Reviving this thread as interested to see what people are using.
Generally I keep everything I need to use that bass with in the gig bag, so a cable, a tuner and a few patch leads.
Then I have my pedalboard with specifics to it that allow me to fix any issues with the pedalboard
For a while I used aluminium suitcases but they become such a mess with you just dumping stuff in.
On and off for the past two years I've been using a pilot/air steward(ess) bag, it's got 4 large zip compartments, individual pockets that fit pedals (I can get like 10 in at a time) plus areas for cables that are all divided off so I have instrument, speaker and power all in easy to find spots.
I am looking for something else though, not sure why maybe it's because the bag is so useful for work and weekends away I want to have something ready to grab for the stage and studio at any time, the gruv gear stadium and mono 365 have me interested but with a bass on my back not sure I could use these comfortably