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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. sounds as good as other stuff out there of this genre.
  2. [quote name='Jimmi Clarke' timestamp='1363221255' post='2010201'] If your wanting more of the 'mwah' tone you'll need to adjust the action of the bass down to just up a bit from buzzing. That's where that meah sound lies. Most of your tone is actually the way you play, there's more tone in your fingers than any pickup. I'd encourage you to practice unplugged to get the 'mwah' vibe happening. Pretty much all the pickups listed above will do a great job!! [/quote] yes indeed. may have been said, but your plucking hand near the end of the fingerboard gets more of a "mwaa" technique is more important than electronics.
  3. first off, if you are unsure about playing fretless. don't convert one of your beloved basses. Don't you know anyone who would lend you one for a few weeks to see how you get on?
  4. Loved it when he played "KING OF THE SWINGERS" when i was a kid. It was sometimes the nearest I got to experiencing Jungle Book until the odd snippet Disney Christmas special.
  5. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1362663126' post='2002932'] Hey man if you want to put a Fender decal on your bass then do it. It's your bass. [/quote] +1 WHY NOT!
  6. if the MEC pups are the same as those on the Warwick Rockass... they are indeed weaker that a week in Weakville. My Rockass fretless streamer has a superb fretless sound, but yes, very low ouptut. I simple bought a Boss G-7 ( bass version) and boosted the volume from there. you could also push the mids on a graphic pedal, play with your plucking hand nearer the fingerboard.............mmmmwwwaaaaaa..... job done! I think sometimes ppl jump onto changing pups, addin onboard eq etc when a simple job post bass can do it.
  7. Westfield's are great in the house..... but you might find the pick up lacks volume when the band kicks in. PLease, someone tell me I am wrong!
  8. 1978 I think it was, my very first gig at Newcastle City hall. Simply awesome
  9. someone hit me around the head with a P bass that impresses me!! I want to be impressed but......:OL Had a decently playable Squier P/J, put some Dimarzio's on it....it was just loud and BOOMY!!! Awful. I want one ( Scott Divine does a great job of dangling the carrot) but yet to find love
  10. Give me your bass and i can make it look a lot more pleasing to the eye than that...!
  11. Band logo?? That's as insane as having your girlfriend of 6 months' name tatoo'd on your face!!! :OP
  12. where in the UK is it??!! Oh..... Londinium. Bumdinium.... they look good too. tch!
  13. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1361745839' post='1990322'] At the risk of enraging the lefty community, I have to admit that I've never understood why left handed guitars/basses exist. You don't get left handed pianos, clarinets, flutes, violins, cellos, etc so why do you get left handed guitars? When you start learning, both hands need to learn a new skill, and I've never understood why it matters which way round you do it. If cellists and violinists can manage, so can guitarists/bassists, surely? NB: For the pedants, yes left handed orchestral instruments exist, but they are so rare as to not count [/quote] !!!! Ah man! really? Orchestral stringed instruments pretty much symmetrical........Fender basses for instance aren't.... knobs etc etc ... oh and if you learned violin there's a 90% chance you were encouraged to do so buy a teacher or parent who hired a teacher. Instinctively we pick up an instrument the way we pick up a pen... it feels natural to us. And, if like myself, no one around you tells you otherwise ( I was 13 years old and my parents didn't have a musical clue) you just go for it. It wasn't for another 2 years that my music teacher took the guitar from my hand - was 15 before I got to pick up a guitar in my wondeful school! - and told me I couldn't play it like that. Literally, no " oh I will fix you up with a tutor" just took it off me! I know several people who are left handed but learned right handed. I was in musical wilderness for 2 years learning the 'wrong way' ( tell that to lee Pomeroy or Jimmy Haslip) because I had no guidance. PLUS! I couldn't afford a bass so had to borrow a mates.
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1361740385' post='1990189'] I have a fascination with trying to find a right handed bass player that has accidentally learnt on a lefty bass upside down, the reverse of the Doves guy who plays a right hooker left handed for example, there must be one? [/quote] very much doubt that would be! as for playing a righty left handed....... did it for years. not much reach on a Fender style but there are many bassists playing right handed basses upside down.
  15. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1361733944' post='1990092'] In the early interviews Nick said he used Wal basses in the studio. [/quote] thangyaverymuch! If you haven't heard the album it's a must. some great bass work What a talent
  16. Throwing back to the 80's Nick Kershaw's brilliant debut album saw him playing most of ther instruments on it. I saw him back in 1984 when he had Dennis Smith on bass who was playing a Wal. It was NK who played bass on the album, but I am convinced the bass he used must have been a Wal by the sound of it. Anyone know the answer to this riddle (geddit? maybe showing my age!) [url="http://youtu.be/CVn3qg83qTw"]http://youtu.be/CVn3qg83qTw[/url]
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1361526934' post='1986906'] I played Hofner for a while after 20yrs of Fender. If you practice enough I don't think scale length change makes a huge difference and it's easy to adapt to the change. I reckon it's mostly in our heads and a lot of players are put off short scale before they've really tried them or given them a proper chance. [/quote] Well said . I just posted in a lefty thread how I learned guitar strung for a right handed person, eventually stringing left handed. Same with bass. So now I can pick up left or right handed instruments and play. Ok I'm not as fluent these days with right-strung basses ( thought my guitar chord work is more fluent righty ??!!) but as you say, we fuss too much over trivial things when the human brain is capable of tackling far more challenging things than short/ long scale. BTW I would love an EB3 short scale. Double-cutaway!
  18. Best bet is to have one custom made by a luthier to ones own spec. But..... on the other hand..... I played an upside down Ibanez Blazer for a few years and having to hold onto the neck to stop it stage-diving became second nature. It's not such a big deal once you adapt. I learned to play strings wrong way around ( Lee Pomeroy and Bob Geldof to name 2) but changed eventually. I can now play a guitar( not brilliantly but can get arounf chords np) and bass strung both ways. It's all about adapting. Look at Hendrix. he chose to play upside down even thought he could use any guitar he looked at.
  19. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1361710020' post='1989515'] I would have thought that if you're used to a custom-built Wal that you've played for ages then the Artcore probably wouldn't quite cut it, nice as it looks. myspace.com/wordsofhopefulconsolation [/quote] G-A-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-ssssssssss leak!
  20. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1361707539' post='1989465'] Well that actually looks very nice! [/quote] oh you ladies always see the positive in everything! It certainly does. I was watching it but once it got up to £280 I decided against it. Would it cut it in a rock band?!!!
  21. No it wasn't me! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/IBANEZ-Artcore-AGB200-Semi-Hollow-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Trans-Brown-Left-Hand-/160975929372?ssPageName=ADME%3AB%3AWNA%3AGB%3A1123&nma=true&si=GdBI4HiRE43JAU5sGFGD1UmbOhY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=p2047675.l2557[/url] My Wal custom didnt cost any more as a lefty. in fact they put together a makeshift lefty for me to try when i visited the factory in 1983. Now that's the difference between Custom-made and mass production
  22. What an outrage! Some poor bugger has paid [b]£370.25p [/b]in a bidding war on ebay for a bass that costs only [b]£369 new [/b]as a right hander. Did they research???? or just desperate for a model that is probably like hens teeth to get hold of in a south paw model? The pain of being a lefty Hope it was worth it
  23. for the first time ever I joined band without writing a thing down. listen listen listen..... then pick up the bass. Sorry, that was a bit off topic :OP
  24. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1361404566' post='1985637'] Yes, but Chris Squire himself plays a replica made by the same people. [/quote] ah right. yes it will be very well made..... but.....ugh!
  25. does it really make that much difference when the band are kicking it full tilt? I spent time gettng the right arrangement of pedals/sound in the house, only for it to go out of the window when fighting with keyboards and crashy drummy things.
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