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lemmywinks last won the day on March 16 2024

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  1. They do, it's a Z series so looks different to the regular Babicz bridge.
  2. Tobias Classic is one of the ATG bass designs ever for me, it's fantastic that they're back and looking as good as they do regardless of who's building them. Given that they were always an odd acquisition for Gibson who never really knew what to do with the brand it's surprising they're being produced at all tbh.
  3. Yeah it has the licensed Bart Mk pups and pre which aren't great which is why I allowed an extra £500 for the Tobias' USA Bart setup. I don't think the wood makes much difference to overall cost, the Space series use maple/purpleheart/walnut and it doesn't really add a premium so the Gibson tax does seem to be around £500. No idea if that Babicz bridge is an in-house licensed part or a USA Z series, they aren't cheap though. The A5 has (assume licensed) Hipshot tuners and bridge so basically equivalent hardware spec anyway.
  4. Cort A5 coming in at around £800, Thomann have the Tobias Classic V at £1.8k so allowing £500 for the (not inconsiderable) spec upgrade it does look like you're paying £500 extra to Gibson. That trans black model though:
  5. Had exactly the same issue and sold the 32" scale bass I briefly had, could never get used to it. I can go between 35", 34" and right down to 24.75" and just play normally, I sometimes play my daughter's 30" bass and am fine on that but 32" just completely threw me. Just felt weird.
  6. There's a Warwick Gnome iPro on FB Marketplace for £110 right now, that's the 280w version of the Gnome micro head. Slightly bigger but more powerful.
  7. @SimonK we need a shot of all your TE gear in one place, if your back can handle moving them all on the same day that is.
  8. It's a shame Markbass stopped integrating a kickback feature in their cabs, both the Standard and Club series could be angled back.
  9. Try their FB page, they seem to respond to that more reliably.
  10. Bugera Veyron BV1001T might be up your street: https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Bugera-Veyron-BV1001T-2000W-Bass-Amp-Head/1WNW Actual power rating is around 700w or something like that.
  11. Looks like Indonesian built but with US Bart pickups and pre. Given the use of Paulownia body wings (maple neck/core) and a Babicz bridge I'd lean towards Cort making them, my current main bass has Paulownia wings and the same bridge. Tbh I'd rather Cort made them than Gibson buggering things up. The original Tobias company was bought by Gibson many moons ago, the original team carried on building for a short while post buyout (with a Korean import line, dunno who built those but they were well put together) then after that the general consensus is that quality dropped off and the brand disappeared. They were brought back for some super cheap (but perfectly decent) import basses a while ago which bore a superficial resemblance to the original design, think they have the asymmetrical necks as well. Mike Tobias has been making basses under the MTD (Michael Tobias Design) brand for a while now, super high end USA built instruments with matching price tags and a top quality import line (originally Korean, now Chinese) which you can pick up used for around £600. So these are basically the shape and name with no connection to the original company but do retain some design elements like the neck profile (assuming it's the same) and the use of Barts.
  12. I do, an original USA Tobias is one of the basses I used to lust after when I was starting out. They're big money now, really regret not buying one in a full touring case for well under £2k when I had the chance. Mike Tobias basses usually all have asymmetrical necks which feel great, hopefully whoever Gibson is contracting to build these does them justice.
  13. Gotoh 404BO is my favourite bridge, all the features you want without any extra fuss and doesn't look out of place on any bass.
  14. Mainly about looks for me. If I have an old looking J/P then a BBOT is fine, totally suits the bass. If I have a more modern looking bass (Fender shaped or otherwise) with fancy pickups and woods then I want a chunky, well designed bridge on there. Even on most of my more traditional basses I've had a standard Fender style bridge but with a solid block at the back like a Gotoh 201B. I always thought Badass bridges were pretty ugly though, plenty of nicer high mass designs out there.
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