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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. You have to think in context. Plays the songs live with conviction/contributes interesting patterns from the writing stage.? For me, Bruce Thomas does exactly that.
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1329683382' post='1545944'] I thought I wanted effects, had some, sold some, bought a bass floor pod, found I only used 2 things on it, so built them in a home made way, a SVT clone, and a chorus, I also stuck in a BMP in there too. Hardly use it to be honest, but this sat had to play paradise at a wedding so the BMP came in handy [/quote] BMP? wassat? duh! paradise as in coldplay? double duh!
  3. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1329870433' post='1549041'] Thanks guys This one is now sold pending payment/collection. [/quote]cool well, whoever bought it should be in for a treat. good luck with a car. I just had to write one off. I know I wont have to do that with my basses!
  4. £280 is criminal! dont want to cast a dark cloud on anyone getting an absolute steal, but for goodness sake dont drop any lower! Great sounding bass that is in danger of dropping to the price of a much lower standard bass. Maybe you could offer instalments option, releasing the bass when the funds are complete? I almost did that with my recent Corvette purchase (all agreed and set up with seller) until I came up with the total at the last minute.
  5. [quote name='malpasso' timestamp='1329748611' post='1546663'] Thanks to everybody!!! Conan: It's funny that you mention those aesthetic issues with Wall basses. Actually, the only model that rocks my boat as regards looks is the [b]MKi[/b]. I guess it was because of neck-dive problems that they decided to make Mkii and Mkiii longer in the upper horn. They may be more ergonomical, but that breaks the harmony of the original design IMHO!! [/quote] neck dive? er.......no neck dive to report on my Mk 1
  6. I had a Dimarzio Jazz pick up fitted to my Squier P/J. It definitely sounded punchier when on full (very sudden fall off of volume when rolled down) I then bought a Dimarzio neck pick up from ebay (original 70's). Sound check in house. "Hmm.... not as crunchy as I had hoped' Let's see live" What a let down. Boomy with less cut that the stock pick ups! After the first 3 songs I just wanted to pick up my Wal. One gig they lasted then I sold them. Now this bass might not be an American Fender, but it's a decent Squier and I can't believe the Dim'z's didn't improve it beyond just being louder. Did I do something wrong to not get a great sound? I've emailed Andy at [b]Wizard[/b] to tell him my ideal sound. I have spoken to him in the past and if he thinks something won't work, he says so. The thing is, do I risk another forking out for some pick ups that may not live up to my expectations? All I want is a sound that will cut through the band with some clarity and warmth without being overly clinical. I can't shell out for the real deal, but I really want to play a Precision of sorts!
  7. shambolic. cutting Adele's speech short for THAT. I do like their writing style, but to end such a big show like that. tch tch.
  8. was going to subscribe, but delay in the 3rd edition is putting me off big style
  9. I'd like to see a pic of the inside of the electronics cover. Where, as we all know, Pete or Wal wrote the date and wood used. I'd recognise Pete's handwriting (from that period anyway) edit: I've sent a message to them requesting pics of the inside of cover and serial number. I won't be bidding but I think it's a good idea for any potential buyers
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1329833508' post='1548091'] A cover band will play what they think the audience wants to hear. A good cover band will play what the audience wants to hear. [/quote] and how do you decipher one collection of people from the next to make them happy? I've seen the dance floor full to" Don't **** bel$~%&*ing", and another club specifically request that we don't play it because everyone there was sick of it! I've seen Great grandmothers request Pink Floyd's Comfortable numb and a biker crowd cheering after a Lady Ga Ga song. No one can claim to have the perfect set of songs. If you get an average of 80% where the crowd are whooping and 20% just clapping, pat yourself on the back. Iv'e been doing covers to bingo audiences, pubs and functions for 31 years. I've seen it all and there is no magic formula with mixed covers.
  11. Oh dear. Never mind Pete Way....... "Oh Lord, the mess I'm in" said this singer....... Oh dear!
  12. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1329771437' post='1547170'] Yes. Many many times, and pretty much all of those times it was wedding gigs. And it near killed me until one night I looked around the room at all these people having the time of their lives, and the other guys in the band were having a great night and it finally hit me that I was the only miserable c**t in the room. I figured I could choose to be happy or choose to be miserable. Happiness won. Having said that, a few years later I did quit a wedding band because I must have spent at least the first three songs staring at the back on the singers head and saying 'You're a c**t, you're a c**t' repeatedly. The world has a way of telling you things I believe. [/quote] ?????!!!!! if your audience are ignorant/abusive, then there is a case to feel aggrieved. But when they are having fun, why would you think such things? Get out of the live music scene if that's your train of thought!
  13. Well done! sounds cool. but.........it won't have that certain bass, 'mojo'........... coming from a an owner of a commissioned Wal Mk1 so consider me biased.
  14. Where and when are these available? Any UK dealers got them yet? Sorry but this is quite a long thread to search!
  15. Ho hum. I just don't get all the fuss about old Fender basses. Tried a few.......??!! Non have sounded like JJ B. Or is that cos JJ isn't playing.....aaah! As always, i'm in the vast minority.
  16. around 1 min. 54 on this vid with my old band mate, Baz Warne. ; ) hahaha! http://youtu.be/ePVjEWP3ik0
  17. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...................................hahahahHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
  18. That's a mad price!!!!!!! I just bought Corvette from BC and it's a great piece of musical art. This is £100 cheaper than mine (no complaints about the my price whatsoever, worth every penny) Come on people, get with the Warwick train at a very very low price!!!!!!
  19. congratulations! you have completed another mini-journey in your quest for bass fulfilment. lots of bands out there who will have a similar situation to what you have just experienced, leaving a slot to fill. just a matter of time.
  20. I've been actively using BC for a few months now and have been amazed at the amount of effects for sale/wanted/on display. Some of your effects boards are truly mind-boggling! I have to say, of the bands I have witnessed of the past few years, I've noticed that only a low % of the bassists use effects live, or if they have, nowhere near as many as some of the boards here in bass chat. I wouldn't know where to start with some of your gadgets.! My few effects have yet to be gigged due to time constrains setting up. I like 'fooling around' with them, but I know I can live without, gig-wise. I have to ask, [b]1) what % of your effects do you deem 'essential'?[/b] [b]2) could you gig without them? [/b]
  21. The one time I felt truly elated driving home after a performance, was after my debut stand-up comedy show. Missed my vocation? I do know what you mean though. Oh, and getting home, checking emails with a cup of tea and a snack. The solitude....Oh yes!
  22. Just checked. took out the battery, still works passively!!!!
  23. Having thought it through, I remember reading that a Wal battery consumption is about 1 year. Marvo the Memory Man am I! Anyway, all sounds good. Many thanks
  24. Hated most of it. Emergency by 999 slipped through for me. But I was just discovering musical instruments and knew that punk musicians were a pie in the face of the likes of Ritchie Blackmore. But a 'short, sharp shock is what the music scene needed. Clouds and Silver linings....blah blah...
  25. [quote name='Austin7' timestamp='1329236652' post='1539334'] An argument could be made for that, although I've encountered people who also didn't like his voice. As is the case with many people, what I like best is what he did with Cream playing the EB-3. I'm in the minority in that I actually like the loud, growling, muddy 60s sound of that. [/quote] Agreed. It's the no-frills (no choice back then)EB-3 approach, like my all time favourite, Andy Fraser, though 'honky' instead of 'muddy'.
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