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Everything posted by farmer61

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='432438' date='Mar 12 2009, 02:15 PM']I did 2 Army gigs a few years ago and it was the worst experience. The officers were arrogant twats (how dare you tell my wife you can't play her request) and the em's were drunken oykes (just plain belligerent and aggressive)! On the other hand, on several "tours" of American basses in Germany, the Yanks were polite, friendly and enthusiastic music fans.[/quote] Sounds like every gig for us..haha..we've got a Naval Gig in July and we've been asked to do a second, but we're going to see how the first one goes before deciding if this is really the direction for us.
  2. Covers band, playing Pubs and Private Functions (weddings when we have to!!!) - Uncle Jack. Trying to make step up from pubs to more corporate/private work. Keen to get on to the Armed Services Circuit, first attempt in July. May be looking for a second band if I lose me job which could be a distinct possiblity.
  3. [quote name='Hamster' post='428821' date='Mar 8 2009, 08:08 PM']Sweet Child of Mine? - not too hard and your fingers move around a bit! [/quote] easy???? + isn't it downtuned? My bass tutor tried to teach me this years ago, never got it.
  4. Not sure if you've tried here, great venue small stage, pyros may be an issue Colonial Bar in Horndean!! [url="http://www.colonialbar.co.uk/"]Colonial Bar[/url]
  5. [quote name='cetera' post='424172' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:56 PM']Cheers! Yes please...PM me... [/quote] Done
  6. [quote name='cetera' post='424123' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:09 PM']It's hard finding a club type venue that will allow our 'production' (firebreathing, indoor pyro etc). If you know of anywhere that has regular rock tributes and fits our 'requirements' in your area - let me know... [/quote] There's a new venue in Swindon, Stratton Live (Saw Hells Bells there before it was done up), not sure if it's big enough for you. I have a name and number if it's of any use. [url="http://stratton-live.com/index.html"]Stratton-Live[/url]
  7. South West, Cardiff didn't count it's Wales??
  8. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='423918' date='Mar 3 2009, 10:02 AM']Maybe he got lucky before the show?[/quote]
  9. [quote name='jon_kemo' post='411268' date='Feb 16 2009, 04:18 PM']Had a few offers now but nothing sorted yet! Keep them coming.[/quote] PM'd
  10. Excellent, looking forward to hearing the gig report!!!!
  11. farmer61

    Getting gigs

    [quote name='Andyalfa' post='420872' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:28 PM']One last question, is it worth signing up for an agency to get weddings/functions?[/quote] Interesting question and one I posed not long ago on here. The general feeling was no although we are getting together an info pack to send to prospective agents for functions, we're keen to get onto the Armed Forces circuit. For weddings personally I would NEVER take a booking unless someone in the wedding party has seen us, so a blind booking from an agent would be too stressful for me. So far my exposure to the agencies (v. limited) has not been great, they seem not to give a crap. I reckon it's phone work followed by recommendations that'll see us through. BTW we had booked up 2009 last Oct (only 2 per month) and a lot of these were new venues, I think timing is key cause I think by Jan most pubs have booked ahead. We've also got our first gig for Jan 10, a private do from our last gig so we're well chuffed at that. Keep on plugging away it'll happen eventually!
  12. [quote name='scrawntcher' post='420611' date='Feb 27 2009, 08:20 AM']Hi guys got a honey burst maple neck mm 4 string looking to sell for 700 or swap for an american jazz ( have to be the right one tho!!) let me know what you got!!! Pix up later today[/quote] May be interested for an american P swap (not Jazz I know)
  13. farmer61

    Getting gigs

    [quote name='Deep Thought' post='420221' date='Feb 26 2009, 05:18 PM']And venues seldom if ever ring you back when they say they will-you have to ring them.[/quote] And keep on ringing them, luckily (or not) I'm in recruitment (sort of sales) and you get used to knock backs all day every day and learning just to keep plugging away. Our guitarist (my brother) is the best blagger in the band and just keeps on ringing till he gets a response. Then as someone says above be professional in all contact that you have with the venue/client. We've done demo's which help but the best way is how you present yourself once you get to speak to the venue. Plus one lesson learnt very recently, if there's a resident DJ in the pub, be nice to him cause he may just put in a good word for you!
  14. farmer61

    Getting gigs

    [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='420166' date='Feb 26 2009, 03:55 PM']I regard the band as a part-time job and treat all aspects of the band as seriously as my career. I really think that every little bit helps.[/quote] +1
  15. farmer61

    Getting gigs

    Easy, get all your band to find venues and get on the phone, it's the only way. A good way to find new venues is to find out what other bands are playing at the venues you do have gigs, check out their websites and contact the other venues that they play. But it's phone work and you'll have to book ahead. Also offer to pick up last minute cancellations from any pubs you contact!
  16. Arrrgh, this isn't right. There's no dots and numbers, can't you write music properly!!!!
  17. [quote name='pricechris10' post='418934' date='Feb 25 2009, 12:29 AM']Hi Alex and welcome, I take it you're a fan of S.A.H.B. If I aint correct please forgive me. You'll find loads of stuff ( useful and not so ) on here. All the best, Chris[/quote] Alex Harvey was/is a God in my eyes!
  18. I can only go on personal experience here. Buy it sneak it in the house, wait a while then put it on display and if ever questioned tell here you've had it for ages. Yes that old failsafe.......lie.
  19. [quote name='cetera' post='406182' date='Feb 11 2009, 12:43 PM']Add me after Jon (Bassassin) please [/quote] Me next please
  20. [quote name='Chop' post='1213' date='May 18 2007, 08:43 AM']Gig starts, lights drop, can't see a bloody thing. Blunder across stage to warm greeting applause, Kick over bass on stand, kick mike off stage, miss cues for first number. Cool image over, Raybans on floor immediately ! Interestingly, the guitarist at the time thinks it ended up as the best gig we played, I thought it was one of the worst.[/quote] LOL!!!!! Great thread, been chuckling away at work to some of the above......I'm gonna get fired if I'm not careful. Done the sun glasses thing at our biggest ever gig (at the time), lasted half the first song.......
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='388717' date='Jan 22 2009, 04:40 PM']I used to like them but I think they fell into the trap of compromising the music to fit in with the current trend.[/quote] Damn, there goes any hope of some credability
  22. I going with my son to see Rise Against in March (I think) does that count, I love 'em (in an manly band appreaciation sort of way....ahem!)
  23. [quote name='samej' post='385105' date='Jan 19 2009, 04:06 PM']So i got the Stentor at the weekend, it's been ten years since I've played one and standing next to it, it seems bigger than I remember! I played it a little and seems good, no funny noises and sounds and feels nice. Looking forward to getting some lessons to check I'm playing it properly and getting on with learning. Can't wait until I can play it with other people. Yay![/quote] What price did you beat them down to?????
  24. 1) What do you look for in a music shop? Knowlegable staff who don't patronise un-informed punters A quiet place where you can try kit out without being embaressed in front of staff or other punters Good range of kit (new and s/h) to suit most pockets Repairs and set ups reasonably priced Competative pricing, I will pay more to have it now and in my hands than over the internet. Creative pricing (deposits down to reserve that must have piece of kit) Credit facilities ("I must have this bass now" syndrome) 2) What would you ideally like to see in a music shop? As above Perhaps a collection and delivery service. Loan service for amps etc in cases of emergencies - pehaps 24hr service Trace Elliot stock 3) How far would you travel? Depends if they have what I want. But have driven many miles to collect 2nd hand kit. 4) Am I mad to consider this? No. Cheap rents available Prob pick up reasonable 2nd hand stock Govt initiatives may enable loans to become more available Need USP that will draw people in. Main issue is cash, cash flow kills business esp in early stages make sure you can run for several (six) months without cash coming in, if you can't don't do it. I wish I had the guts to do it............
  25. Practice and if needsbe simplify the bass line. Saw Slayer once close up and while singing Tom Araya played quite striaght forward bass lines only showboating when there was no vocal, seemed a goodish move to me.
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