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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. Are those shoes available with the logo, size 9 ?
  2. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1330455510' post='1557839'] Well quantum physics used to predict that everything would happen an infinite number of times. Now they're saying that time will actually end at some point, so that doesn't happen. Sad but true. [/quote] scientists are still getting to grips with it all. we know so little! anyway, trying to find my big boot to kick Throwoff squarely up the a*** !
  3. Hey you! I know you are also probably under a lot of stress with certain events (positive!) coming up but... What gives you the right to deny the world your musical input?!!!! Quit moping, believe the right gig will turn up, get oh so enthusiastic about it...............and it will (according to Quantum Physics LIke life in general, music has to have highs and lows. See it through. My band going through turmoil right now. Half expecting it to fold very soon. Ah well, if it's not meant to be, something else is. Come on man!
  4. anything specific? I know Howard the BassDoc here at BC makes pickguards to order.Did a great one for me. I am sure he can help you with other stuff.Has lots of contacts and magic pockets! Search for Bassdoc and pm him. A very helpful and enthusiastic chap
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1330382349' post='1556709'] Late night read of BC again raises the twin spectres of 'cutting through' and/or 'sitting in' the mix. Am I alone in thinking that 'cutting through' is not in itself a good thing, despite the fact that many bassists clearly aspire to it? OK, certain genres might require it, but 'sitting in' seems so much more preferable in most? Slightly beer inspired post BTW [/quote]Hey!!! sober up!!!(slap, slap, cold water over head) I refer to cutting through as not becoming a muddy wash with bottom end keyboards. that's what p***** me off.
  6. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1330362269' post='1556252'] Another Wizard fan with a Squier P/J here - got a Thumper and an 84 in mine. To be honest the J doesn't really do it for me, although that's more my preference and no criticism of the pickup at all. I use the P pickup pretty much exclusively and it holds its own against other (much more expensive) basses. Andy's service is excellent too - he tweaked my 84 to be a better match for the Thumper and for the tone I was after rather than just throwing a stock set in the post. Top bloke. [/quote] I emailed him last week,heard nothing back.
  7. Ibanez copy of Dan Armstrong. original pups, scratchplate, electronics and knobs and saddle went missing around 20 years ago.So, after 20 years of being a stripped ornament.... Some EMG selects and scratchplate/knobs and saddle supplied by BC's Bassdoc (split on pup casing no biggie) Great short scale for my son to learn on. Warwick Rockbass 'pimped'. My own work....didn't know where to stop! UUUUUUUGLY! Beat this thing up as a project with my young son. Then picked it up, and it actually plays really well for a Westfield. Pity my arm keeps knocking the volume knob (L/H me, R/H bass)
  8. [b]quote: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I tried playing in shades once because I thought it would look really cool. Couldn't see a ****ing thing and had to take them off after the first song. What a gip![/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]haha! been there! then drilled 2 small holes in the bottom right of my shades, in direction of fingerboard (fretless). result![/font][/color]
  9. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1330379831' post='1556639'] Used to be black shirt & jeans, but I have recently become a convert to the [url="http://sh*teshirts.com/pictures"]sh*teShirt[/url] so now its one of those, jeans & my trusty Converse [/quote] are those shirts decent quality? that is a serious q by the way
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1330363701' post='1556274'] Hard to replicate his revolutionary techniques and creativity though. Oh, and radically change the course of modern music. [/quote] as I said, the sound, not the genius
  11. Covers band Pubs Clubs In pubs you can wear what you want. In the clubs (working mens) you have to look a little bit different from say, someone in the audience. I do the clubs and trainers are a no-no! There is no written law, it's just a thing that people stick to. Black jacket, shirt and dress pants. black shoes. 2nd spot, More casual but smart shirt and jeans. I sometimes wish I was back on the pub scene where the music is the most important thing!
  12. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1330343873' post='1555861'] Are you sure it's not new ears you need?? I joke by the way! [/quote] er, the Jamerson sound.... not hard to replicate that! Someone said that perhaps the recording technology of way back then perhaps didn't do the P bass justice. We all know that JJ was a stubborn man when it came to changing strings. In the end his old strings lost him work.
  13. I have ample head room on stage. Thing is, no mixer out front (on stage), so once it's mixed, that's it for the night. As for the reference to some P bassists, the ones mentioned seemed to be plectrum players _JJB, Bruce Foxton (There was a Wal in the Wal Factory waiting for Foxton to collect when I was there in 84) Phil Lynott etc. I love that sound, but I am primarily a finger style, and I can get close to that with the Warwick. Great presence, despite what you traditionalists might think of them! Discreet may be right. It probably isn't a P bass that I need. Anyway I have just heard that my P/J Squier just sold (had it up for, but was having second thoughts) One day, I wil own one, even if it's for a Motown tribute session cheers all!
  14. New mastersounds bassist....!!!!!! wow. Thanks so much for the examples. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a traditional P bass sound I want. Isn't it rather dull? Don't tell me this is what all the fuss is about! I can get that sound out of a Westfield bass that I have. I am thinking that what I would get is more volume? I can't see that sound cutting through my band at full tilt. I have to cover songs from Lady Ga Ga to Kings of Leon, to Disco, to Bon Jovi. Am I asking too much of one bass? Please, P bass owners, don't be offended by my comments on the sound. I WANT to play a P bass, but it has to have presence to work for me.
  15. Looking at [b]Wizard Trad[/b] pick up. Not being brought up on Fenders, can someone recommend a track where I can clearly hear what is meant my [i]that[/i] sound, so that I might get an idea what one of these pick ups might add to a Squier? youtube links, whatever thanks
  16. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1330292401' post='1555390'] The whole Squier/Fender thing has made me realise something very odd going on in my attitudes. A tin of beans is just a tin of beans as far as I'm concerned, regardless of if it's got Tesco or Heinz printed on the label. An estate car is just an estate car to me, doesn't matter whether it's made by Renault or Mercedes. A teeshirt is just a teeshirt, I don't care if it's made by Asda or some upyerbum designer label. But tell me to choose between a Fender or a Squier and the Squier will lose every time because I wouldn't even pick it up - how odd... [/quote] who was the tennis player who beat someone using a frying pan in a fun match? If you can PLAY, people will be even more impressed with a Squier logo on your headstock.
  17. I dropped my strap by about 2 inches on my Warwick Corvette last night and was experiencing wrist problems. Long neck, not long arms plus bass height can cause difficult angles to the wrist.
  18. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1330189887' post='1553961'] I've seen and handled some really horrible uninspiring Squiers but also had a few very very good examples.. [/quote] I would also say the same about Fender basses.Some beauties, some stinkers. Mind, I am limited to lefties. Anyone agree?
  19. Weird how a given bass can sound 'twee' in one song and thunder through the next. That is usually when you are fighting against bottom-heavy keyboards, but just the guitars,...hmmmm.... I've played that song and played the verse ( I think we did it in key of B around the 14th fret on the A string as opposed to the thinner sounding D or G string positions. Sorry, I know I am stating the obvious, but mine sounded round enough. There must be something on your effects unit you can utilise to add depth?
  20. Welcome mate! bassists covering al styles here, so I am sure you will have some interesting exchanges of opinions with technical death metal players, and maybe the odd interjection from double bass players to lighten things up!
  21. [b]quote: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. Reminds me of Bill Bailey's 'Catastrophic technical failure at a U2 gig'...[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]haha! Soooooo true!! Guitarists! And of course if I bring a pedal along, "er....nah, don't use that it might steal my limeli....er......too difficult to get right in the mx"[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]****!![/font][/color]
  22. [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]quote:Oh, and the green DR strings glowed nicely under the UV light that was on and they drew a few comments...[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Yeah, but was it worth it if you could see white fluff on your black jacket under the UV? [/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]​well done 'exceptional bassist'! Sometimes you could have 20 fingers and it's the effects-laiden guitarist who gets the plaudits.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ha.... I remember the guitarist in my band doing "Eruption" and his effects were playing up. result: Dry signal made him sound like George Formby getting angry with his banjo. Loved it![/font][/color]
  23. Good'n'. Though Barnsley clubs like their rock, we were reasonably received .songs verdict by a Barnsley friend: "50% were alreeet, 25% were goood, 25% were chuffin' crap" (the latter referring to Lady GA Ga, Any Winehouse types) I think the tallest girl in Barnsely was dancing in front of me. Looked like she was wearing stilts. Oh, clubland!
  24. close encounters of the bass kind Barney?
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