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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. God knows what this is Prime S1
  2. Oh and you’ll note it has a headphone volume control
  3. I feel bad I’m always hijacking this thread for stuff that isn’t the P1, but not enough to stop. Valeton have a bunch of multi’s I can find very little on but also released a Mini bass dapper. I think it’s smaller than the Sonicake Boom Ave and it does have a tuner (it’s kinda hidden but it’s there). Octave would have been better than Chorus but the guitar versions of these go for around £60 so 🤷‍♂️ bargain. (I also sent an email to Mooer asking if they were releasing anything bass related for the P2…. I don’t expect a response)
  4. Oh…… did not know this, thought it was just a freeze….. now I want one 🙄🥲
  5. All the wins https://youtu.be/9wvbQYjK6OU?si=NTYRbCDNx-dBw69K 60b+, 70cdr+, ms80ir, along with what we’ve already discussed
  6. Well I went back through this thread recently as I found myself longing for a P1. That manual also doesn’t list any bass fx but they are in there, so honestly who knows. The Zoom, this is the 2nd in this new format they’ve announced. So there is 50g+ which does 4-5 effects and is a direct replacement to the 50G. I’m anticipating a Bass, Modulation and Delay/Reverb one coming out in the next few months. Still won’t have a headphone out but everything else is an improvement for gigging.
  7. Oooooor https://www.mooeraudio.com/products/199.html XLR’s, built in batteries, probably all the same issues we’ve had with P1 and P2’s 😂 but new and shiny shiny. Zoom just released this so I think more is coming soon https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/multi-effects/multistomp-pedals/ms-200d-plus/ Maybe one of them will tick all the boxes. A week on of essentially going back to the MP2 I’m frustrated by the lack of volume controls on the unit, the poorer battery life…. but it does sound better than the MP Pro 😂
  8. I don’t think I ever turned A off 😅 Well one more thing to try with it 😂
  9. Can you use it solo? I just thought it was a > b or b > a and a do you want you sound louder or grittier. I use it as a boost. But I’m on fairly limited time with it clearly
  10. I have one I will pay you to take, literally name your price
  11. And in this case you can move the fx loop any where in the chain on the helix which gives you a lot more flexibility. Also if you can get an XPND or Nano+ so your pedals aren’t sideways I’d greatly appreciate that 🙏
  12. You’ll have to get in line
  13. My hobby is helping people spend their money.
  14. Then I would guess it would just fit on a nano
  15. HX One will work as a tuner
  16. I have Zoom multi fx’s to scratch the itch of things I want or think I want. I’d suggest you look at the HX One, it’ll do your chorus for now and your comp when you change your mind in the future.
  17. Kapsule is also very nice. The Gator shown last is a bass case
  18. Also buy a D’addario XPND and stop worrying 😂
  19. I’ve not played with mine for a bit but I’d say yes there is some compression going on, very very light. I’ve struggled with my raw sound and my sound with a compressor. Goldilocks, one is not enough and one too much. The Capo was just right, about the same sort of compression I get from good A/D conversion (not saying it’s doing this) but just that really light something is going on. If you’re using it for tone and not finding you need it then you can ditch it on the board. But I often think we just find different is better (for a while) so play with just the capo and in 6 months add the compressor back on and wonder how you ever lived without it, then 6 months later remove it and marvel at how open and wide your tone sounds and wonder why you ever had that compressor on your board in the first place, lather, rinse, repeat
  20. Just got back to the US where I left the older Nux Mighty Plug, it sounds much better than the newer pro 😂 But the connectivity, functionality and buttons are better on the pro. Had to keep my phone close to change volume of the bass. To add to the original thread, I couldn’t fit the ms60b in my bag but the p1/2 would have. It’s just a shame like Nux neither is quite right be it functionality or sound quality.
  21. He’s sold it back to it’s rightful owner 😇
  22. This every time
  23. We do of course have Namm next weekend so maybe we get lucky with a new release. @Greg Edwards69 I agree with everything you’ve said there. The Kemper I can justify price wise as it would just be my rig, main and practice and then I can take my chances on backups when travelling and on a solid gig I have a DI box in every gig bag anyway. But I want FX more than I want amp sims, I’ll get the Noble capture on the Kemper and never touch another model I’m sure of it. Additionally before someone brings it up the new Zoom MS50G+ still no headphone or bluetooth but it does have USB C, but the fx list is way less than the current offering, no bass fx and all the fun stuff has gone. Additionally if you can’t hack them they’re worse and currently no one knows if you can.
  24. FYI, whilst I’ve just rebought it, I sold the Capo because I felt the Boom Ave was 95% there on the sound/magic the Capo had. With an Octaver, Comp/Boost/Mute Switch and Big Muff Fuzz it’s everything I likely need on a gig, but with the above post, bigger than the zoom, no headphone, no battery or phantom power to power it, no bluetooth, yadda yadda. But as a grab and go rig, I think it’s better than the Sansamp Flyrig (either version)
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