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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. Gotta give a bit of credit to Parcel Force btw - the last used bass I bought was packaged with just some random bits of cardboard taped around it and arrived completely unscathed. We've had the same PF delivery guy here for 17 years, he's seen an embarrassing number of bass shaped boxes coming and going (mostly the former) and he just laughed when he handed it over.

    • Haha 1
  2. We ship all over the world (non music stuff and not particularly fragile) and anything going outside mainland UK gets the item(s) individually packed in plastic and usually plastic wrap on the outside too. For a speaker cab I'd be going overboard on cushioning materials on the corners, maybe double boxing it. Even then a courier can kill a driver without any external damage as I found out with my little EA CXL110.


    Unfortunately every different stage of the shipping process is another chance someone is going to throw/drop it, put something too heavy on it or leave it out in the rain.


    • Like 2
  3. 17 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

    Why not go to a shop and inspect the bass you're going to buy?


    Because the only two stores that had the 5 string version of this bass at the clearance price were Edinburgh and Newcastle, neither of which are close to my house.


    So let's say I made the 8hr round trip to Edinburgh and found out the bass had dodgy binding, then the next day make the 6hr round trip to Newcastle and find the second bass isn't actually new and is in well used condition. I've spent two days and a decent chunk of diesel money yet have nothing to show for it and the store has no obligation to make sure I get the bass in the condition it was advertised, whereas at the moment I've enjoyed my free time and the customer service at guitar guitar are making the effort to reach a suitable outcome. Which is hopefully me having a nice shiny new bass with Nordstrands in it.


    My way makes more sense IMO.

    • Like 5
  4. Had a phone call from what I assume to be the Newcastle store, very apologetic and seemed pretty shocked that it went out, especially after the replacement was supposed to be checked over. Said he will try and find me a boxed new item and has been ringing around which is a positive response I think so hopefully it will be third time lucky!


    The 2nd bass is being picked up tomorrow.

    • Like 6
  5. 2 minutes ago, neepheid said:

    What makes this worse is that the duffer you got sent as a replacement has got the binding sorted by the looks of the photos you've put up.  Gah!


    Yeah there's no QC issues with it. It's just a well used 3yr old bass sold as new.


    With the strings being older it sounds pretty lifeless unplugged, the other one sounded great which is always a good first impression. Starting to pine for that dodgy binding now!

  6. 8 minutes ago, BassAdder60 said:

    I’ve been disappointed with Guitar Guitar too sending out B stock looking guitars or “ old” stock 


    My chosen place now will be Peach Guitars where I visit, see, try it and purchase 

    For that very reason they got my last two PBass business and I’m pleased with both 

    There really is an advantage of seeing and trying a bass in a store.

    My last and final purchase Player Series II PBass in White sounded amazing yet the green coloured one with maple fretboard sounded ok but not as defined and punchy as the one I walked out with ! 




    My only local good shop is Promenade Music who are ace but have a limited selection, unfortunately GuitarGuitar were the only place selling the 5 string version of these off at clearance prices. other places had discounted them by the same amount but only had the 4.


    As I don't need another bass the reduced price was what pushed me over the edge!

  7. 4 minutes ago, neepheid said:

    That's rough.  How stupid do they think you are?  What's the logic behind replacing a returned bass with one which is worse than the one being returned?


    Exactly and this is where their reputation has nosedived for me.


    The first one I wasn't bothered about as it was a new bass (or a customer return with zero use) that had factory QC issues, if it was new they couldn't have known about it but if it was a return then that's slightly more dodgy, there's no way anybody could miss the binding and that's why it would have been sent back. Either way you just accept those things happen and get a replacement, no bother.


    The second is 100% in scam territory as it was supposed to have been checked over and is obviously a well used 3yr old bass being sold as new. No QC issues like my previous one and the A5 spacecowboy mentioned, just a shop doing dodgy stuff at the expense of the customer.



    What seemed like a good deal at first is actually me being ripped off, these go for £550-£600 used and I've just paid £749.

  8. Got my replacement bass just now, ugh again.


    It ain't new, looks like a customer return at least if not just a used instrument. Scuffing on the back of the neck and headstock, can actually feel it as you move your hands over the neck. Weird cluster of iron filings on the neck pickup magnets. Small ding on the end of the headstock although this may have happened in shipping as the gigbag wasn't properly zipped up. At first I thought the scuffs were just dirt but tried wiping them off and no joy, all over the binding as well.


    Strings are also old with pitting and rough spots. Perhaps worse is there's something loose in what seems to be the rear pickup, when I rock the bass back and forth you can hear it so who knows if that even works.


    There's loads more small and hard to photograph (but noticeable) marks which make it clear that this is not a new bass.




    So don't buy from Guitar Guitar at the moment, they'll send you any old 5h1t3.IMG_20240917_121137.thumb.jpg.22c7a1542a9dbbc0a2fd928afb484a63.jpgIMG_20240917_121151.thumb.jpg.444d906566e2805fe1cc4456379b3380.jpgIMG_20240917_121329.thumb.jpg.528788d83f175f4e39baf3d6bd09e38f.jpgIMG_20240917_121409.thumb.jpg.b893b2acd737d0abb4e72bce935db0c1.jpg







    • Sad 5
  9. Given you can get very compact, lightweight combos and rigs that are reasonably priced and good enough for gig backline/rehearsals the low volume ~£300 combos just don't seem like a good deal any more. In truth it's a bit of an outdated progression route from the days where a giggable bass rig meant huge, heavy boxes and is now a step most people skip.


    We've never had it so good really and if buying used just £300 can get you some serious kit these days.



  10. I bought an Ibanez acoustic parlour bass as B stock, it arrived with multiple small cosmetic issues (mainly sloppy application of stain, bleeding onto the binding etc) and the worst fret job I've ever seen on a bass making it impossible to play without buzzing. All their B stock items have been through an extra in-house QC processnand someone had signed off on mine so I guess that isn't worth the paper its written on.


    Returns went ok but make sure your local drop off point can accept large items, mine didn't and eventually Thomann had to book a courier to my door. Customer service was good throughout.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Dan Dare said:


    As a long time PJB owner/user, I think it better to add more cabs for more volume if you want clean sound. Having said that, if you're running a C8, that's pretty capable on its own in a lot of situations. It should deal with most pub/club gigs, unless the band is stupidly loud. It is, however, quite heavy and the OP wants lightness, so I'd suggest two PJB 4x5 cabs will be a lot easier to transport.


    I have two C4s and three 4Bs and use two or more depending on how loud I need to be. Being quite inefficient, they do take a bit of driving, although the manufacturers rating of 400w per cab is a bit optimistic, imho. I'd say 300 is nearer the mark. I have a couple of 2 ohm capable heads, so can use up to three without adding additional amplification. Technically, I suppose I could use four, but I like to err on the safe side. I've not needed to use all five together so far.


    The thing I like most about them, apart from the clean sound, is that they are very immediate. When I play through more conventional cabs, they feel a bit slow/plodding by comparison. As the OP also wants to use them for 7 string jazz guitar, I reckon they will do that job very well. I play a bit of jazz guitar at home through one of mine and it sounds good.


    The C8 Lite I have is the neo version so 18.6kg, the C4 are 13.1kg each. Plus the C8 cabs have a trolley handle and wheels so the amount of carrying you have to do is very minimal! I also love the fast response of the PJB gear, normally I find cab/combo reviews a bit useless but you can really hear how snappy they are in the video Sam posted above.


    The reason I don't like the idea of adding more cabs is that I'm lazy and only want to carry one, preferably pulling it behind me on wheels with my amp on the top.

    • Like 1
  12. 56 minutes ago, Chienmortbb said:

    I have never heard any real low end from a PJB cab. Is it just me?


    I have the C8L and it can do big lows on a 5 string with no issues, not much experience of the smaller stuff at any sort of volume although the C8 is still a small cab.


    I'm not really on board with the PJB ethos of adding more cabs for more volume as part of a modular setup, I'd much rather have just one compact box that can handle what I need.

  13. General rule of thumb over on TB regarding the PJB 5" drivers is that 4 of them will match a very good 1x10 and 8 of them will match a very good 2x10. Seeing as you'd probably need to add a C2 to the Cub Pro to play with a relatively quiet drummer you might as well just go for a used BG400 or even better the new BG450 if you don't need the two channel preamp. You can still get them in red which is the best colour.



    I don't think they offer the neo speakers in standalone cabs any more which is a shame as they do save a fair bit of weight.


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