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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. The price is pretty decent, although these are the forerunner to the Rockbass range. I had one of these and didn't really like it, pickup sounded a bit weak to my ears, certainly looks nice though. My Corvette absolutely spanked it when it came to sound and playability

    One thing i would add is that it's the standard size Warwick cavity rout, so if you wanted to add an active eq and change the pickup there's loads of room to play with and you wouldn't need to actually do any routing. I was thinking about sticking a MM sized humbucker and active circuit in mine but ended up flogging it for about £200

  2. [quote name='pal1972' post='583501' date='Aug 28 2009, 01:11 PM']Git!!!! i emailed for some pics as ive git one already and wanted a second one for while! oh well you snooze you loose!! hope it works out for you these are amazing basses and i'd never part with mine for anything!![/quote]

    Yeah i was gonna email him first but thought it wouldn't stay there long. You don't need 2 anyway, that's just greedy!

    I've been GASsing for one of these for aaaaaages, missed a few very good deals (one cheaper than this one, although a bit battered) so hopefully i've finally scored one of my 3 favourite bass shapes. Only a Tobias to go now!

  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280390313094&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWNX:IT[/url]

    No pics but have emailed the seller for some as confirmation.
    Too good to be true or a genuine bargain? I've been after one of these for a while (at the right price :) ) and jumped on this one straight away, even though i don't usually buy stuff with no pictures. Paid by Paypal anyways in case anything goes awry

    Does this look ok or a bit dodgy?

    Hopefully i've cured a long standing GAS problem, at worst i've lost the £20 postage fee


    EDIT: Heard back from the seller, seems pretty genuine and sent me some pictures of the bass. There's a scuff mark on the back but other than that it looks sweet, i have a strange appreciation for well used Warwicks anyways!

    I'm assuming this is active 2band based on the fact it has 4 knobs? If not, what do they do? Ta

  4. I had the USA one and found it lacking in low end, sounded miles better with guitar than bass. Bought the Russian (black) one and was well impressed, very meaty sound and can sound smooth or nasty

    Bear in mind you'll need a battery adapter if you want to run the Russian one from a power supply as it has no DC jack. Either that or wire it to a DC jack from Maplins and use a polarity reverse adapter (the Russian Muff is centre+ve, most pedals are centre-ve)

    I use the ZVEX Mastotron now as it's miles smaller but gives similar sounds and loads more options. Still break out the Russian Muff every now and again though, it's one of my favourite pedals for loud and leary bass

  5. One little niggle i have with my Diago (£45 2nd hand btw, not payin them prices!) is that the edges are raised quite high on the base section, forcing you to keep some of your pedals away from the edge (so you can plug them in) and losing valuable board space. I actually think a homemade board in a flightcase would be a better and more practical option

  6. [quote name='Spoombung' post='582163' date='Aug 27 2009, 08:56 AM']Of course I don't mind - I'm looking forward to the commission fee Mike promised to pay me if he got any business from my build thread. :)[/quote]

    Would that be like the advertising fee he still owes the admins on here?

  7. You can get adapter cables like this one:

    Pricey though, haven't seen a cheaper alternative either. I just used to use a seperate power supply when i had my Blowtorch

  8. I have used a couple of EV bass bins at a gig when my old cab failed and they were great, couldn't complain and if they weren't so heavy and cumbersome i'd have looked into it. We paid £210 for both of them too!

    I also used an old Carlsbro sub our drummer had (a 2x18 4ohm 800w monster) and went lower than any cab i've ever tried. Again if i could be bothered to move it more than 5 feet i'd have used that for gigs

  9. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1978-FENDER-PRECISION-JAZZ-BASS-USA_W0QQitemZ120462689103QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item1c0c22c34f&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1978-FENDER-PRECISIO...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url]

    Worse than his butchered Ripper and the dodgy Fortress put together

  10. Just like to add that my Superfly hasn't had a single malfunction since i took all the outer casing off it. It may have been overheating (you wouldn't believe the amount of 'orrible metal i took off) plus it weighs a damn sight less now and also looks nicer IMO

    I got the idea from someone on here, can't remember who but cheers anyhooow!

  11. It wasn't just the Superfly heads that went kaputt. My local music shop stopped stocking Ashdown stuff (mainly the MAG stuff) because he got so many returns. He switched to Hartke gear and didn't get one broken amp or cab back
    I do think the lapse in QC was limited to a brief time period though, however a reputation like that does stick.

  12. I picked up an Aria STB Jazz a while ago for £45 on eBay, sunburst with a few knocks, this one:

    That was a steal though, it's a cracking little bass and well up to gigging, i was geniunely surprised at how good it sounded.

  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='577949' date='Aug 22 2009, 11:48 PM']He still hasn't paid for advertising he had on Bassworld.[/quote]

    Eeeeek. Maybe not so much love for his business practices then?

    Here's my Zoot bought off eBay:

    Walnut body, Macassar Ebony facings, Maple and Walnut neck with Ebony and Maple stringers. Hipshot tuners with drop D, Hipshot bridge, Brass nut. 2 Aero pickups with Aguliar OPB-3. 3 band eq, passive switch and low pass switch, mid sweep on the respective knob.

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