Since all these are being used for is to pile crap on in the practice room I have the following cases for sale. All are collection only.
I will get external measurements tonight, pictures are to just give you a rough idea of scale with that else is in the shot.
Largest Case, will likely fit most 4x10's doesn't fit my Matamp 4x10 (but it's a very deep cab) but does fit my 2x12 securely with quite a gap around the edges. case has wheels - £50ono
Medium case, probably fit a combo in this would be more suited to a guitarist I'd say, just a bit shy of fitting my 2x12. Case has wheels - £40ono
Small case, I use to use this to carry my 400+ in headcase around with a bag of cables on top of it, it's probably about 21 inched wide internally by 20 inches deep. - £30ono
You can of course refoam them to suit
All of these are collection only and I'd prefer cash on collection as tbh I bought all these on here got all the measurements, checked it with my gear, paid for them then went to collect and none were ideal for what I own so you can come down try it if it fits you pay for it, if it doesn't your choice as to if it's any use for you.