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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' post='826950' date='May 3 2010, 11:04 PM']hi all, expressed an interest in reading this book on march 16th this year, can anybody post an up to date list to see how far away I am please, cheers, Nick[/quote] It seems people don't visit this thread that often. I've been waiting for a reply from Hamster but it looks like he's got the other copy in circulation. Next on the list is RichValentine so I've PMed him and am awaiting a reply.
  2. This goes straight into a Stingray 4 with no mods except soldering 2 wires. It's as new except that I've fitted it and then removed it. It wasn't really the sound I'm looking for. It's a replica of the Pre Ernie Ball pickup and is supposed to replicate that sound. Also a cure for the weak G string that afflicts some Stingrays. Bought from Bass Direct this week for £107. £75 posted
  3. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='833463' date='May 10 2010, 07:04 PM']HA3500A head and an equally road worn Hartke VX 4x10 and I have to say it sounded absolutely bloody marvelous.[/quote] I played through something similar the other day. We were playing with another band in a biggish hall and the other band supplied the backline, which was a Transporter 4x10 and a 3500 head with the good old smiley face EQ that gets criticized so much, and that sounded fantastic too. I was seriously thinking about getting a Hartke 4x10 (for about a minute) until I considered the practicalities of lugging about a 90lb 4x10. There are some great sounding rigs about for little money but they're big and heavy. I would love to still have my first proper rig which was a Peavey Tmax and BW115 and TX210 but it weighed a ton. As others have said, so much of the cost of high end gear goes into making it small and light.
  4. [quote name='Dubs' post='831549' date='May 8 2010, 04:12 PM']oh dear, Andy... [/quote] I can't really complain. One in, one out is my normal policy. I don't like a lot of gear around the house and I felt like a change anyway
  5. [quote name='Pentode' post='831240' date='May 8 2010, 09:53 AM']I feel for you.... [/quote] The Southampton Superstore is truly my idea of hell on earth
  6. I haven't used it yet First band practise is on Monday so I'll know if I'm making a horrible mistake then. Anyway, off to Ikea
  7. I breaks my heart to do this but Mrs Martin is GASing for a new dining room table and my normal "but we can't afford it" response has been discredited somewhat after a couple of bass related impulse buys in the last week. Unless you're a hermit living in a cave then you should know all about these. It's the best single cab I've ever used. It's one of the first production runs so weighs in at a hernia inducing 31lbs. It's in excellent nick, there's a couple of chips out of the finish but nothing major. I'd rather not post but can meet halfway within reason. Any problems and I'll give a full refund
  8. [quote name='TheDisparities' post='825861' date='May 2 2010, 08:32 PM']I've got the fender stock bridge and want the best out of my bass so I want to cahnge to a better bridge to get better sustain/tone etc.. thanks everyone[/quote] If you're thinking that it's gonna give you an automatic improvement you may be disapointed. The standard Fender bridge does exactly what it's supposed to do very well, especially if you've got the through body stringing option. I've never really understood the point of isolating your strings from your erm...."tonewoods" by sticking a big slab of metal between them. I wouldn't waste your money.
  9. If that's a B150 I had one for years and it served me very well. Judging by the weight it was probably carved from a solid lump of heavy dark matter but didn't sound at all bad.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' post='825872' date='May 2 2010, 08:44 PM']Forget the P-bass..it will kill you on this... so no compression really required on a good jazz, for example...IMV. If you use a MM..then maybe you'll need more outboard. You need a boosted bridge pick-up and play hard down there....not so much hard as in dig in...but close to the bridge. Sometimes a delicate touch is better..... As with all things..he had his own style and owned it so did it effortlessly..the rest of us struggled..ha ha..[/quote] Yeah I've got the Precision strung with heavy flats with quite a high action which is ideal for the pub rock bands I'm in but I'm really struggling to play this style on it. I know people say it's all in the fingers but you need the right tools for the job and a Stingray definitely lends itself to this style. Looking around YT the guys playing covers of BE's basslines all seem to play with a very light touch which is something I need to practise. The old chiche of "it's not what you play but what you don't play" seems to be very appropriate here. When I first listened to this track it seemed that my brain was adding notes into the rests BE played but what I actually need to do is practise is getting the timing spot on. My respect for him grows every time I try and play his basslines
  11. [quote name='lonestar' post='825780' date='May 2 2010, 07:11 PM']You really need Stuart Clayton's excellent book: [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/tab/nile-rodgers-and-bernard-edwards-funk-and-disco-grooves.html"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/tab/nile...co-grooves.html[/url] It's all in there. As he's a member here I wouldn't feel comfortable copying the tab (and presumably infringing his copyright?) for you but its basically a run of notes over an A7 scale then an octave thingy over Em7 and D9. +1 for Marlowe DK too but buy the book! Hope this helps[/quote] Yeah had a look at Marlowe. What a smug git. Killer player though.
  12. [quote name='bassmeg' post='825725' date='May 2 2010, 06:14 PM']D then slide to E octave pop[/quote] That's the bit. Actually quite simple but made to sound more complicated by 'nard's tricky style
  13. It's probably not that important, just a couple of notes in the middle of the verse riff. I could stick anything in there and it would still sound ok. Just wondered if anyone had it written out. I do agree about getting the sound right though. My Precision just doesn't do it. Is he also using some compression on there to get that squelchy sound?
  14. I'm trying to learn this but I can't hear what's going on in the second half of the verse riff. It's after the first 2 hammer ons and before the E and D octave pops. Has anyone got any idea. Tab or notation would be really helpful
  15. juannycerveza doesn't appear to be a member any more so Hamster is next on the list
  16. This is a bargain. I played through a 4x10 Transporter a couple of weeks a go and it sounded awesome. Really clean and punchy. This is even better. If I wasn't such a lazy 40 something I'd have it myself.
  17. I always found Cantdosleepy and Paul, the very entertaining but they haven't been on here for a long time. Edit: and it's a pity maxrossell doesn't post here anymore. He seemed to have a very passionate and well informed opinion on everything.
  18. Agree with most of the above, you definitely need your own amp. I've never been in a band that had a PA man enough for me to put the bass through. As for the transport situation, I've spent countless hours in the car picking up younger band members who didn't have transport and I never really minded doing it. If you're playing pub rock the chances are you're going to be in a band with people older than you who will have transport and will be happy to drive you. Just have a look around at what's available. They can only say no, and rejection is character building
  19. [quote name='mrhectic' post='818251' date='Apr 25 2010, 06:03 PM']However, is it safe to power a 600 watt cab with a 575 head?? :S[/quote] Absolutely. I wouldn't take too much notice of power ratings. If it starts to fart out then turn down a bit.
  20. [quote name='mrhectic' post='818126' date='Apr 25 2010, 03:42 PM']yeah i was thinking about that. I currently have an ashdown abm 500 evo II. I dont think that is powerful enough to power it? the ashdown is 575rms i think[/quote] I agree MB cabs need some juice to wake them up. I used to power a MB 1x15 and 2x10 together (either Road Ready or Diesel, I forget which) with an ABM500 and it sounded absolutely gargantuan, so don't write off the Ashdown just yet
  21. It is indeed in my possession. I don't get a lot of time to read so I should be finished in a week or so. Who's next?
  22. [quote name='Doddy' post='816574' date='Apr 23 2010, 07:06 PM']I think the term 'genius' is used to frequently as a substitute for 'good'. Michael Jackson was a top class entertainer-but was he a musical genius? I don't think so. The same with Queen. I know guys who can sit and transcribe big band charts for every instrument from memory alone. To me that is more of a genius than someone who writes songs-the musical knowledge and understanding to be able to do that is far greater than what is needed to write a song. In my opinion of course.[/quote] I agree. It's a word that is very overused, usually when someone is gushing admiration for their idol. Tha actual number of true geniuses in popular music is very small.
  23. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='816566' date='Apr 23 2010, 07:02 PM']Hendrix absolutely.[/quote] But not Jaco?
  24. Players who had the vision to totally redefine an instrument like JP and Jimi Hendrix
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