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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. Do you think that would be the same for the larger Tonex?
  2. I have the mini one, for all of 2 weeks, still sat in the box 😅 hopefully I’ll get some time with it soon.
  3. Not many overdrives there, granted Dirtfixer is taming them I’m sure. @carlitos71 If you’re after a low cost low gain overdrive the TC Electronic Mojomojo is hard to beat. The Origin DCX Bass is next on my list to try and I have a Zvex Super Hard On and Strymon Deco awaiting my attention.
  4. It wouldn’t have helped, it was a horrendously flawed product/app.
  5. No worries, I’m conflicted on getting one currently, I never use my 60b (it’s just nice to have). I assumed I’d use it like I use the older one, line selector as the first effect and I just turn that on which is turning on the whole chain. Which is either a bunch of fx or one for a set song and then in between songs I’d switch patch. But this is in theory as generally I take the 60b running on batteries, have a synth patch ready to go and just turn it on and off in a jam, or I’ve got an ambient patch ready to go and I just turn it on at the end of song to fill space before going into the next one. I’ll likely just get one in the states when I pass through, people on TB selling them for $99 and since I’m not in a rush I’ll just grab one when the opportunity arises. Unless in the meantime something else magically quells my gas.
  6. To add to this conversation, those looking for a rather expensive solution for Ric O Sound. I’m exploring the Strymon Deco as it has a single jack input that is switchable from mono to stereo, so you can run a ts or trs into and flick the switch according to your taste. It might seem expensive upfront but if you’re running an od/saturation pedal it will replace that, chorus/vib and delay it’ll replace that it also has I believe a lpf and hpf in it. So this is in theory because the only way I could justify it was to buy one cheap in the states and I won’t have my hands on it for a few months. But since I primarily play rics, my plan is to embrace ric o sound and get a really nice (likely studio only) setup of say a deco into a JDI Stereo or similar. Anyway food for thought
  7. I’ll be buying one as soon as one is for sale on this forum for less than new 😂😇
  8. Hand Painted 1 of 1 Zvex Super Duper 2 in 1 Concert Bass Mod. I heard the Jive is basically a SHO and this is 2 in the same box and I enjoyed the Sunn Concert I played a while back so should be a win. Won’t get my hands on it for a few months but had my eye on it for a while and worried it would disappear and never again be purchasable.
  9. My main driver on this is since I mainly play Ric’s I can use the deco as a fancy ric sound box as it’s a single input but switchable from mono to stereo, then you’ve got all that saturation goodness and something akin to a lpf and hpf.
  10. This will do a better job than I can But I only play basses with flats, very vintage and thuddy sounding, with my preference being a studio chain more so than an amp. It’s like this pedal was built for me, just damn big, especially when you’re using the amp sim (my fav part) So generally I’m running it with a touch of compression, eq is flat or even the bass cut which I’ve never done on a pedal before. Drive is a rat style distortion with a blend so I can get a lot of tones out of it when needed. Thought about getting a second but I’m going to give the Strymon Deco a try first and go from there.
  11. What’s the cab sim like on both of those? That’s one of my favourite things on the Punchline, sometimes I’m hardly using any other features.
  12. Walrus Audio Slo, over anticipated my use for weird fx, played with it once and then it sat in the box for the rest of the year. To confirm, not a bad pedal, just didn’t use it so didn’t need it
  13. I spend at least a month a year in the US so every time I arrive I have a bunch of pedals waiting for me (and sometimes a bass) Such as the Stymon Deco I bought the other night 😅 I should be bringing my Punchline back to the UK around March for some gigs if you want to borrow it.
  14. Also love mine, been much better than the NUX units I had previously
  15. Beyer DT990 when using my Cranborne Camden, else Z10s with my Boss Katana Go
  16. Borrowing the idea from another forum but why not. For me it was the JHS Punchline
  17. I want to say higher pot value or a resister or something. To me it’s amazing with the gain off but then to get unity the volume is near off so I’d want a bit more sweep across a smaller range. Something like that at least.
  18. Yeah I commented on your instagram post about the Berkeley that was one of my favs. I should have kept it and had the volume pot modified. I also had the Bender and Smiley. Smiley isn’t great on bass. Supreme and Crimson were high on the list but my last fuzz binge left me only wanting fuzz’s with a blend. But I often think I need the Dirt Fixer and then I can enjoy them all. I’ve been pretty satisfied with the Kasleder custom Freaky Stone just feeling like it would be unbeatable with a blend. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/new-fuzz-inbound-custom-kasleder-fx-freaky-stone.1661569/
  19. Did any of the legends of fuzz impress you? I assume some specific videos/reviews are coming on them?
  20. Disappointed no one has the Hello Kitty Fuzz yet 🙄
  21. It’s a Kapsule, I picked mine up in the US. I got my Kapsulite in Bogota, Colombia. Both travel really well. The red lined case is a Gator Bass Case so way too much space for a mustang. I just sold both the Kapsule and Kapsulite to https://ampguitars.com yesterday because I’m moving away from shortscales. So you could get in touch and see if there is a deal to be had.
  22. https://www.mooeraudio.com/products/211.html
  23. Just taken this off my 4003 as I like my basses to be as awkward as possible. https://www.thetreblebezel.com/shoptreblebezels/fulton-cycle-dfp6w-exdkj
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  24. My Serek and Pawn Shop Mustang are now with Bass Bros as I move back to exclusively playing Rickenbackers (and 1 hofner 😬😇)
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