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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. [quote name='Austin7' timestamp='1329171094' post='1538420'] I'm very impressed with Jack Bruce and always have been. His singing is as good as his bass playing, too. [/quote] I believe his singing outweighs his bass playing, well his fretless work anyway . Love the man's voice. Thanks for the link. looking forward to it tonight with a Warwick in my hands
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1329235318' post='1539295'] I once had my porn shoot cancelled due to a loud band next door. [/quote]not enough 'wood' and too much banging eh?
  3. ...the drummer left his drum kit on the bus.
  4. Calculator says......1000 hours divided by 2 X 45 spots, plus 2 encores, X 3 per week,, + the odd time where I forget to deactivate the battery during spots = canny few gigs! Cheers
  5. About how many gigs can I get out of a Duracell battery running a Warwick in constant active mode? My Wal gives me about 4- 6 months of 3 gigs a week. Great consumption that's hard to beat, I know. I've only gigged the Warwick once to date, so have no idea when a battery wil eventually go ta
  6. What about the monumental cock-up in Jean Genie by Trevor Boulder? I read somewhere that it was actually the guitarist changing too soon, and another that TB made 3 mistakes in that song on the recording! Still a great player with some choice runs.
  7. surely there are vids on youtube for this kind of tomfoolery?
  8. I've only just had mine brought back to life. Bit of a Frankenstein job on it with EMG selects (thanks to Bassdoc..), it's an Ibanez copy of a Dan Armstrong plexi-glass. Bought it for £50 back in 1978 s/h. I wouldn't take £1000 for it. It's my first love
  9. Welcome Scott. Nice looking set-up you have there! Jealous of the MM! Lots of stuff to talk about, discover and trade/buy around these parts. I bought my Warwick Corvette from here
  10. JOHN OTWAY CLIP.....absolutely hilarious!!!! I remember seeing Otway and Barret pn the Whistle test that night when he fel off his amp. I was a teenager watching it in bed. I woke the whole house up with my fits of laughter. Comedy/music at it's best!
  11. I've never been one for pedals. Owned one chorus and one octave pedal in 30 years. However I've come into a few recently. Nothing flash.... I would appreciate some of your expert advice on running order to be placed on a Pedaltrain jr board. Your reasoning would also be appreciated to help me understand why a particular order. Here's the run down: Boss CE-2B chorus Boss OC-3 Octave Big Muff Pi bass fuzz Behringer bass graphic Marshall Ed-1 Compressor ( is a bass compressor vital?) Oh, my main objective is to create some kind of synth sound, which I have gotten quite close to with the Big Muff, octave and graphic (middle 2 bands right down) Your help is received with much gratitude!
  12. You're not serious thinking this was serious??!!!!
  13. sounds like someone kicking a dustbin down a fire escape to me!
  14. I'll say it again! Wasn't the OP about someone 'getting to grips' with fretless bass? Some of the Percy Jones stuff is jaw-dropping...in fact it could make a newbie want to give up! truly brings a Wal to the fore. As far as tasty, traceable notes(!).... I would say just listen to the[b] first Go West album [/b](someone else mentioned Go West earlier) featuring Pino.It's tasty, but let's you dwell on notes long enough to hear your intonation. My favourites on the album:[b] MISSING PERSONS. and GOODBYE GIRL[/b]. slow songs with sublime licks.
  15. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1328807646' post='1533025'] Pistols or rapiers? [/quote] you mean, 'Sticks;' or Sledgehammers?
  16. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1328826090' post='1533493'] Agreed, and a great song too! You can almost forgive him for Hotel California!! [/quote] I watched Don Henley's 'Inside Job' Live DVD today. New York minute is a brilliant song. The bassist, don't know him, plays Pino's lines note for note. Pretty sure Timothy B. Schmit does too on Hell Freezes Over. Because, it can't be improved upon. Amen.
  17. leftyhook


    I have a Boss CE-2B. Why the shuddering? Unless you're using pedals for top-banana recording, isn't it good enough for your average venue gig? Pino used a Boss Octave for Tear your PLayhouse Down. If its good enough for Pino...
  18. Does one require a degree to understand the working of compressors? whenever I have tried one live, the sound just disappears when the band kicks in! Not a clue have I.
  19. Brand X? I thought the guy who started this thread was just getting to grips with a fretless??!! Percy Jones.....!!
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1328740929' post='1532119'] In A New York Minuite by Don Henley, some great fretless playing by Pino, apparently! That surprised me, I never knew it was him! [/quote] yes, almost posted that one. Beautiful heart-wrenching lines.
  21. A conversion,? Position markers being where they are. I had a copy of a Ripper. Big bass, but loved the sound and that big tone selector.
  22. Mick Karn's lines are superbly off the wall. Apparently he didn't know the notes on the fingerboard back then. I'm sure I heard they just let him rip and worked the songs around him. It was seeing him on the Whistle Test that inspired me to have my Wal custom built ( it used to be fretless) If you want basslines with structured modes etc.... this isn't the stuff to listen to. But if you want a ride with some scary surprises, Mick Karn all the way! this is a distinct bassline: http://youtu.be/O_F7LG3oX18
  23. Playhouse down....a bit of fretless practice needed to execute the solo!
  24. don't you mean creepy? Like Nosferatu with Mr Potato Head's plastic tash!
  25. Welcome Emlyn. Lots of fun to be had here if you enjoy your basses as much as the rest of us do!
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