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mr pablo

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Everything posted by mr pablo

  1. [quote name='Merton' post='876801' date='Jun 24 2010, 08:12 PM']Epic win. The V-Type has an Eminence Beta 15, th e2x10 Eminence Beta 10s. All my old gear!! Bet it soundsmint together - I never used the 2x10 with the V-Type.[/quote] Tbh I've not been able to try it out in anger at low volumes it sounds wicked and the combo on its own is awesome, just never had the minerals to give it full whack at home and the band ain't doin much atm as our singer is pregnant and nearly due
  2. here's my latest : trace elliot v-type 1x15 combo + trace elliot 2103h 2x10 cab (with eminince beta 10's in it think the combo has had a speaker upgrade as well at some point) = nice and for good measure theres one of my ole ibby n hofner and my pedalboard as well [attachment=52899:IMAG0022.jpg] [attachment=52900:IMAG0020.jpg] [attachment=52901:IMAG0021.jpg] [attachment=52902:IMAG0024.jpg]
  3. I love it mate its stupid loud imo and sounds ace. Looks like I have your old rig then lol cause I traded my GK with del for the combo
  4. Bump for a top bloke, bought a few bits from mert over the years and I'd have the pre as well if I didnt have a v-type combo already
  5. sold Chris my micro br, fast payment and an all round good bloke to deal with Have fun with it mate
  6. bump
  7. Back to the top guys i really need to shift this on now will consider offers
  8. Hey folks, i'm in a wee bit of a financial pickle atm so i need to shif some bits fast I'm selling my boss micro br mint condition with box and manuals etc as its not getting any use. Looking for £80 posted for it, will get some pics up when i get in this evening more info [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productdetails.aspx?p=818"]Here[/url] any q's give me a shout cheers
  9. Bump for edit and price drop
  10. BuMp to the top my laptops graphics card is on the way out help me get a new one! still looking at offers of £85 posted
  11. BuMp back on ebay as it didnt sell will listen to offers around £85 posted or trades
  12. back to the top will listen to offers or trades
  13. BuMp
  14. bump wah sold on ebay, need to shif the hellbilly guys remember offers around £100 posted
  15. yep the wah works fine mate
  16. Hey folks i'm having a few money probs in the run upto xmas so have decided to clear out a few of the effects i'm not really using all that much, [s]First up is my tonefactor hellbilly its a great sounding fuzz/overdrive hybrid that does go from muse-esque fuzz to a grindy overdrive at the turn of the tone knob, check out harmony central for reviews. it's one of only 150 made under the tonefactor name. looking for [u][b]£75[/b][/u] posted for this I need it to sell folks as i need a new graphics card [/s] [s]next up is a Morley Black Gold fuzz wah i got off the forums a while back, cosmetically its in good condition and runs off 2 9v batteries i got it to tinker about with as the fuzz never worked and after a few emails with Martin Owen the wah is very fixable and very modable to work better with bass. its on ebay as well and looking for what i paid for it which is £35 posted.[/s] [attachment=37106:hel1.jpg] [attachment=37108:wah1.jpg] [attachment=37109:wah2.jpg] any questions feel free to ask
  17. I'd have this had i the cash i'd also considder trading you my ibanez rs924 for it but i dunno if i could part with it tbh. Have a bump on me
  18. [quote name='Kev' post='628433' date='Oct , 11:11 PM']mate, try and find a black russian (or green if you can afford it) on ebay, simpler solution and will probably sound better than having the us muff and the ehx. Or email owen electronics about modding your muff. I have recently received a US model modified by owen to green muff specs, plus a tweak of the tone control for even more low end, and sounds terrific.[/quote] Couldn't agree more Kev, the muff he has now used to be mine, Martins work is top notch well worth the cost of the mods which was about £30 or so inc p&p Loving the hellbilly btw
  19. sold pending the ususal to bassassin
  20. bump for some late night 'before' photo's
  21. I got this a few months back with the intention of refinishing the body and giving it a general make over, but a change of circumstances is forcing me to sell it on. pics will be put up after i get home from work, condition wise the body has a few dinks as expected of a 29 year old bass although when i took of the gastly blue finish that was on before i got a lot of them out, i stained the wody black and have put 2 coats of tung oil on as i was planning an oil finish. The neck is also in realy good nick the frets are in pretty good nick and although stiff the truss rod works fine. Soundwise it's a big beefy pbass sound not much else i can say about that. Price wise looking for about £100 posted or i'll sell it of in its relative bits. due to it being quite late here are a few photo's from before i dismantled it, I'll put up pics of the rest of the bits tomorow [attachment=34054:blazer.JPG] [attachment=34055:blazer2.JPG]
  22. this used to be my bass and its a cracker, i'd have it back if i could afford it atm but funds are low free bump on me
  23. Right I've bit the bullet and I'm going to stain the wood black and then use tung oil as the finish on the bass (way easier due to lack of space/tools etc) still going with the 3ply blk/wht/blk scratchplate. Any tips on oil finishes? sanding will start later on today once i've taken a trip to homebase for some essentials will post progress piccys
  24. [quote name='budget bassist' post='535216' date='Jul 7 2009, 10:20 PM']nice one, you get that off ebay? i was thinking of having a punt on that. I always loved that trans brown colour that a lot of the old ibbys used to come in personally.[/quote] Nope I got it in the classifieds as a swap deal I think i'm gonna get the finish off it before i make up my mind but keep the ideas coming in
  25. [quote name='sgt-pluck' post='535104' date='Jul 7 2009, 08:44 PM']Do you know what colour it was to begin with? If it was a solid colour, it's probably made up of errr 'less than pretty' slabs of wood and mightn't look so good natural. Having said that, a lot of Blazers were natural to begin with so it might look great back in it's original state. [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]This guy[/url] sells nitro in a rattle-can, and has some good tips too. Good luck - be sure to post pics when it's done. Pluck[/quote] Twas transparent brown or traditional violin as it was called so the wood might not be all that bad, i have had a look some natural ones and they do look awsesome like [url="http://www.gbase.com/files/store_images/gear/2108693/p2_uo5u4qrcp_so.jpg"]THis[/url]
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