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Posts posted by lemmywinks

  1. LMII - Everything pretty much flat, depending on the room/where the cab is etc. Sometimes a little high-mid boost . Have the VLE off and the VPF no further than 11 o'clock. If i need any boost i usually just use the 3 band eq on my bass

  2. Jim Dunlop Bass Wah 105q
    Boxed with instructions, works perfectly.
    The base plate has velcro on the underside where i switched it round to put it on my pedalboard. Please note this is on the reverse so you don't see it if using it normally. Great condition
    Link to the Dunlop site:

    Looking for £65



  3. I DO like that.......

    As far as trades go.....

    Hartke VX215 cab?

    Er, can't think of anything else bass related at the mo!

    EDIT: Owen Bass Gremlin Overdrive?
    Boss SYB-3 Synth pedal?
    Jim Dunlop Bass Wah?

    Dunno what the pedals are worth really, the Owen i'd put at about 60, the SYB at about £50 and the Wah £60+?
    Not wanting to get rid of the Owen really, would rather the other two went as i don't have a use for em at the mo!


  4. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='369986' date='Jan 4 2009, 03:10 PM']I recently got some, well two, Planet Waves Pro cables ( £18 for 10ft so not dead cheap ) and they keep falling out of my basses. I've used loads of different leads over the past 30 years and never had this problem before. It happens on all three of my basses, and only with these leads, no others. I contacted Planet Waves who have suggested I return them for "evaluation and possible replacement".


    That's weird, i use planet waves cables too and found them the snuggest fit in all of my basses!

    Got mine ages ago though so they might be different now

  5. The VM and CV Squiers are touted as the two better ranges, due to components and finishes i think. I have a Standard series Jazz and can't fault it construction wise, it feels much more expensive than it actually is and is exceptionally well put together. The finish is a little thick for my liking but it's a very nice looking bass. I was torn between the Antique Burst and the Walnut Satin, eventually choosing the latter.

    I don't like the Affinity series as they feel a bit cheaper but they still compete with similarly priced basses. Just not [i][/i]that[i][/i] much cheaper than the Standard. I was also told that the pickups are inferior (i never plugged it in because the Standard felt miles better!)

  6. Quick update on the Warwick angled jacks.

    Got them a few days ago and just fired them up now. I'd be lying if i said they were a revelation compared to my old ones but they sound very clear and seem very robust. The cable is a lot thicker than on cheap moulded leads and the jacks are bulky metal jobbies with a plastic section.

    The seller also sent me a quid back in the post so they were under £3 each delivered!

  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='369266' date='Jan 3 2009, 02:17 PM']That's in the States, Wayne... They have to pay more for European made stuff .. oh and and Ashdown are probably still trendy and exotic there :)[/quote]

    Superflys are chinese made. You could get em for $279 in the USA and a lot of those were faulty examples

  8. Is the product called "rebelhead450"?
    If so then you naturally jump to the obvious conclusion. As for the whole iphone thing, i reckon (if it is ashdown and it is a head) it's something along the lines of the superfly, like an amp with a digital programmable front end?

    Just my uneducated guess!

    EDIT: There's also some schematic diagrams in there, saw "tuner out" so looks like a head or a pre...

  9. It has made me spend a fortune, but i've got a sliced of that back through selling my old gear!

    The gear i've got off here has made me sound MILES better though...

    Also got to try loads of effects for half the new price, some i've kept and some i've passed on at cost for someone else to enjoy

    My missus hate's it, after all it is the reason she didn't get a holiday in 2008 as promised!

  10. Have these spare as i've just got a few better quality ones

    4 cheapy moulded patch leads, all working (only bought them a month or so ago!)

    2 angled jack patch leads with better quality cable, untested but were working

    Posted free to you after 5th January


  11. Yeah they were selling classical guitars for £15 a while back with neck faults.

    I sent them a cheeky message asking what else they had going cheap and the guy was really pleasant, basically said if i had anything in mind then to message him and he'd have a look! Think they've just got some seconds and damaged stock (some cosmetic, some structural), the more desirable stuff is cheap but not bargains

    He did offer me an all solid classical with cosmetic faults for around £70 though, which was an excellent price as a lot of arias better classicals are actually made in Spain

  12. Can't go wrong with a Little Mark II, i love mine

    There was on in the for sale section not so long ago for £400 which seems to be the going rate. They're usually well looked after, i got a mint one off here for £390!

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