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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. A few basses have it like that, on my old Dean it was the same. Meant to give more bottom end to the G and D strings. In the case of my Dean it didn't work!

    I also quite like this:

    Wouldn't pay that for it though

  2. Gonna persuade the guys to cover this now, got them to do Sir Duke so i don't think they'll mind another Stevie tune!

    Is there a decent transcription anywhere? Bit of a daunting task to transcribe it myself

  3. Pricey postage and needs a new tuner i think....


  4. Anyone near Wolverhampton should have a looksee at this:

  5. [quote name='BigRedX' post='552875' date='Jul 27 2009, 04:54 PM']..........Even when it comes down to the smaller items - strings, picks, straps even then the choice in store is too small..............

    The problem is that forums like this and the internet in general have broadened our horizons when it comes to instruments, amps and other gear, whereas shops seem still in the world of the early 90s, stuck in dealer networks and playing too safe by only stocking what they know will sell.[/quote]

    Exacty what the shops are like round here. Out of 4 local music shops i have the choice between Ernie Balls and Rotos, both in only one guage and 4 string only. When i need emergency strings now i go to Cash Converters, they've got sets of cheapies in 2 guages for about a fiver. I don't spend £20 on strings unless it's a brand i want

    I remember having a conversation with a shop owner about a yeaa while ago when i was buying a Squier. He couldn't get any in the shop because they were all going to the big online retailers who put in huge bulk orders. I waited a couple of months and he still couldn't get one so i ended up buying online, not his fault at all and i felt a bit sorry for the bloke. He had a sale but the supplier wouldn't even take him into account

  6. I always try to support my local shop but recently it seems like they're trying to squeeze too much money out of customers. I really don't mind paying a litle bit extra but sometimes it takes the cake

    Take my recent EUB purchase, in the shop i was quoted £450, found it online in five minutes for £299. Guess who got the money

  7. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/custom-bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ220455704092QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item33542f161c&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1688|293%3A1|294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/custom-bass-guitar_W...93%3A1|294%3A50[/url]

    Apart from the flightcase (there's one in the for sale section for £150) how has this got to £620? Is there something special about what looks like a no-name P copy?

  8. It is active, the pickups are these:

    There's no additional circuit, just vol/vol/tone.

    I have a 2 band Tonepump i could throw in for £25 but i don't know what it would sound like with these pickups. Also it would either need an extra hole drilling or a stacked vol/vol knob (i have one of these too, just the pot though)

    I've gigged it with my party covers band (raised the action a bit so it was less fretlessy) and it was great with indie, rock and modern chart stuff. Don't know about metal as i've not played that style in years, let alone fretless!

    All you need to do now is learn to play the right way up!

  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='551605' date='Jul 26 2009, 10:19 AM']Haha, I'm putting one of these together this week, I have a mini Mag 15" and I have a Superfly en-route, for gigs where the epic Ampeg isn't needed.

    Oh I used the MM at a gig for the first time yesterday, AWESOME :)[/quote]

    Very assertive tone isn't it!? It was a bit too powerful for my liking when i gigged it. Were those strings i sent new or used? They were in the case so i assumed they were used ones, if they were new then bonus!

    I also want a Phil Jones Briefcase!

  10. [quote name='bigd1' post='551648' date='Jul 26 2009, 11:06 AM']I have an Eastcoast EUB, one of the Machine heads has broken and I need to replace it. The Bass is identical to a Stagg EUB. I don't seem to be able to track down any, on or off line. Any help would be gratefully received.

    Ta very glad BIGd[/quote]

    I think Bythesea has a spare one

  11. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='551357' date='Jul 25 2009, 07:53 PM']Pickups and preamp for my Ibanez. It has a great feel and unplugged sound, but the stock pickups and pre are a bit lame.[/quote]

    Got a 2 band Tonepump for £25 posted? Has bass and treble pots plus 4 black knobs

    I still want:
    Tobias through neck in natural (USA or Korean, don't care, it's all about looks!)
    Warwick Fortress in natural

    I also now want:
    A tiny bass cab to go with my newly stripped down Superfly head, even though i have a really good bedroom amp already
    A Bolin cos they look ace but can't even remotely afford one
    The ability to remember to take my bait with me next time i go fishing

  12. [quote name='stevie' post='550367' date='Jul 24 2009, 04:28 PM']Anyone tried the Vintage Stingray copy? I bought one locally via eBay because it was cheap and because I love the Musicman tone, and it sounds stonking to me. I'm not in a position to compare it with anything else, but I'm impressed.
    The finish is nothing to write home about. I can get a piece of paper in between the neck and body joint at one side. The varnish on the neck is thin and the frets are not as flush to the side of the neck as they could be. I took the top off the cover plate to tighten up the loose jack socket and discovered piles of wood shavings that hadn't been brushed out and also noticed that the earthing wire was hanging in mid air because it hadn't been soldered on.
    On the other hand - it's light, and it has that punchy, growly Musicman sound that I can't get out of my Yamaha BB. I find that I'm playing it more than my Yammy now, which is very strange because I've spent lots of time and effort getting my Yammy to sound just so.
    Comments, anyone?[/quote]

    I borrowed one a while ago for a dep gig, sounded nice but i didn't like the feel of the bass. I thought that there wasn't enough clearance between the body and the strings to allow me to dig in like on a proper Ray. Still i think the owner paid about £100 for so it was a steal, the citcuit was decent enough

  13. The polarity switch is either set to centre negative or centre positive, depending on what your pedal requires

    If it's a newer EHX, like a Nano etc. it will be centre negative. Most pedals are. The C shape and the dot shape represent the tip and barrell parts of the DC plug

    Cheapies like this one are often unregulated too, i used one at home and it played hell with a couple of my pedals. There was loads of background noise and it was unusable
    Dedicated guitar ones are a much better bet

    EDIT: From the pic the left hand setting is centre +ve, the right one is centre-ve

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