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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. This one is going back tomorrow, the guy from soundslive seemed to know his stuff, straight away confirming "you seem to have a definite problem then"!

    Bit gutted as i was really digging playing it, plus it's nice to look at too!

    What's up with yours bythesea?
    I heard the scare stories on TB but it was between this and the Thomann one. The Stagg seemed more practical and more folk on here use them

  2. Sent it back although they don't have any on stock at the moment. Might just get a refund if it's gonna be ages

    Apart from that it actually seems really well built, considering it's the cheapest EUB around at the moment it's a real bargain.

    Plus from a distance it looks like graphite and ebony!

  3. [quote name='Machines' post='508785' date='Jun 9 2009, 07:53 AM']Don't expect a Rockbass to sound much like a German Warwick. They're made of a different body, neck and fingerboard wood where a lot of the Warwick sound comes from.

    That said - they are good basses :).[/quote]

    The Rockbass Corvette Active i tried sounded pretty close to my German Standard. Just make sure you get an active one though! I didn't like the passsive ones i tried

    Keep an eye on eBay, there should still be plenty of old German Corvettes going for up to £400. I flagged one up a while ago that went for £276 i think. Similarly i saw an Active Fortress go for £380

  4. I received my Stagg EDB this afternoon, after a quick play i'm very impressed, seems like a bargain. But....

    The strings seem too far over to the bass-side of the fingerboard. The nut and bridge seem to be cut ok so maybe the the neck is at an odd angle?

    Or is it meant to be like that? It's my first upright of any kind so i have no idea what i should be looking at!

    One thing that did make me suspicious was that Soundslive sold this at £299 as a "last one" deal, all the other Stagg EDBs were £349. Now they are selling this colour at £349 too, so maybe they wanted to get rid of this one?

    Thanks in advance for any advice and information!


  5. [quote name='grumble' post='508954' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:38 PM']Booths of Bolton have got a new Stagg in at the moment, slightly over your budget at £425 though[/quote]

    Cheers bud but I've found a brand new stagg for £299 so I'm going with that. Was on offer from soundslive as was the last one, should have it today or tomorrow


  6. Hi

    I'm looking for a cheap starter EUB if anyone's got one, see the following thread for details and tradebait:



  7. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WARWICK-CORVETTE-5-STRING-BASS_W0QQitemZ170338584983QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item27a8f88997&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1688|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WARWICK-CORVETTE-5-S...93%3A1|294%3A50[/url]

    A Warwick Corvette Standard Active, Bubinga body. Up to £510 already?

    I've seen Corvettes in various incarnations going from £280 to £370 in the last few months. This is the Ovangkol necked version too, after the more desirable Wenge ones. His reserve is £600, i have the Ash-bodied 4 string version of this and i paid £598 for that new!

    A bit gutted cos i should be in the market for a Warwick sometime this year!

    EDIT for bad spelling!

  8. I love my Corvette, nothing wrong with the cheaper ranges. Very well made too, it cost me under £600 new and has paid for itself and then some.

    The only things to watch out for are the jack socket and the push/pull volume pot, other than that it's put up with years of gigging abuse

  9. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='505232' date='Jun 4 2009, 07:15 AM']I work in Morecambe at the mo and suspect there's only one music shop. Presumably he bought it 2nd hand? Interesting :)

    Maybe they have a Fender J bass in stock with a Tele style neck?[/quote]

    Promenade Music? They were brilliant when i was trying to get parts for my Warwick, really nice bunch of guys. I don't think they'd pull a con like that, probably just an honest mistake.
    They gave me parts at cost because they'd lost them (Warwick sent them inside a Rockcase which they had sold, so they had to trace the buyer to get my part!)

  10. Mine used to cut out every so often, happened a couple of times during a practice although was always ok afterwards

    Check something inside hasn't worked loose. These were so poorly built that the screws can work loose with the vibration of the amp, used to happen all the time on mine and i had to take an allen key to practice to tighten them all up afterwards!

    I solved it by buying a new amp and relegating the Ashdown to bedroom amp status

  11. Remember, a mistake isn't a mistake if you cover it up well!

    I'm sometimes the king of balls-ups, i've just got really good at making them into fills.
    Also do not ever stop playing, even if you make a huge gaff, most people won't even notice if you just carry on playing. Scowling at the drummer in an obvious manner helps too

    And don't get too p1ssed, we used to get hammered at gigs and it showed

  12. +1 for the MXR M80, blends with your signal so you can keep the low end and still get silly with the gain!

    It has 2 pedals, one for the effect eq section and another for the OD (you have to have both on for the OD to work). I set mine up so i can use it as a clean boost/eq switch and also a distortion pedal so it's very handy

    It also functions as a DI box too!

    Oh and if you want class fuzz without Wooly Mammoth prices check out the ZVEX Mastotron (there was a thread about it recently). I paid £76 posted for mine and it rules.

    I currently use just these two pedals for OD/fuzz, both keep the low end and sound the tits!

  13. I was looking at a Kustom Groove head a while ago, absolute monster of an amp. I heard so many good things about it but that's their higher end stuff. If it's a cheapy there may be quality control issues, i remember being distinctly unimpressed by a guitar combo of theirs i heard while ago

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