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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='503157' date='Jun 1 2009, 06:39 PM']This might be me going a bit crazy, but the shape of the Zender looks like a very similar shape to the bass in your avatar…[/quote]


  2. [quote name='BassKS' post='502173' date='May 31 2009, 11:52 AM']woolly mammoth is a lot of money.... 350 dollars i think. Tried to get one but with all the shipping and taxes was a fair bit.[/quote]

    I have a ZVEX Mastotron which was £76 new, posted. It's meant to be quite similar to the Wooly Mammoth i hear.
    Does really low fuzzed up sounds, i'd imagine it would work well with a Synth pedal

  3. [quote name='stevie' post='500922' date='May 29 2009, 02:00 PM']It went for £125. Yesterday a really nice Ashdown ABM 15" cab went for £50. I think you need to be really careful putting stuff on eBay at the moment, especially when you insist on collection only.[/quote]


    I was looking at a shorty bass for my nephew a few months back. An encore one went for £9 as it was collection only from Sheffield. I asked the seller if he'd post but he couldn't be bothered so you takes your chances

  4. AFAIK it's the standard Warmoth neck dimensions, have a looksee here:

    It actually feels a little chunkier than the other Jazzes i've had, if you have a look at reviews for Warmoth Jazzes it seems to be quite a common opinion.

    And weighty means pretty darn heavy, i'll get a proper weight of it soon as i'm borrowing some digital scales to weigh a cab for postage.

    I'd guess 10lb or so. It's a big solid chunk of Walnut and Warmoth necks have the steel support rods (http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Necks/BassNeckAnatomy.aspx) so it was never going to be a lightweight!


  5. I think the Moon has a switchable eq, whether that's on/off or just a different mid-sweep i dunno but i assumed it was on/off

    A lot of Warwicks have a push/pull on the volume control to bypass the active circuit

    EDIT: Incidentally the bass in my avatar has an active bypass switch and the sound is fantastic, it gets an airing every so often. I reckon i could live easily with it bypassed all the time. The one on my Warwick less so, but it still has it's uses

  6. £500-£800 you say?




  7. There's a very nice Bass Collection in the for sale section, at that price you'd have money left over for another too

    If you wanted to stretch your budget then this is what i'd have a look at:

    If i were you i'd just keep looking at the for sale section on here, it's always full of bargains at every price range and it's nice and safe

  8. I heard Warwick keep their bees next to a stereo that pumps out Funkadelic 24 hours a day, that's why it's so expensive!

    I've used normal beeswax ever since my Warwick Wax ran out (well, up until the bass became too grubby to warrant it) and never had any problems

  9. I actually blew the sound board on my laptop recently so i'm computing in silence! I won't be able to do any sound samples until i either find a cheap spares/repairs laptop to fix it or sort my external audio interface out. I can try to do it on my mate's PC but i think his Line 6 is broken too. The joys of computing!

    That's a very nice Warmoth, what are those pickups?


  10. I had a Squier, sold it recently. It was a Standard Jazz, very well made and the pickups were surprisingly good. I wouldn't generalise on which are better, all three series you mention invariably have some good and some lesser examples

    Mine beat every Mex Fender i tried (i originally set out to buy a MIM Jazz but ended up with the Squier!), plus you can pick the Standard series up for less money. I sold mine for £120 including a battered ABS case, was one of the walnut satin ones too

  11. [quote name='megazap63' post='490392' date='May 17 2009, 11:07 AM']Hey Bob,

    I posted something about a week ago re George L cables - specifically, that I feel the product is way overrated and a waste of money (and they ain't cheap either..)

    At the time of buying them, the other apparent choice was planet waves. Don't know what they're like but they couldn't be any worse than George Ls.

    Based on my experience, I'd have to say that you can't beat a good old-fashioned presoldered patch cable. I'm waiting on delivery of a bunch of Warwick cables that I ordered online through GAK and Stallion Music. They look and sound very well-made, have gold tips for better sound and come in lengths of 15, 20 and 30 cm. Also, their right-angled connectors are considerably smaller than just about every other presoldered patch cable out there.

    The best thing is the price.....16 of them at varying lengths for under £50, inc p+p!!

    Not trying to give Warwick a big plug or anything, just hate to see another guy waste around £70 for a crap product like George Ls (or perhaps something similar....)

    Anyway, cheers and good luck man!![/quote]

    I use the Warwick ones like this:


    They're very good and really cheap. The seller i got them off did me a postage discount so i ended up getting 5 for £15. Nice thick cable and decent, solid Neutrik-style jacks. You can order them in different lengths too

  12. I'll add to the LMII love. Mine was £390 off the marketplace here and it's proved invaluable. It's very loud and warm when cranked yet can also be clean and hifi. Extremely versatile too with a comprehensive eq and the two shape dials.

    To me it's got everything a bass amp needs with no fuss, every control does something useful. The fact it's tiny, weighs nothing and is relatively cheap is merely a bonus.

    Plus if you ever want to stick it in a case the £10 jobbies from B&Q are great

    It is a great head for my Schroeder cab plus i can get my bass, cab, head and lead bag to the gig in one trip

  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='493770' date='May 20 2009, 10:25 PM']I really should un subscribe to this thread. Im getting GAS ;-)[/quote]

    How can you have amp GAS?!?!?!? You've got a meaty rig! :)

  14. [quote name='The Funk' post='199785' date='May 15 2008, 05:48 PM']Randall have a similar system for guitar. It's a bit like using a Pod but "real".[/quote]

    I remember that one, i was trying to get our guitarist to buy one as they looked awesome!
    Interchangeable valve preamps IIRC? You could get a Mesa Boogie, Fender and Marshall in one box!

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