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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. i HAD A BABICZ....... and....well....?????? Was there any difference to my Squier VMJ? !!! Do bridge replacements really make a big enough difference??
  2. A big thumbs up for Chromes from me.
  3. end of his solo days it all.as he looks across.... he was just winding us up pretending he has the ultimate bass-face!
  4. Could do stand-up comedy. Very funny guy.
  5. [quote name='Mateybass' timestamp='1281224361' post='918461'] At last, someone else who appreciates John Giblin, I thought I was the only one here. I've always been a big fan of John's playing ever since I came across it with Brand X. Percy Jones was technically brilliant but John always had that touch which seemed to enhance the track. Everything he's ever played on has been from the heart and thoughtful. He plays basslines like an artist paints detail on trees, you don't really notice the craft until you really look deeply into it. I had the privilege of sharing bass duties with Fred T Baker and John Giblin on an album in the 90's. Fred was a pyrotechnician on bass but a million notes where one will do doesn't do anything for a song except impress other bass players. John would be quite happy playing one note well. He is my ultimate bass hero and probably the biggest influence on my playing and approach to fretless bass lines. Nice one Molan [/quote] fantastic
  6. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1349375629' post='1825530'] I've used round-wounds on my fretless Wal for most of its 29 year life and its (ebony) fingerboard has had a bit of subtle attention on just two occasions. An Overwater with an ebony fingerboard will probably outlast you whatever strings you use. P [/quote] My Wal is 29 years old too and I wrecked the fingerboard (ebony) within a couple of years using rounds. nasty growls in several places. Bu I get the feeling I used to grip too hard due to using inferior(volume) backlne. Personally I will never use rounds again on a bare fingerboard.
  7. I was in Memphis for 5 days working in 2001... Gracelands a must. Experience of a lifetime. Beale Street.. dip your toes in the Mississippi, some wonderful 'slow-folk' sitting on wooden porches, beggars here, beggars there, a beggar in a wheel chair ( I mean whizzing around!) carry some dollars in your pocket to surrender to dodgy looking beggars It's a cool place to spend little time in, otherwise...hmm....
  8. So, reall liking my BG250 TCE combo. But, has anyone else who might have one had issues downloading the toneprints? installed latest version of software on my PC, combo looks like it recognises it when hooked up via USB, I find a toneprint for the 250 in the official website, but where is the download icon to receive? Also, got it to work once with my sons I-phone via the pick up on my bass, then after several failed follow up's, it reset itself back to the factory chorus. Do I really have to trail it back to the store? grrrr.. I reall want to try the compressor (BTW the octave is fabulous - no wavering at all)
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1346445673' post='1789455'] Are you sure it's the same one, not a similar one lost by someone else..? Glad for you; now look after it better..! [/quote] haha!
  10. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1348694101' post='1817135'] Well, I've been looking at 'beginner rigs' lately and have had some great advice of starting combos that may be what you're looking for. In terms of weight (and not size) the new TC Electronic BG250 has had some great reviews but as far as suitability for gigging, I've heard some fairly average reviews in terms of volume. [/quote] beg to differ. Used mBG250 last week in one of the biggest holiday park concert rooms in the UK and had to push the volume back a tad during the first number. Ok, I go through the PA too, but the drummer said I was 'rather' loud. I had a Hartke 350 watt head. Don't miss it.
  11. a pic or link to demo might help
  12. As above, the guy is as honest and helpful as as can be. All goooood! +++++
  13. Made for me in 1984. Ja! [IMG]http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd499/leftyhook/IMG_0822_zps3dc41216.jpg[/IMG]
  14. They last a lot loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonger....... for one.
  15. Clever, but it's a subconscious thing. like talking and driving... Just watch the brilliant Mark King , is he thinking about either when he sings and plays? Such ease.
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347657575' post='1803824'] nothing compared in what way? I tend to look for 3 things, how well it's made, how nice it feels and how it sounds [/quote] feel, mostly. . lots of the basses were beautifully constructed, sounded nice, but the feel wasn't there. Some may hate my Wal.. But, that was my point. A bit like the ideal woman. That ONE special lady, despite the super models on show. Although we don't get to play with them...... doh!
  17. So I went to a fellow lefty's house today to take alook at his bass collection. Mad! Some hadn't been played more than once... Apologies for any errors with the names but..... 2 Rickenbackers, a fretless and fretted Musicman, MIM Jazz, Custom shop USA Jazz, 'Hotrod' P bass ( I think!) A 5 string Yamaha, an Overwater, a 5 string and a 4 string Warwick thumb ( one of the early hand made jobs), a Warwick Corvette, a lovely 5 string acoustic bass ( something posh..) a semi-acoustic Ibanez 2 G& L's.... a fretless Wal and a 6 string that played nice but can't remember the make......and an Ibanez Blazer which I declined to inspect due to being bass-exhausted b Most felt 'ok' a couple rather nice, some made me wonder what all the fuss is about..... Couldn't tell the difference between the MIM Jazz and it's more expensive counterpart, and the P bass was a disappointment. I so wanted to love it! I got back home and picked up my Wal. Nothing compared! To me,, that is. Of course my Wal is set up as I like it and I would have loved the fretless Wal and both Musicman impressed. The ones I didn't care much for, the owner obviously did. My point is...... we are all individuals, and so are basses. What a boring world it would be if no one took just a bit of a page out of Leo's book and went in a slightly different direction I love basses me!
  18. Throwoff, I never had youdown as a Wal luster! I have documented elsewhere that I travelled from the north east to the workshop (factory? the place wasn't much bigger than my sitting room!) in High Wycombe in 1983 to try one out. I ordered one and still have it today. I have been having GAS for a Fender. Dunno why, seems the done thing as so many bassists of the stars use them. I bought myself a TC Electronics BG250 ( it's a weight/bad back thing) plugged in my Wal and..... fell in love all over again. Tight punchy middle-tones to low growl with the sweep of the pan-pot. Why do I need a Fender? GAAAS! I am off to try out a L/H jazz today... the guy has about 16 basses, including a L/H wal fretless that he keeps under his bed, hardly played it. Sinful I say...
  19. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1347542228' post='1802178'] I don't know if it helps, I wanted one for years and years, finally I got to play on one at a jam session, this one was natural with a plastic black scratchplate, two pickups, it was horrid, really horrid, almost unplayable - the neck felt like it was warped, the action was incredibly high and it still buzzed and farted all over. I handed it back with glee as my battered old Fender copy was returned to me... I still want one though - even though the one I tried was so utterly crap, the sound was like nothing else I have played since! [/quote] shock horror! really? a bad Wal?? not from the maker for sure...your guy hadn't looked after it, simple as.
  20. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1347554376' post='1802414'] im watching it.. Dya think its any good? [/quote] who knows! I think it's a known 'fact' that these basses were made in the Cort factory blah blah... Indonesia around that year etc etc good etc etc .... but when i have asked other people about Squiers they just say you have to get lucky. Decide if the price you pay is worth the risk. if no one bids, or very few, will you be able to shift it if you don't like it? Left handed....................... you know the score. good luck
  21. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1347474382' post='1801409'] Theres a black squier p bass on ebay [/quote] had a nightmare with a squier from ebay once! I see it is Indonesian though....
  22. stop fussing amongs yourselves and just be inspired by the best
  23. Where the hell can I find a used l/h Fender P bass ? Not arsed if it's this year or that year... just one that plays nice and sounds like it should
  24. ah yes....of course.....money money money.....
  25. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1347191163' post='1797802'] Unfortunately not.. site says "UK only" [/quote] What a bummer. Why ??????? BBC bollox. same when I was living in Spain. Just a wonderful, humble man. Wish there was more of Pino on the web.... but he seems to remain quite low key.
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