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Graham's Cat

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Everything posted by Graham's Cat

  1. Looking for a valve amp techy or engineer. Want to mod n service a 1971 Traynor YBA-1. SE Kent UK is the right location. Would be nice to install or effect some attenuation control or add a master vol. Recommendations welcomed . . Ta! G
  2. 4x10 MB is just the ticket. Man . . . does that move some air..
  3. [quote name='whynot' timestamp='1468608949' post='3092171'] Ahh my old bass I think. I purchased a couple of lefty Ray Cooper basses of a player a few years ago, this being one of them I'm sure. [/quote] It may well be that bass. I purchased from a bloke in St Mary's Cray not so long ago.
  4. Hoiked a couple of 12ax7's out, didn't help much though I did find the noisy culprit in my Cornford in the process. Thinking now maybe the power valves are alright. The amp is generally noisy and doesn't like any pedals other than a battery powered Compulator in circuit. I've found that even PSU's for my guitar induce elements of noise in the amp. Going to have to find a decent Valve repairist! If anyone knows someone in SE Kent let me know!
  5. How much impact do the power valves have on the tone? Is this more defined by the preamp 12ax7 tubes?
  6. I felt £700 for a 50w valve head or 100% as Ampeg expressed, along with the historic legacy amp builder plug was a tad rich. The head didn't work and the issues with it were pretty obvious.
  7. My recently acquired YBA1 has lively and microphonic EL34 Philips tubes. I've read these should be replaced or have dampeners fitted. I don't want to replace these unless really necessary. However given my lack of tube knowledge, I once again ask you lovely people. Also read Svetlana Winged-C are a good replacement tube, but there are quite a few to chose from. Opinions and advice welcomed! G
  8. Taken the plunge on the 4x10 front ported Markbass. The Ampeg 115HE had all the aestheics right yet felt stifled or lacking in dynamic range in my opinion. Looked into used cabs, unfortunately there wasn't anything suitable or local plus I'm sceptical about buying used cabs. The Ampeg is up for sale. I originally got it to match the PF50T I had on order. When it arrived six weeks later it wasn't working properly, had PCB circuitry and was made in China. Way over priced given the build quality.
  9. Interesting, tried it with Ampeg 115HE but sounded stifled to my ears. No hissing with a clear top but a tad hazy in the midrange.
  10. Well, don't hold back. Think I'll try a Markbass 410HF. Has good reviews, moves a lot of air with arse retaining clear defined mids and highs allegedly.
  11. Ha! Roy Cropper. V good he he he
  12. Any recommendations for a cab to suit this amp? It's a 1971 50w all valve affair. Main guitar is Ric 4003 with occassional fretless . Prime use is studio orientated, so nothing huge is needed. I'm looking for good full-tonal range with dynamic response. Weight is another consideration. I like a weighty bottom end but also seek definition in the mid-range and clarity at the top, without hissing or hum. See...not too picky. Thanks in advance !
  13. And it's up for sale after damned good clean and setting up with new strings! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152107873033?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  14. Mooo oo wah . . . Big time on a Classic 5 Sandberg, fretless naturally. A love balanced, tonal and in weight distribution. It will happily pivot on the knee and purr/growl sublimely as a lime.
  15. ahh hA....
  16. How do I get a pic up this site? Tried drag n drop but 'the message is too short' was the result!
  17. It's undergoing a strip-down, wire wool and lemon oil. I think it's spent a long time in somone's garage! Got it for a good price, no fret wear and the neck is straight. For some reason it was fitted with an amp socket that disconnected with the lead at a certain angle, so I've hoiked that out and replaced with a Neutrik barrel. The active circuitry and the single single-coil PU (Juicy Lucy) is staggering in terms of tonal range and gain. I'll get a pic up soon.
  18. Awesome collection! My RC is far more basic, more a Fender copy but has that trademark sardine. I've sent him an email. Cheers G
  19. Anyone heard of or encountered Ray Cooper Bass guitars? I've a recent aquisition, a minimal yet comfortable and good sounding instrument. Trying to find the age of it. Looks like a 70's but could be 80's or at a push 90's. Has a single active/passive single coil, plain maple body with an unusual mother of pearl fish gracing the centre of the body which is wax finished hog. Sports a birdeye maple neck and ebony fretboard. The fifth string gives it a model-vintage edge. :-)
  20. What is the better pick up for a fretless? Delano, Seymour or Knuckles? Single coil or buck the hum hmm? What about tone sustain and dynamics?
  21. In search of a little moo-wah into the tonal equation. Does de-fretting cut it or does it have to come preset? Opinions and costs? And was it worthwhile?
  22. Hmmm . . . The temptation is mounting . . . I'm looking for a fretless four or five strings. Though limited compared to the rightie scene, I like what seen so far and the feedback endourses the appetite. The flexabiltily of the TM is very appealing, with the split bucker and single PU tonal flexability is well catered for. Weighting was something I'd overlooked, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. Being a lefty means variety is limited, and the chances of playing prior to purchase virtually impossible.
  23. Having seen a few handsome Sandberg basses recently, I'm curious about the sound, build quality and reliability of these instruments. Has anybody experience of these?
  24. Not to mention harder string tension
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