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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. Been looking for something similar to that converter for a while to power my centre +ve big muff from my pedalboard. I was told i can't rewire it centre -ve as it will blow my power supply.

    Will this work?

  2. False economy i'm afraid!
    Some people report no problems but our old guitarist bought a whole bunch of behringer pedals. The tuner and the EQ failed in the first gig, the others shortly after IIRC.

  3. [quote name='deksawyer' post='394275' date='Jan 29 2009, 12:54 AM']The mechanism on the Hercules has been known to fail.[/quote]

    Yep. Mine failed after 3 gigs. One side grabs, the other just stays in the same place so i have to angle my bass out.

    Still using it a year later though so it's not a massive issue and the bass is still as safe as can be (clumsy drunken shenanigans permitting)

  4. Maybe he was just having an off day? Never had to contact him myself but all reports suggest he's a very amiable chap

    I remember when something i bought from the USA went missing in the post, the seller immediately sent a replacement at his own cost. That was a set of USA Fender Jazz pickups too!

  5. [quote name='jimijimmi' post='387540' date='Jan 21 2009, 02:15 PM']and YES it is a give away price...if you can find me one for less,then ill take 2..

    hope ya well..

    Wasn't saying the value was incorrect, more the "bass of this calliber" bit. Far better basses go for a fraction of this i'm afraid. And yes i am well, thanks! ;)

  6. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='385596' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:23 PM']The Artist series was a deviation from the usual Gibson formula of all mahogany construction but they weighed an absolute ton.[/quote]

    Too true! I had it on a very long strap (looks ace!) but there was about 3 trees worth of wood in there so it was extremely uncomfortable. Don't think Gibson ever got a bass neck profile right either. The RD and every TBird i've played felt clumsy, like it didn't really want you to play it.

  7. [quote name='Delberthot' post='385602' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:27 PM']The best one I ever used was the Owen Bass Gremlin - quite pricey new but pop up here from time to time around the £60 mark.

    I just don't do pedals orI would still have it.[/quote]

    +1 on that. I just sold mine for £60! Can email a couple of clips if you like.
    It's more like two versions of one overdrive. There's the on/off and a filter switch, so potentially 2 different (footswitchable) overdrives. Works out at £30 a pedal!
    Sold it cos i rarely get to use overdrive, plus i'm more of a muff man (matron!)

    Also keep an eye out for the Danelectro Black Liquorice/Black Paisley pedals. Cheaply built and a bit noisy, but sound huge especially with the octave down switch! Got my Black Liquorice for £12 delivered off the dreaded ebay. No level control though, just Drive and Bass!

    The EBS one is worth a shot too. A bit too restrained for my liking but might be what you're looking for

  8. They are very rare. Still look 'orrible though...

    Think he's a bit mixed up on it's provenance though. Guigsy played Fenders, i thought Gem Archer (rhythm guitar) played a non-reverse firebird.

    EDIT for awesome quote : "A bass of this calliber will not be available again for this give away price"

    I used to own an RD Artist '77, IMO Gibson's best bass. It was my second best bass, behind my Warwick Corvette. Not exactly known for their world-beating basses are they?

  9. It doesn't come with a DC jack on it, just battery, which is why i thought wiring it up for a centre -ve adapter would be ok. i understand that most pedals ground through the sleeve which is usually the +ive.

    I'm asking cos after i connected it up to work off my adapter i sent it to the repair shop to have the pots looked at (they were crackling), paid £15 and took it home. Didn't work. Took it back and collected it Saturday and was told it was £30 as i'd blown the transistors (the repair guy had taken it upon himself to rewire it "correctly"), so when i connected it up it blew

    Just want to know if i'm in the wrong really, i took advice from other forums and just switched the wires around. If i'm wrong i'll pay up, if not i'm taking the pedal and getting my initial £15 back as AFAIK he didn't fix the pots!

  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='384299' date='Jan 18 2009, 08:05 PM']Looks fairly original.



    Aye it's just down the road from me. Keep thinking about going to have a go. Maybe could get some comedy pics posing with it in my Basschat tshirt? ;)
    Just makes you wonder how some folk attach "custom" and "hand-built" to useless planks like these. Also the neck on the first one is off a Vintage, so not exactly hand built is it?

  11. My Zoot <<<<<

    Haven't even had it a year. I had a bit of money saved up for something special (i'm the only one in our band that doesn't squander gig money!) and was looking at USA Jazzes. Tried a few and none grabbed me so i left it at that.

    Then i saw this on ebay for £900 BIN. Loved it! Couldn't justify spending the money (i was looking at Warwick Fortresses and non-USA Tobias basses at the time). Kept a note of the seller and over a period of a few months noticed the price drop to £800. I mailed him to see if he would take any less (meaning £50 or so), and got a very flat response telling me the bass was worth well over a grand and he was in no rush to sell it.
    About a week later he'd obviously had a change of heart and had dropped the price to £710! Hit BIN, but couldn't complete until i had paid and my Paypal account wouldn't go over £600!
    In the end i had to wait another week to get it verified and every few hours i was checking ebay on my phone to make sure someone else hadn't nabbed it!
    Eventually paid for it, the bass was sent via Parcel Force 48. It took about a week to arrive though, cue a lot of worrying and pacing up and down!

    Within 5 mins of playing it unamplified it was at the top of the tree. Unbelievably loud, clear and focused, couldn't wait to plug it in and play with the Aquilar pre!

    I cringe every time i remember considering spending £740 on a Fender.........

  12. The sound clips were recorded straight from my Zoot into the Owen, then direct into my laptop's lousy sound card (there was a bit of latency) and recorded with Reaper. Tbh there's less of a balance between the filters when it's through an amp. The 1st one is a lot quiter live so getting 2 seperate sounds might require a bit of compromise. Still sounds awesome though!


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