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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1330113480' post='1553065'] I've never seen a 'cool' Warwick ... Mel is looking for something stylish [/quote] I've played some plug-ugly basses or R/H upside-down. Aaaaalways get them to sound cool [b]Beauty is in the [i]ear[/i] of the beholder![/b]
  2. Surely your Warwick which you are wanting to part with is a suitable weight? Maybe mine just feels light compared to my Mahogany-core Wal I really don't think Fender has anything over a good Warwick, except for the reluctance of the bass world to let go of old 'benchmarks' and of course, no one raises their eyebrow if you have a fender around your neck.(ooh, controversial I am!) sorry, I digress!
  3. Its not a clear pic, but the inside of the electonics cover has the usual stickers, the off white one, the guild, etc. all electronics identical, colour of plastics ,Multi-layered body woods exact etc. Would be an incredible fake, come on guys! . If I was the owner I would contact Paul at Electric Wood to take it over and have him verify it.
  4. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1330076877' post='1552238'] It went: "dum dum dumdi dum dum dum dum dumdi dum dum dum dum dum..." [/quote] As I thought!
  6. without examples........how do we explain?!! good luck with this one! off topic, KIt R. album sounds a goodn. Ordering a hard copy in the morning.
  7. its as purple as a purple people eaters purple pyjamas. Looking forward to your purple moment,
  8. Dear me. I think we all need to lighten up. for me, this is a brilliant performance. Wilco Johnson on guitar. Perfect guitar playing? No. Or is it? In the context of the song and visuals of the band, YES! Raw, but anyone who saw him live around this era can't not have been caught in the buzz of it all. And that's what playing live is all about. capturing the audience. http://youtu.be/6nyeSGaBcrA
  9. buzz "easily fixed" just fix it and it won't be a negative to point out
  10. One will be beautiful, the other exquisite.
  11. Yes, just make one. get it to 'jam' in between your pick ups so your not attaching it to your bass. if it's what you want, great.If not, can I have it so I can make 2 cheese wedges out of it to keep gear load-in doors open?
  12. I would imagine a lot of players that some may consider' average', are in a band because they have the personality required to make things click. who are we to question any SUCCESSFUL band's lin-up?
  13. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1329948935' post='1550379'] Jamereo Artis Regardless of whether you like his style of music or not, to say it's dross is just your opinion, many will have a different one Sound is dire but the guy isn't just a pretty face. [media]http://youtu.be/Oqz0-IA8EAo[/media] Peter [/quote] that 2nd vid pretty much shows this guy is well capable of doing everything he did on the Brits LIVE if required to do so. Watch his face on this vid. barely bats an eyelid through some real slick licks. A total natural. Give it up for da man!
  14. [quote name='jackduran' timestamp='1329951878' post='1550466'] I can play the intro, learnt it by ear and it sounds right with the track, though not attempted the rest of it yet with my very limited slap skills! Thank for posting. [/quote] piece of Pi** slapping this. Nice tho. Great player, Mr Beggs £20,000!!!!!!
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1328351008' post='1525779'] Apropos of nothing at all, I bought a black Wal Pro IIe from Silverfoxnik a couple of years ago, and sold it to Clarky six months later. The following year, I discovered that it was Nick's original Wal, the one he played [i]Too Shy [/i]on. [/quote] and all this time I thought it was a MM...well I never I was playing Too Shy on my Wal when it was in the charts. All the time thinking," Not a bad tone impersonation considering I don't have a MM" haha
  16. Only person's name i wouldn't clear off the back of a Wal would be Elvis Presley Good move. Percy Jones, Percy the Train, whoever...get off that beautiful bass!! A lot of money, but these things will outlive all of us,and bring so much pleasure. Money? priceless.
  17. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1329950022' post='1550401'] this bass is now mine people [/quote] Nice! if it's your first, welcome to the wonderful world of Wal basses.
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1329946174' post='1550294'] My new svelte physique [/quote] guitarist needs to sort his Mullet hairstyle
  19. hmm....TBH when it was first on someone in my living room was talking, and I watched out of the corner of my eye assuming the band were miming. Even if he was, it will be his playing and there are some great choices of notes throughout. I take on board that his dancing and totally relaxed look leans towards someone who isn't concentrating.
  20. In case you missed his fantastic performance, listen and watch this guy groove! http://youtu.be/W6fgjUpNnME
  21. pick ups are a bit of a lottery by the looks of it!
  22. seller responded to my q's with pic of inside of electrics cover. stands by the serial number see Q and A further down page [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251001143691#ht_500wt_1287"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251001143691#ht_500wt_1287[/url]
  23. bugger! I should maybe have been more patient and looked into wiring differently? Listening to the Smiths.....grrreat sound I'd like to replicate.
  24. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1329910963' post='1549433'] What model pups and what pots are you using? [/quote] the Dimz's were oldish models (?) cream. Sorry but I've never ben up on gear/fiddly bits, just the playing. All I know is, they didn't do it for me. What's back on at the moment is the stock Squier pups. Daren't risk them with band. I get 30 seconds to sound check! edit: sorry forgot. stock pots. roll off is severe.better ones improve that?
  25. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1329903125' post='1549211'] Big Muff Pi, and yes [/quote]How embarrassing. I own a Big Muff Pi !! Not gigged it yet. I would imagine a decent synth sound with my OC-3 and chorus.
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