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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. I used my Schroeder 1212r with a stand to try out the "ear level" thing, didn't like it (preferred the floor rumble in the end!) so never used it again. Another £40 down the drain!

    I'd like to stack another 2x12 on top of it though......

  2. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='412271' date='Feb 17 2009, 05:48 PM']Heh heh heh, 'head'.[/quote]

    It's good to know i'm not the only one who immediately jumps to the most childish conclusion after reading the thread title....

  3. My Corvette developed a fault where it would become quiet and distorted. It was the push/pull pot failing, eventually got the part replaced (from the awesome and extremely pleasant staff at Promenade Music in Morecambe).

    Yours sounds like a pot issue, unless the repair guy had damaged a circuit board whilst tinkering around inside it.

  4. I picked up a little clean boost pedal off here for £35 so it does pay to keep an eye out. Before that i used a Hartke VXL pedal which did the trick too

    I'd imagine the Behringers will do the trick, just don't stomp on them too hard or you might be getting a lot less volume than you'd hoped for!

  5. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='409866' date='Feb 15 2009, 03:53 AM']for £300? are you kidding? if you can find one, link me! id be well up for buying one[/quote]

    I've seen a few go on ebay last year for under £350, one went for £320. Remember they could be bought new around 2002 (IIRC) for £530. I paid £580 for mine and as it's got a few knocks i'd expect it to fetch no more than £350 second hand
    Remember the new Rockbasses look gorgeous and the $$ Corvettes go for around £500

    Keep an eye out on the bay. I saw the passive fretless version go for just over £300 as well and that was mint

  6. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='403736' date='Feb 8 2009, 08:23 PM']Is there anyone you're not going to offer it to? :P[/quote]

    Looks like it's gone now!
    It was my only pedal left for sale/trades so had to whore it out to the whole of BC hoping for a buyer ;)
    Times is hard!

  7. Try a semi acoustic bass? Tanglewood do a version of their Warrior, Ibanez do one as do Yamaha and Aria (arabassist had a nice one for sale for a little over £100 a while ago).
    The one that struck me was the Dean Rhapsody (think that's what it was called...), they also do a fretless version too.


  8. [quote name='mrcrow' post='403423' date='Feb 8 2009, 04:05 PM']how many are familiar with acoustics and if so what kind of volume and tone do they have without using any onboard electrics and preamps

    recommendations would be fine in the mid price category

    and do they need bronze strings??


    Most of the cheaper to mid priced ones lack a lot of bass on the low E, purely due to the physics of producing that low end. I've got an old cheapy (£160 ten years ago!) and it sounds pretty decent with bronze strings. Always fancied the Michael Kelly ones.
    There was a Takamine for sale here not so long ago, don't think it sold and it was a bargain

  9. Ah i should be ok then, think the Lifebook Cs were P3s.

    I'm sat typing on an old Lifebook B2154 at the moment (it's a 450mhz celeron). Stuck Puppy Linux on it and it flies! Bought it for £29 and stuck a wireless card in it. Think it's a bit under specced for recording though...

  10. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='401774' date='Feb 6 2009, 09:24 AM']I'm clueless about software like so a little help please.
    Can you run this as a stand alone or is it a plug in whereby you need other software to run it ??
    I have a fairly decent pcmcia sound card on the lappy with a mic/instrument input which i sometimes use for jamming along to music.If i got this software will it run on it's own,ie with the bass plugged into the sound card.Also could i then plug the lappy into a bass amp ??
    Told you i was a dumbass hehe.[/quote]

    What spec is your laptop?

    Wanna know if i can run this on mine:

    1.6 Celeron M 360
    2gig ram
    M Audio 4/4 usb interface

    I've always suffered latency so bought the interface (struggled with compatibility issues with my old Tascam) hoping this will sort it out

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