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mr pablo

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Everything posted by mr pablo

  1. If I didn't have all my next months pay caught up in sorting out my other P bass I'd maybe have been able to have it back from ye Bob, I'd swap you my 2x10 for it but its an 8ohm cab . . . . . . . have a Bump on me
  2. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='240755' date='Jul 16 2008, 12:06 PM']Too late I already bought it [/quote] Oh bugger! nevermind that'll teach me for being slow off the mark eh
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='224479' date='Jun 22 2008, 09:38 PM']ok, here's mine. it used to have some mods (hence the two small switch holes between the vol and tone controls), but now it's back to stock. it's lovely, but it's mainly used for 'on the knee' noodling whilst watching tv these days. as i said...[i]could[/i] be up for sale.[/quote] Very nice Dude! [i]IF[/i] it ever comes up for sale shoot me a PM
  4. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='236696' date='Jul 10 2008, 05:10 PM']And thats the most important thing. As long as you appreciate that the nice gear is mostly for your benefit.[/quote] Its good to know that YOU at least know that you sound good regardless of wether the punters care or not
  5. I think I'm nearly there, for me its my MIJ fender P bass with wizard thumper pup (strung with 50-110 DR high beams) played with a dunlop tortex 1.14mm pick through my pedalboard. I get a great tone from my DHA/peavey/trace setup (although I really want to add a 4x12 to it) but I travel back and forth to london to record at the moment for one project and for my other 2 bands we use rehersal rooms where the quality of gear varies greatly so I made my pedalboard to get a consistant tone whatever i'm using thanks mainly to my sansamp BDDI, I have an EQ pedal on the board to tweak for any room accoustics but usualy give the mids a boost from 300hz to 1.2khz to cut through a bit. Having said that my sansamp might be getting replaced when the aguilar tone hammer finaly gets released
  6. Its the same link twice dude but they do sound pretty sweet
  7. Hey guys an gals I'm thinking of adding another pickup to my current fender MIM/parts precision (the white one in my avatar), now am looking at somekinda soapbar in the bridge position and was wandering if anyone has any experience/advice on which one of the nordy's would be a good choice to partner the USA fender HW1 pup thats already in it. I'm after a kinda beefy but growly tone to add to the thump from the Precision pup, the control set up will be just a single passive volume with probably a 3 way switch to choose between the pups. . . . . . so yeh any advice greatly received
  8. Here's a few updated and better pics of my rig The rig is DHA VT5 pre amp, Peavey PV1500 power amp, trace elliot 2103h cab with upgraded speakers (emminence beta 10's i think? Merton will know cause its his old cab ) so its 500w @8ohms. I'm scrimping and saving to get a marshall VBC 4x12 as i used to have one and loved the sound of it even if my back didn't always like the weight. oh and here's whats in the case on top of the amp Rob
  9. you could send it to Andy at wizard pickups [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk"](linky)[/url] as he can repair pretty much anything, alternatively a Dimarzio model one would be a decent fit IIRC
  10. mr pablo

    Andy 67

    bought a P bass scratchplate from Andy top bloke and smooth easy sale happy days
  11. Bought a US P bass pup from Bob, nice smooth transaction and a top bloke cheers Bob
  12. send me your address and I'll see what i've got dude
  13. [quote name='BassManKev' post='226381' date='Jun 25 2008, 01:10 AM']well too late, bought now, seems to fit in with completed ebay listings, so if it dont work out il at least get my money back [/quote] I've got a couple of spare valves sitting around including a mullard 12ax7 that all work fine and if I'd seen the post quicker I would've sent it on to you
  14. Its a bit much if you ask me, £20 + is what you'd pay for a N.O.S one
  15. I'll have the Pickup if its still here? PM'd
  16. Thats me done for now until i can afford an new (bigger) board or decide what i'm gonna use with the bands i'm in at the mo so here goes. . . . The chain goes TU2 > cream pie > Polish love > BYOC Large beaver (or blue beaver as i called mine) > guyatone EQ > Dod chorus > punch factory > sansamp BDDI
  17. well here's my current incarnation. . . . . . Chain goes - TU2 > Cream pie > custom overdrive > guyatone EQ > Dod chorus > aphex PF > sansamp. My BYOC Large Beaver is getting fixed at the mo and that'll go in after the overdrive and the PF will move over tyo the space above the SansAmp
  18. mr pablo

    2X18 feedback

    Just done another deal with Will trading a yammy SG300 for his P bass, great comms and even sent out the bass before i could send the guitart. Top bloke and I'd deal with him again no problemo Robbie
  19. [quote name='Merton' post='207110' date='May 27 2008, 10:56 AM']Oh, and I regret selling my Trace AH300-12 too![/quote] I kinda regret selling it on as well mate twas a great sounding head just didnt really get on with the 12 band graphic, still sounded ace with the valve drive on full with a wee boost around 300k. . . . . . . . . . I miss my first MIM jazz bass as well, I must've got a good un cause its one of the best jazzes I've played and was the first bass I modded (badass II and, tusq nut and a new scratchplate) on my own.
  20. Hey Will, I have a Yamaha SG300 ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17377"]Linky[/url]) that I'm selling for a friend although I might be interested in this or my old jazz bass as part of a trade If your interested I can have a word and get back to you? Rob
  21. [quote name='beerdragon' post='203348' date='May 20 2008, 11:06 PM']is this one those that the guy out of Big country used to play. i always wanted one of these. shame i have other fish to fry. so to speak [/quote] I do beleive so
  22. I run Bass into tuner > cream pie (light OD sounds) > BYOC large Beaver (heavy distortion/fuzzy sounds) > guyatone EQ pedal (midrange boost to even out scoop of sansamp and add some growl) > Dod chorus (chorusy sounds) > Aphex PF comp (tighten things up if need be) > SansAmp BDDI (tone shaping/DI/splitter) > Amp
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