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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1325358536' post='1482561'] Still in Love With You, off Live and Dangerous, Thin Lizzy featuring Mr Lynott [/quote] PLECTRUM DRIVEN HEAVEN! The whole of L&D, incredibly tight, considering Lynott's relaxed approach to the timing with his vocals. An incredible talent. Yes, good call.
  2. I have a passive and active bass. I use a Hartke 350 head with options for both. They balance out when in appropriate inputs. I have however used my active bass in the passive input of an Ashdown combo for around 4 years. No problems.
  3. Social club. Inside fire escape like the stairs from the Exorcist , times by two. Concert chairman, as we are about to go on stage, " My Dad just died and I've found out today my wife has cancer,.anyway, .enjoy yourselves" He was pi**ed by 7. 30. I love the working men's clubs, me!
  4. I once had some trouble with a seller. Ebay were pants. Almost automated responses. Long story but, to be honest, but it went on for about 6 bloody weeks. I think you may end up disliking the bass because of bad feelings. Personally I would write the situation off because the more it drags on, the worse you will feel. I recently bought a Squire P/J bass in 'perfect working order," just a few minor blemishe"'. True, except the fact that the truss rod is to it's max and needs repairing. I paid £90 for the bass.Will cost me about £40 to repair. But I can't be arsed with the hassle/dispute etc. I put it down to experience. I know the majority will disagree, but I just want happy bass playing vibes. If it's more about principle to you, **** it. Turn the other cheek and move on man. Good luck
  5. Just been listening to Best of Chic.(1991) woow, if you want to tighten up while getting funky....here ya go! Bernard Edwards....jeez he's da man when it comes to dance/funk. even if you don't like this genre, its true ' in the pocket; grooving. go listen and feel the funk!
  6. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1322342776' post='1449785'] Not generally a fan of the later Jamiroquai output but that is awesome! Great distinctive bass sound too. [/quote] Jamiroquai...terrible melodies!!! one saving grace, the funnnkeii basslines.
  7. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1325263588' post='1481501'] I agree with all of the above If it fits, swop it - you are unlikely to regret it, and it might transform the feel of the bass. While it (may or) may not make a huge change to the actual tone, it certainly is most unlikely to reduce it and, if you feel better with it, your playing will improve which will improve the sound in any case. While you're at it, pop a set of D'Addario Chromes on - smooth as flats but bright as rounds... Andy [/quote] Andy I've been using Chromes for 5 years. Brilliant strings. Beautiful feel, and as you say, a surprisingly bright tone
  8. As usual, I used my Wal Custom at a gig tonight. It sounded particularly special. The acoustics of the room were just right, and my bass sang its heart out, and my heart almost bursts with pride knowing that I have now owned one of these beautiful things for almost 28 years,.custom built for me. I will use it again tomorrow, and the next day. The other basses will just have to sit it out on the bench, this is the Pele of the bass world we're talking about! eternally grateful to Wal and Pete.
  9. Pete the Fish. Met him along with Wal when I visited the factory in '83. His signature inside my bass will always remind me of a wonderful, wonderful day. God bless ya Pete. x
  10. Attempting the truss rod myself = deeesaster! Funny, the Westfiled, which was given to me for free, has a lovely deep sound acoustically
  11. you have some grrrreat basslines to kick out with this project. Rio....mmmmm !
  12. I often buy it, but the reviews are so 'back-hander', almost automated. I think they should invite a working bassist to co-review. Someone from basschat for instance! A different 'public opinion every month. I just find that it's almost like they copied and pasted the manufacturers press release.
  13. So I decided I wanted a P bass, not enough cash for the real deal,bought a Squire P/J cheap from Gumtree only to find the truss is, as someone else put it, Maxed out'. I can get it sorted for say, £40 but my local luthier. But |I have a Westfield P bass in bits, I really like the neck, even though it may be deemed as 'cheap crap' by bass snobs My question: how much does a neck affect the overall sound produced? thanks for any help
  14. Hi can I ask if there was much difference with the bareknuckle pups? ta
  15. leftyhook

    Squier VMJ

    [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1323105033' post='1459357'] Yep +1 for me. VMJ 77, I upgraded to Wizard pickups and a Gotoh bridge. Also added a preamp (took some fitting that) to keep the levels consistent with my other basses, although I mostly use it flat. Its a great bass and I will have another soon! [/quote] which Wizard pick-ups did you fit and was there much difference?
  16. I just would not put up with a drummer who refused to keep it simple and know when and when not to be flamboyant. My current drummer (4th this year) is a solid as they come. I have no idea how flash he can be (no time to noodle when there's gear to set up, instruments, P'A, lights), but he plays the songs right every night and it didn't take long to lock in with him.For my band at least, we are the rhythm section and we play as a backbone for those in the band who crav e more attention...
  17. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1325066309' post='1479459'] Love or hate the guy, i think he's great, was nice when i was fortunate enough to meet him and agree with the comments about how much he has done for the instrument (plus the profits some bass manufacturers will have seen from him using one of their instruments). He's been a big influence on my playing, and not just the slapping part. Roll on October 28th at the RAH [/quote] Thanks to MK, even non-musicians have woke up to the guys on stage playing those 'guitars with 4 strings.'
  18. you might want to post on other instrument forums, i.e. not the one position already covered by yourself (guitar, drums etc)
  19. I may not be technically up as a lot of people on here, but the shape of a room, other peoples volume ( vocalists are obsessed with LOUD monitoring of their voice), the angle of your backline and furnishing ( curtains, carpets etc) can mean a big difference in sound projection. It can be a pain when you are standing 3 feet from your amp, happy with the volume, then you walk another 5 ft forward to sing and you backline gets lost. Then you take a few steps to the left to see what the drummer may be hearing. "Where did my bass go?" Ive had arguments with a drummer saying I was 'bleachingly loud'. I tried a smaller amp for a few gigs to shut him up. It turns out he was getting overspill through his headphones because the desk was set up wrong. Believe me I am not a loud bassist. Oh, and then there's the mixing on stage thing......let's not go there! Turn up. You have to hear and 'feel' what you are producing, otherwise you will hit your strings too hard, causing fatigue, causing a lack of fluency.If you can set up so you can angle you cabs away slightly from the rest of the band. I'm off to a gig tonight and I know I will have to set up in a different way that I did the last gig.If you can have your own monitor, or better still in-ear monitors then you will always be smiling.
  20. begin by forgetting jazz and play something exciting. ho-ho ho, merry xmas!
  21. Depends if you choose to use roundwounds, in which case read up on Jaco's Jazz bass! I used roundwounds on my Wal ebony fretless fingerboard and ripped it up. nasty buzz spots. I always use flats on a fretless. D'addario Chromes for me. Fab. BTW my Wal is sadly no longer fretless due to wearing the fingerboard too many times with rounds . Be warned!
  22. I have to say that my Squire VM Jazz is ok, but I saw an American jazz in a store recently and it visually just blew mine out of the water. Beautiful grain. I recently bought a Squire P/J bass s/h. Oh dear. I may have problems with the neck. risen frets at the dusty end. Suddenly my Jazz feels like a more quality bass! You certainly can get lucky with a cheap bass. I didn't . So I won't ever buy a cheap bass without trying first. In fact, I will never buy a cheap bass again. I have been playing for over 30 years and know I deser e much better than what I have been allowing myself to put up with. I have a Wal. Sublime. As for a bit of variation, an American Fender precision, or maybe a Warwick . Oh, to make things more difficult for myself, before I was born I decided to be left-handed. tch!
  23. shows dedication has been applied, but not associated with laying down a tight bang-on groove that inspires the singer with confidence and inspiration. everyone to their own!
  24. It was mark King who influences me to bugger up the fingerboard on my fretless with roundwounds Outstanding talent though, and a very funny guy. I tried those stupidly light gauge (with the exposed core over the bridge) strings he used and found that my slapping fluency crept up several notches, but I also had to crank up my bottom end to compensate. Only ever had the one set.Felt like I was playing a banjo. Not sure if this has been covered,...."split thumb"?? He may very well have split it at one time, but it is my belief that he tapes his thumb to add more weight to help his attacking sound and speed. Back in '83 ishI tried it for a few gigs (Lessons in Love on my fretless, my arm was burning half way through without the tape!) and it was great. His style spurned a thousand clones and that has to be admired, but....Come on Mark, come clean! Ok, I am here to be shot at for my controversial thoughts. BTW fave album "Level 42" song, Heathrow. "Ba-b-b-b-b-ba-b-b-b-b....."
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