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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. These may indeed be excellent basses (i'll reserve judgement until i've played one) but every time i see the photos i struggle to see where the extra money is going. You can get an absolutely cracking bass for under £200 new, so what's so special about these?

    If i'm buying a bass for £500 (and i will be later in the year) i want to know exactly what the improvement is over the competition, not a vague promotional blurb

  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='472004' date='Apr 25 2009, 07:59 AM']

    This week I as been mostly playing...

    ... moy Bolin![/quote]

    That's gorgeous. Always liked their guitars but that looks fantastic

  3. Perhaps more to do with the stage/venue?

    I'm looking into getting one of those Auralex Gramma (or whatever the correct spelling is) isolation stands because i want to cut excessive booming on [i]some[/i] stages, nothing to do with the amp (a LMII with a Schroeder) and more to do with the stage floor among other things. I played an old Trace combo in a practice room that sounded decent yet totally floundered on stage.

    You can get a very warm tone from a Markbass, i was surprised as i thought something that small had to be hifi and "transistory"!

    I've also heard the Markbass combos don't fare as well as the standalone amps, maybe because they're made with too small an enclosure to save weight?

  4. Usually if you buy one off here it'll be a good 'un. I'd seriously recommend looking at the second hand market (particularly on here) unless money really is no object.

    You could easily shave at least a grand off your outlay for a bass which will most likely be in excellent condition

    Get two!

    EDIT: Just seen your last post, if you're happy paying that and nowhere else has them in stock cheaper then i guess you have your answer. Make sure you check online for competition though, might be a good bargaining tool when you're in the shop

  5. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='473039' date='Apr 27 2009, 12:02 AM']Walkabout? - Do they pay bands in real money now? Last time I was asked to play one their standard deal was - house guitaramps, drumkit & PA. No bassamp 'cause it sounds better through the PA'. Five bands on, each expected to bring a thirsty following. Bands payment - f'kall but a £25 bar tab split between however many band members. I politely declined in two short words.

    I expect the sound engineer in that case may have been less someone with magic ears and more someone who knew which knobs to twiddle to make a bass with a precision pickup sound like a precison.[/quote]

    £550 in pretty much all of them IIRC (and that was a few years ago when i used to dep for my mate). All your backline and house PA. Actually quite a fun gig!

    We do Brannigans (we don't like to travel that far cos we all have other commitments) and they pay £400+ too although sometimes there's no PA

  6. A friend of mine has a cheapy Kramer PBass. He gigs all over the country in a function band and has to use this from time to time as it's his backup. The sound engineer at a Walkabout venue asks him to use it instead of his Ray cos he prefers it!

    If it wasn't so fugly and didn't have that godawful headstock i'd have probably bought one!

  7. I have one, it's pretty good for the money (I paid £250 for it new ages ago), handles quite a lot of low end and isn't as heavy as you'd think. I used mine with the 500w Hartke HA5500
    One thing to watch is the baffle board working loose and making the cab sound awful. Only took a pack of screws to fix but was annoying.

    All in all it is a good way to run your head at 4ohms with one cab and a small budget, if you can stretch to more cash then i'd recommend a Schroeder 1212 or similar 4ohm cab. I wasn't impressed with the 4x10VX cab i heard so i would probably choose the 215 over it

    Was selling mine for £90 but had no takers!

    I also think Phil the bassist on here uses one

  8. I ordered from them using a bank transfer (not online, cost me over a tenner but still cheaper than buying over here at the time) and got a fuss free service. Arrived very quickly and the bass played great straight out of the box. The only problem was Nat West messing it up at my end!

    Read a recent thread that said a bank refused a transaction cos it seemed out of character for the account holder, maybe ask your bank why the payment didn't go through?

  9. I think Ampeg are still the nuts but most folk really don't wanna lug an 8x10 and a huge head around. My full stack days are long gone. Look on any big festival stage and there'll be an Ampeg on there somewhere, still the industry standard after all these years (for those with roadies anyways!)

  10. I've been impressed with the EHX chorus units i've used (Electric Mistress and Small Clone). SCs can be picked up for £30 or so and they're built like tanks. Bear in mind you'll need an adapter to use them a standard power supply though (unless it's a Nano version of the pedal).

    The Boss SYB series can be picked up for around £50 second hand and are good Synth pedals for the cash. I sold mine purely cos it wasn't getting used but have a hankering for another...

  11. Here y'are!


    Hard case too and £350 BIN (£30 postage though)

    Not too sure about AMG pickups though, should be MEC (or hopefully EMG!)

  12. /\ /\ Agreed! /\ /\

    You can pick up 2nd hand Corvettes for under £400. There was one i saw go for £276 (i flagged it in the eBay section), that was one of the special editions too with the MM pickup. I've seen a few last year go for the £300 - £350 mark. The active Corvette Standards in swamp ash were under £600 new, bubinga ones a little more

    Rockbass ones are decent IMO, same electrics as the Warwick i've got. Some on here don't rate em as much but i liked the one i tried.

    Really would suggest looking for a used German one though

  13. Read an interview that said he took the G string off all together. His tech also said that he pours water over himself on stage a lot, leading to the pickups in his TBird losing output.

    I thnk his tech was a bit annoyed with him for that as he said the pickups are hard to source. He also said Mark's not very good in music stores and refuses to try out pedals he suggests. He said Mark only uses a certain Boss pedal (forget which) but won't use the new ones, meaning his tech has to constantly look for old pedals as he goes through a few every tour

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  14. The Ampeg would do the trick!

    Alternatively look at the Sansamp or MXR M80 pedals. I use an M80 to mimic an overdriven head and it does the trick, you can blend the two signals so you keep the low end.

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