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mr pablo

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Everything posted by mr pablo

  1. [quote name='The Funk' post='121070' date='Jan 15 2008, 07:34 PM']They get the amp, you get a threeway? Interesting![/quote] LOL Its me who gets the DHA, someome gets my trace and ste gets someone elses cabs In all the deal is covering Scotland, England and Wales quite an effort methinks
  2. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='118567' date='Jan 11 2008, 02:47 PM']I asked in the courier thing, but no reply, anyone know a courier that will insure a double boxed guitar that has no hardcase?[/quote] It was interparcel i used to arrange collection of the MIJ P i bought from you dude, and it was insured as far as i can remember
  3. stewmac.com and i think wdmusick.co.uk sell some stuff for making pups EDIT: stewmac definately do just flicked through the catalgue
  4. [quote name='neilb' post='116761' date='Jan 9 2008, 08:22 AM']Put the Wizard Thumper pup in....nice!!![/quote] You wont be dissapointed with the thumper mate, I have one in my MIJ P bass and its great
  5. Think i saw some of them bad boys on ebay the other day
  6. Nice lookin bass Neil I kinda like the look of this one [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/spj62vwh.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/spj62vwh.html[/url] Add a couple o wizard pups, hipshot type A bridge and maybe one of the bound and blocked inlay necks they sell and i think it'd be a looker
  7. how about some stars inlays or some moon ones ala PRS have on some of the guitars? or go with double inlays?
  8. Here be a couple o good uns [attachment=4704:lemmy.jpg] [attachment=4705:philiplynott2.jpg]
  9. D'addario half rounds are a good option IMO
  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='112679' date='Jan 3 2008, 12:15 AM']I highly recommend the Hyperpak to cover most bases[/quote] +1 on the hyperpak I have one of the older ones with one knob and its ace, oh sound clips work fine for me
  11. wooo another fifer welcome dude
  12. Very nice peter, very nice indeed
  13. sold our Mr.sibs a fender p bass pup very fast payment, good comms and an all round pleasant transaction
  14. Thats done nothing for my J bass gass except inflate it to near bursting point very nice bass dude.
  15. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='101908' date='Dec 9 2007, 09:07 PM']whats the hyperpak like? how dirty is it [/quote] Well I've had a chance to give this lil badboy a go through my trace am300 12 using The_D's cabs (a 2x10 and a 4x12). HOLY S##T this thing is loud and dirty with only one knob its not the most versatile pedal out there but find a setting you like and you wont change it, I had the knob at 9 o'clock and that suited me to a tee, really filthy, grinding sound with very little loss (if any) of low end also it interacted really well with the vol/tone and villex booster on my bass. If you like a filthy overdriven to verging on full on distortion sound they get my vote (not that that counts for much ) Can you tell i like it?
  16. [quote name='badgerboy' post='102329' date='Dec 10 2007, 07:01 PM']Hello, I recently upgraded my old fender bass combo for a 300 watt warwick profet 3.2 head and a Hartke 4x10 transporter cab and was expecting to be blown away by the increase in power over my old 60 watt amp. However, after a few rehearsals i have come to the conclusion that the new rig seems to lack volume. Sound wise it seems a good combination, the head remain clear all the way up to 10. So either my equipment is faulty, which i dont think it is as it was all purchased new, or i underestimated how much power i would need in the head. So i have a few questions; 1. Are aluminum cones quieter than paper cones ? 2. would a 4 ohm cab be significantly louder than my 8 ohm cab or would a 500 watt head be a better investment ? 3. would an additional cab linked in series give me significantly more volume or just a fatter sound ? answers on a postman...[/quote] Hartke transporter cabs are rated at 8ohms if i mind right so you wont get the full 300w from your warwick head (more likely 185-200w @8ohms) I also read somewhere that warwick profets arent the loudest for their ratings. to answer your questions though IMO 1. dunno never tried harke cabs although they are on the to try list 2. a 4ohm cab will give you the full power from the head and would be a bit louder but so would a 500w head. 3. an adidtional 8ohm cab will give you the most out of your head and it should sound both fatter and a bit louder anyone feel free to correct me if am talkin rubbish
  17. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='101908' date='Dec 9 2007, 09:07 PM']whats the hyperpak like? how dirty is it [/quote] The honest answer at the mo is i dont know It got delivered yesterday and I've been very hungover all day (works christmas night out last nite ) but i shall spill the beans when i get a chance to give it a whirl. Tayste has one of the newer ones with 2 knobs i'm sure he's the best man to ask about it
  18. [attachment=4049:Board.jpg] Here is my board in progress Its my trace elliot am300 12's footswitch, a boss tu2 and a catalinbread hyperpak. I'm gonna add a chorus pedal dunno what one yet, a digitech BSW and an Effector13 2ADD if it ever gets here and possibly a good fuzz and phaser
  19. [quote name='vegas_hooker' post='100466' date='Dec 6 2007, 07:37 PM']Just out of curiosity. What does the Mesa EQ box do?[/quote] Think it swithces in the graphic eq on the mesa 400+ head IIRC
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