of it as spark at 12 o clock is the mojo at 9 o clock There was a tonal difference though which I didn’t expect, I love the mojo but the spark was really boring and flat sounding.
  5. are they choruses? 😈
  6. I think that its just this, its a fairly standard power supply from a build quality point of view but the high drawer and 12v means if it crapped out at a gig its unlikely someones going to have a spare like they would a 9v. Its also its most singularly identifiable point of failure, I don't think its exceptionally crap just its the only thing that stands out as what would break with the unit. As @attackbass said he had a camera man stand on his and it was fine but the worry that next time it won’t will always sit in the back of your mind.
  7. Surely a GigRig straight into it would be the best option? IEC and the right polarity. You get those second hand for £60 generally 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Not that I have one to power but when I do (which seems like it will be soon) https://missionengineering.com/shop/529-m/ I checked the Neural forums and a few people are using these, some with battery packs to run them with less cables
  9. So not replaced much then.
  10. Two things: 1. because I think it will be fun, post a pic of the pedalboard or in @Dood’s case rack and pedalboard the QC replaced 2. Is anyone a former hx stomp user and what made you go for the QC in the end?
  11. If you want to thank me you can send me a quad cortex 💁‍♀️ it will help me make your life harder
  12. If you want the oc2 sound on the cheap I highly recommend the Sonicake Octaver
  13. I don’t know why I keep writing a response to this…. Anyway, has anyone ever used a Quad Cortex as an IEM mixer? Does it have any way of doing this? Running a FOH into one of the returns placed after the xlrs? Would the consensus also be the following would power it? https://missionengineering.com/shop/529-m/ specs say yes but would rather double check and for those that didn’t know, check out this 3amp multi voltage power suply the size of 2 packs of gum that powers off usb c 💁‍♀️
  14. Think I’m coming dangerously close to buying one, I should have stayed out of this thread.
  15. I’ll see how I get on with this Darkglass Element and if it doesn’t work out I’m all over that Nano Cortex in the classifieds. It’s nice to know other people feel the same, that all this power is sat there and feels wasted. I’m just either at the stage you guys were before you bought the QC or at the stage you’ll be after you sell it. Both involve buying lots of things
  16. If it helps, life is not better when you sell it all, all that happens is you think you should be playing with sounds but you can’t because you don’t have the pedals. Then you get the pedals and realise you don’t have the time, so you sell them…… and begin the cycle again
  17. Did not know that
  18. Saw that yesterday, have utterly no use for it, would buy it in a heartbeat.
  19. To expand on this because… well… internet For years I had various complex pedalboards, different rigs for different gigs until one day I replaced it all with a Line 6 M13, following this I replaced the whole rig with an ipad and audio interface, as time went on this eventually paired down to just a bass and a good quality DI, which led to many many many DI purchases. Essentially I play “clean” bass but that can mean so many things, my main complaint when just playing with a DI is it just needs a little bit more magic, magic that you get when running in the studio. I have a Cranborne Audio Camden EC1 which I really wanted to be the live DI because that mojo control adds that magic and it sounds wonderful. But it has a power connector I’m not comfortable with live and it’s big and heavy for travel. I have a JHS punchline that I’m currently using for that signal chain, it’s got analog amp/cab sim and sounds wonderful. But it’s also not doing much to the signal, very light touch. So often I think a Kemper, Quad Cortex, Nano Cortex, Tonex etc could cope with what I want, I could go and profile studio signal chains, have whatever amps I want at my finger(toe) tips and it’s all become more appealing with the latest round of smaller profilers. But on the flip side I’ve got through 5+ years of gigs with a bass and a good DI 😅 so why make everything harder/more complex? with a stompable computer? However as I don’t have a stompable computer this year alone I have spent £700 on misc pedals that all do light gain, amp sim, saturation, boost type things. With the latest idea is that the Darkglass Element will give me what I want not only as a practice rig but with 5 IR slots, I can have my clean DI, I can have something a bit more like the vintage Sansamp Bass Di (Not the driver, the absolute original I’ve just bought) and then try and get something closer to the Camden with the Darkglass’s resonance control. It won out as it was the smallest thing I could find that would serve as a headphone amp/practice rig, IEM mixer, Amp Sim, IR Loader, 6 band eq, Audio Interface and DI. So I should really by a HX or a Nano Cortex or a Kemper Player…… but I won’t.
  20. 100 percent relate to all of this, I should buy a HX …… but I won’t
  21. Checkout the Triton Big Amp as a nice tidy way to achieve something very similar https://www.tritonaudio.com/product/bigamp/
  22. it’s a great pedal just not for a bunch of root notes in the Americana I’ve been playing 😂
  23. What are your thoughts on the studio boost? How much tonal character does it impart? I’m a big fan of boosts that do something you can’t quite put your finger on, simpler the better (cream pie deluxe, phat Phuk etc) I should probably still just get a Studio one
  24. I’m ever so tempted by those Studio One’s
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